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Looks like this has turned into a CGV and MaSu thing... SOMEONE ELSE WRITE!!!

Fox: I'm going into town. Who wants to come?

MaSu: I do!

Fox: Who wants to go into town and NOT buy swimwear

MaSu: .......oh, I guess

CGV: Yeah, I need some supplies

Metal Arc: I wanna play in the kiddie tubes!

Hika: Sure, I need some more weapons

Lyle: No, I'll stay here

Songbird: Sure Fox, I'll go as well

Bianchi: Naw, I'll stay here because I can finally be here without CGV and MaSu perverting things up

CGV and MaSu: Did you say something Bianchi?

Bianchi: .....no

Knife: Naw, you guys can go

Suzaku: I'm staying, I don't have much money, unless my bro will lend me some?

Serene: Hell no, but I will go into town

Suzaku: damn...

Kilvas: I'll just relax here

Cym and Des: No, were good

Fox: Alright. Let's go!

*Fox, CGV, MaSu, Metal Arc, Hika, Songbird and Serene go into town*

Fox: Hey song, wanna go check out the girls clothing store *looks at CGV and MaSu* alone???

CGV: Ew, why do I wanna see you trying on clothes? And I wouldn't spy on songbird, she's too sweet to corrupt

Fox: Well remember the locker room last week when-

CGV: Ok, a certain someone tricked me, ok?

MaSu: He got you good, too

CGV: *looks at MaSu*

Fox: Ok, we'll be in here

CGV: We'll check out some of the stuff around town

Metal Arc: Where's the kiddie playground with the ballpit and tubes?

Hika: Hold on there, MA. Were getting there

Serene: Wait, Hika are YOU going to watch MA in the kiddie playground?

Hika: Hell yeah. Watching him torcher all those kids is gonna be as entertaining as how Haruhi torchered Asahina e-

CGV and MaSu: YES! He's joined the perverted dark side! *high fives*

Hika: EXCEPT the sexuality part of it.... perverts

MaSu: Oh, you liked that part

Hika: Not really... though I did get a little aroused

Metal Arc: *points* There it is! Let's go Hika!

Hika: Ok, let's go. Later, guys

CGV: Who agrees that none of us are responsible for the destruction, chaos and mental scarring of kids that MA will do?

Serene and MaSu: I do

CGV: Hey, let's go here. They look like they have a lot of kick ass weapons

Female clerk: Hello boys, can I help you find anything?

MaSu: Well I just lost my sanity, can you help me find it?

Serene: Dammit, MaSu...

CGV: Cmon MaSu, let's just look for some weapons that will possibly impress the ladies at home *looks around* hey that sword looks cool

Clerk: Ah yes, this is a Silver Sword. Expensive, but does some serious damage

CGV: Hmmm *points* Now THAT'S a badass sword

Clerk: Ooooh, yes that is a Killing Edge that was forged to give it a much more critical chance to hit

CGV: Nice, I'll take it *buys*

Serene: I'll take that Silver Sword *buys*

MaSu: Heh, my sword is better...

Clerk: What kind of sword do you have?

MaSu: Well, actually it's-

CGV: *grabs MaSu* Ok, bye! And thanks... *leaves* yikes MaSu, you're really perverty today

MaSu: Dude, I was just gonna tell her about my forged silver sword I got a while back

CGV: Oh... right

Serene: Wow...

CGV: Let's head back *see's ultamite destruction and devastation at the kiddie playground* Oh boy...

MaSu: What the hell happened here? *tumbleweed rolls by*

Serene: Well let's see. MA was left here alone with Hika... hmmm... I dunno

Hika: *gets out from under a bench* Ok, I think it's over

CGV: What's over? what the hell happened?

Hika: MA got bored of the kiddie playground and found a ballista on sale and... yeah, I think you know the rest

MaSu: How many times did he hit this place

Hika: Just twice actually. He's scarily accurate with a ballista

Metal Arc: *runs toward everyone* Hey guys! I took over the kiddie playground just like how you guys take territories!

CGV: Anyone wanna agree not to tell Fox about this?

