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it is a mystery, how the fowl and infested waters which flow through my veins find a way to breathe an undead afterlife into this corrupted vessel, possesed by the wretched spirit of my being.

this answers a lot of questions

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I saw one (tumblr) analysis that claimed the better part of or all of even the old testament citations that people tend to point to as evidence of homosexuality being sinful according to the books, like Leviticus, are actually reprinted mistranslations from the original Hebrew language that originally had entirely different meanings. Examples: Leviticus saying "don't sleep with a man if you're a man, that's unnatural," in context really meant "if you're a man, don't sleep with another man in a woman's bed, that's being creepy and an asshole" (which actually wouldn't be the most convoluted thing in Leviticus by far, by the way), Romans trying to say that the roman soldier men weren't sinful because they fugged but because they fugged and weren't even homosexual*, a hebrew word that is now slang equivalent to femme guy/queer didn't mean that whatsoever at the time, etc.

*(as in they liked women, but fugged each other just to piss god off**. so "unnatural" doesn't mean "a man fugging a man is committing an unnatural act [because nature = man and women fug only etc.] and therefore is sinful" but rather "a man fugging a man when he ain't gay is going against his nature, and is probably just trying to piss god off, and is therefore being a shitlord")

**personal aside: lmao

I didn't manage to snag a lot of sources from it, though, and I'm far from educated on the subject myself, so I have no idea how solid that really is yet.

Also, possibly: gay people are a convenient bogeymen in that there are few enough of them that a society can intimidate them without even getting to know many of them, fear of difference, Judeo-Christian masculinity/gender roles becoming a bit of ashit over time

Edited by Rehab
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Well here's the obvious answer that I referenced earlier (prepare to feel dumb!):

Religion is a herding tool. Why do you think people are refered to as God's sheep? Because they're fucking sheep. They're dumbstupid and need guidance. I guess people were literally not smart enough to reproduce by having actual heterosexual encounters (at least not enough to meet whatever standard there was for successfully procreating back then).

imb dumb explain human racing to me?

Now we don't need it anymore because we're not as fucking retarded as we were but there are still dumbstupids who both need religion to corral them and are too ridiculous to recognize what is still relevant about it.

This would also explain the insanely harsh punishments for trivial bullshit (see: Hammurabi). People were just that bad. They needed some seriously strict mother fuckers to push them around, or at least that's what the strict mother fuckers believed. They decided the rules because you don't mess with a BMF unless you are also one and then history.

Edited by Aleph
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The old testament is full of things that shouldn't be applied to contemporary times because of all of humanity's advances,the only thing someone should take from the Bible is: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself".

And some other cool new testament thingies.

And the book of Revelations, that is so much more awesome than silly zombie apocalypse.

But the old testament should only be taken as a history book in the perspective of the Hebrews

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Please excuse any pontification.

Xenophobia arises when an individual struggles to understand things outside of their experience. The less intelligence one has, the harder it becomes for them to navigate in any environment. Because of this, xenophobia is predominately a trait of the unintelligent. Unintelligent individuals are likely to be conservative about change no matter where they start from. e.g. A conservative may have what we call liberal views but instead of being liberally minded hold to the same simplistic arguments with a simple-minded consistency that puts them on the same level as the bigots we call conservative today.

Straight people are prone to being homophobic with or without religion because homosexuality is outside of their experience. A lack of intelligence compounds this problem and can turn it into outright prejudice as the subject continually fails to grasp the concept of homosexuality. On the other side, an unintelligent person who is gay will not be homophobic because their experience makes it easy to understand; instead, they are more prone to heterophobia and other forms of bigotry outside of their experience for the same reasons straight individuals are prone to be afraid of gays.

As a rule of thumb: We feel threatened by things that that make us feel less in control. As a result, if it is different from us and we are not intelligent enough to navigate around it, we will become afraid of it.

Religion is a crutch of the unintelligent and other people in need of validation because it offers them something to rely on that allows them to discard the criticisms of their peers and listen to a single authority. A strong and intelligent person would develop a system of personal conclusions about how to live their lives. A weak person that struggles to make decisions will tend to appeal to an authority greater than themselves in order to move forward with their lives. This can be a deity or a state, and in some cases, both. For an want an example of the crutch nature of an external standard, ask someone who relies on an a higher authority what they believe would happen if all individuals were allowed to come to their own conclusions. A majority of them express a belief that people do not create personal convictions and instead will become evil and lose all compassion without 'the rules' in place.

People prefer ideologies that validate their experiences. For newcomers, this means joining a religion that validates them or changing a religion to fit their understanding, decrying the understandings of those who disagree within and without their sect. Children who are raised in a religion can have their understanding influenced, but a gay child will not grow up fearing gays because of their parents' understandings. They will understand being gay because they experience it but feel that they should not understand it. They are likely to grow up hating themselves instead of others, directing their conviction inwards instead of outwards. Even if they believe what they were taught, they will have a fundamentally different understanding of the sin than their parents and come up with different reasons to hate it than their parents did. In a particularly weak child, this could lead them to suicide or perpetual self-deprecation instead of the more healthy alternative of leaving the family and the ideology for something more comfortable.

In other words, personal understanding always precedes ideology.

Add them together and you get mainstream religion.

If the ratio of straight to gay is the same among needy humans as it is in all humans, then it follows that most unintelligent people are straight and therefore so are those who seek out religion and other types of external standards. Religions that appeal to more people grow while religions that appeal to fewer people do not. Supply meets demand.

As for why we hear it more from religious types/why religious types are more vocal... Religion gives a sense of correctness that its subjects could not find in their understandings without it. Having a deity tell someone that their previously ridiculed prejudice is morally right has a way of making the subject feel empowered and untouchable. All of a sudden, anyone who criticizes their behavior is in the wrong and they do not have to consider others' arguments. What's more, they are a martyr for being persecuted for speaking the words of their deity. They suddenly start to get brownie points for behaviors that previously would have made them an outcast. What bigot wouldn't want that?

In accordance with understanding preceding ideology, each individual will become more arrogant regarding personal prejudices that are validated by their ideology compared to prejudices that their ideology supports but they do not share personally. Your mileage may vary.

Edited by Makaze
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