Hika, MaSu, and Serene: I agree

Metal Arc: I agree, too!

Serene: Good, now let's go see how Fox and Songbird are doing

*walks downtown to the girls clothing store*

*Fox and Songbird walk out of the store with bags*

Fox: Hey guys, looks like you got a few things

Songbird: What did you guys do?

CGV: Well I got a forged killing edge and Serene got a Silver Sword

Metal Arc: And I took over a territory!

Fox: You what?

Hika: Oh, uh, we played Risk at the toy shop

Songbird: Why do you guys smell like ash?

Hika: Well we did pass by a ballista!

Serene: Yep, sure did

Fox: Uh huh, well, let's go. I'm getting hungry

Songbird: Yeah, I gotta try these on for the girls to see what they think. They might like some of these

CGV: I might like them, too

Fox: *looks at CGV* We're not corrupting Songbird, right?

CGV: Uhhh, right, I knew that...

Fox: Let's go everyone

Serene: I'm all for that

Hika: No argument here

Metal Arc: Blowing up kids is fun!

*Fox looks at Hika*

Hika: It was the Risk kid's edition, hehe

Fox: *turns to CGV* MA took that ballista and blew up the playground, didn't he

CGV: Damn, you're good

Fox: Oh please, the second I smelled gunpowder and heard the word "ballista" I just put 2 and 2 together

*somewhere again*

Fireman: *Reading Death Note description* (One of Fireman's rival's names)- At 2:38 he will go to the kiddie playground where he will attempt to steal a woman's purse. After failing to steal the purse because of his fear of me watching him he tries again at 2:45 where he get's wounded by being hit by a ballista shot. After being in an intense amount of pain, he gets hit by a second ballista shot at 2:47 and dies a painful death by suffocating from gunpowder fumes *closes death note*

Fireman: Gotcha...

SOMEONE ELSE WRITE! It's ok, I wont critisize because mine are just made up on the spot, so don't be shy!

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Fuck my first post I got an idea

*Serene is playing Halo*


*MaSu walks in*

MaSu: WHAT THE HELL SERENE That's three days stright you have sat there, how the fuck haven't you had the need to get up.

Serene: This *shows that his bed is made of canned food. And that there's a hole that leads to the toilet downstairs*

*Fox and Kiryn walk in*


Serene: Hey, hey, this is for science

MaSu: Sicence, who in their right mind would use you for a project

*Metal Arc walks in*

Keep going Serene, you're going to break the sitting down and play Halo record soon *leaves*

MaSu: Like I said, an idiot

Serene: Okay then *gets up*. If you need me I'll be gone for a bit

*CGV, Kira, and Kiba are playing Brawl about 10 hours after Serene left*

Kira: WHAT THE HELL, how did I die this week

Kiba: Great Aether *hits Kira*

Kira: But I don't want to be Texas

CGV: Well at least you weren't hit already

Kira: Oh, then you're Florida, HI FLORIDA

CGV: hey Texas

*Serene walks in with a huge bandage wrapped around his head*

Serene: Hey everyone

CGV: Serene who beat you up this week, or did you go hunting again.

Serene: No I didn't go hunting. Especially after what happened with Kira

Kira: *remebers* But I thought you were Ben

Kiba: Whose Ben?

Kira: Our Mexican Friend. I was playing "Border Patrol" with him and I shot Serene by mistake

Serene: Yeah and I still got the bullet wound on my ass to remeber it by

*MaSu, Kiryn, and Metal Arc come in*

MaSu: Serene did you Barrel roll off of a cliff

Serene: No

Kira: Did you do a face-


Kiryn: Did Metal Arc beat you up after just walking up out of the room

Metal Arc: No but he's going to be

Serene: No I didn't do any of that. And before anyone else ask I didn't get any sort of Pie or cake


Serene: As I said, or any pastery. What I did was I went to some science testing faclity and got part of my brain transfered onto this *shows disc*

MaSu: Looks like a computer chip

Serene: You'll see what it does *plugs it into the stand he came home with*. Rise and Shine Wynn

Wynn: *Boots up and appears on stand like thing*. Good Morning Serene

CGV: Holy shit what's that

Serene: This is Wynn, an AI they made out of my brain

Kira: AI, *pauses* what does A stand for

Serene: Artifical

Kira: And the I

Serene: Intellegence

Kira: Oh *forgets* AI

Serene: Kira go hide in a box or something

Kira: OKAY *leaves*

Serene: Well anyways. They took out a portion of my Intellegence and put it in Wynn

Wynn: Yes, and I'm smarter, more entertaining, and I say DO A BARREL ROLL LESS.


Wynn: Though that was because Fox-

*Fox enters*

Both Fox and Serene: SHUT UP

Wynn: Okay, okay, I thought they knew you two played Barbies Horse adventure

*everyones jaw drops*

MaSu: WHAT THE HELL, you played THAT

Serene and Fox: Yes


Fox: Actually he was willing for about a month. Then I implemented the chip to keep him

Kiryn: Wow that's worse than what I thought it was going to be

Wynn: Yeah there's more but that's basically the summery

Fox and Serene: Wynn if you say anything else I will kill you

CGV: Wow I guess Barbie put them in sych

Serene: Oh shut up you no one cares. Wynn shock him

Wynn: With pleasure *shocks CGV*


Wynn: Yeah I can shock anything that has something electric on them

CGV: Bitch

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Well origionally I was just going to have Fox have me Force watch Starfox but I decided to throw something in.

Also I needed to end that since with Wynn's arrival in my arc I wanted to finish the Serene returning alive one

And last put no least, I used Kira for comedic relief

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Well origionally I was just going to have Fox have me Force watch Starfox but I decided to throw something in.

Also I needed to end that since with Wynn's arrival in my arc I wanted to finish the Serene returning alive one

And last put no least, I used Kira for comedic relief

Hehehehehehe, Mwahahahahahaha *couch* O_o

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CGV: *sigh*

Raven: Hey CGV, why the long face?

CGV: You know that saying "You don't know what you have till it's gone"?

Raven: Yeah

CGV: I'm feeling like that right now

Raven: What is it you're missing?

CGV: Well it's-

Metal Arc: Hey guys!

Raven: Hey, MA

Metal Arc: Hey CGV... why so sad?

CGV: I feel like I've lost something that I used to hate, but since it's gone I kinda want it back

Metal Arc: Oh, uh, that speaky toy I kept hitting you with. I didn't mean to-

CGV: Oh no, that's not it

Metal Arc: Oh ok, whew... So can I still hit you with it?

CGV: Not unless you want to find it shoved up your-

Lyle: Hey guys, how's it going?

Raven: CGV is kinda down, but besides that, not much

Lyle: What's up CGV?

Metal Arc: It's not me hitting him in the head with my squeaky toy!

CGV: Yeah because if it was you'd find it in a unique place... *sigh* anyway, Lyle it's just that... well...

Songbird: Hey, guys

Bianchi: Wats up?

Lyle: Hey, song and bianchi

Raven: Hey, girls

Metal Arc: *hits head "squeak"* Hi singingbird and branchi!

CGV: ...hey

Songbird: What's wrong CGV?

Bianchi: Yeah you look down

CGV: Well-

Metal Arc: It isn't me hitting him with the- *CGV shoves toy into his mouth*

CGV: As I was saying. I've lost something that kinda bugged me before, but now I kinda miss it

Bianchi: What is it?

CGV: It's-

Fox: You miss getting hit with tornado's by Zephrion, right?

CGV: How'd you know?

Fox: Duh, I'm your sis. I know you quite well

Lyle: He has been gone a long time, hasn't he?

Metal Arc: ngngggnnnnhhmmmmnmmn

CGV: My thoughts exactly

Raven: But none of that made any sense

CGV: I know...

*everyone looks puzzled*

Songbird: Well, you'll get better CGV

Lyle: Yeah don't sweat it, it'll be alright

CGV: I guess. I mean you are all still here, so I know it'll be alright

Fox: That's the spirit! Let's go brawl

Raven: For real?

Fox: You wish

Raven: I DO wish

Fox: ...let's go everyone

*everyone but Metal Arc goes into room*

Metal Arc: Hygtthsthngtfmymth! (Translation:) Hey, get this thing out of my mouth!

I'll try to keep this sitcom active. Feel free to write, seriously...

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Thank you Kira for this idea

*warning* this is not meant to offend any African American people and or Mexican's, if it does. Go ahead and warn me

Kira and Serene's wonderful lesson on racial sterotypes. When I mean lesson I mean they don't learn a thing

*outside of the base Kira is seen up in a tree with a sniper rifle aiming it at one part of the fence*

*Serene and MaSu walks out to find Kira*

Serene: Why are you in that tree Kira?

Kira: Sush I'm huntin Davis.

MaSu: Davis whose that

Serene: Our Mexican friend, who was the reason why I have this bullet wound in the ass

MaSu: OH, RIGHT, I'll shut up

*A man about 5 foot three inches came from out of a bush, he was somewhat dirty, and definately smelly. He came up from to the fence and started to climb it, then Kira shot him*


MaSu: How the fuck did you get a Multikill

Kira: I think I know why, *looks at Davis's body to see there was two Davis's*. He must of spawned right as he died and the bullet was still in his head

Serene: Wow that sounds cliched.

MaSu: Yeah that does, any reason why that voice appeared

*Wynn's female figure appeared on top of Serene's holo pad*

Wynn: BOOM HEADSHOT, yeah that was me

Kira: Yeah I asked Wynn to help with that.

*CGV and Raven come outside*

CGV: Kira are you huntin Spaniards again


Raven: Well why

Kira: They'll take your jobs

MaSu: What there isn't a job here, that we get paid for

Kira: They'll take your posting ablity

CGV: No they won't

Kira: No listen, if one Mexican finds there way inside here, they'll head back to Mexico and tell them how to come in here like little ants at a picnic.

Raven: No I'm asking why they'll take our post count

Kira: Well because they'll pay to post that's how much they want to be here.

MaSu: That's a little sterotypical of you Kira, and besides why don't you use your deathnote on him if you know him

Kira: To boring, and easy

Serene: Why don't you hit him with a box

Kira: Though that would be funny, no I won't.

MaSu: Come on Kira, sterotypes are bad for you

Kira: Bad in the fact that they'll tell me that you will steal from me at the dead of night. Yeah that's bull, but in certain cases, like this, the sterotype is well earned.

MaSu: Yeah I can see it, *davis comes back*. Quick get the shotguns


Raven: I thought we could go a episdoe of the sitcom that Serene wrote with out that

Wynn: NO it's like pie, truth

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  • 2 weeks later...

So. Here's the deal. I was bored today. REALLY bored. So I thought of something crazy. That I should write something for the sitcom. Even if it is dead.

HOWEVER, (and flame at me as you will)

This won't be like any of the current episodes. Instead, I'll only be focusing on the original members of the sitcom. Nostalgia attacked. There were no survivors. So yeah. I apologize to everyone else who is in this now. I haven't been keeping up with this at all, so I really don't know who's in and who isn't anyway. Let's just call it Serenes Sitcom Gaiden or something.

Anyway, without further ado, I present this crappy episode thing. Whatever.

PS: Keep in mind that it's been a while, and I never was all that good at writing these in the first place.

Zeph: Okay everybody! Listen up! I have some bad news…

Kiryn: Oh. Sure. Go ahead and make our day even MORE miserable with your bad news.

Zeph: AS I WAS SAYING, CGV was in a horrible training accident and is now in the hospital.

Fox: What!? What happened!

Zeph: Weeeeeeeeeeeell… You see, we were training on the edge of this cliff. Then all of a sudden, this crazy gust of wind come out of NOWHERE and blew CGV right off the cliff. With his final words, he passed leadership of the group over to me.

Fox: Gust of wind…? No…you didn’t…

Zeph: What? Just because I’m a Wind Sage you AUTOMATICALLY assume that I blew CGV off a cliff in order to become the leader of the group?

Fox: Uh…yes?


Fox: I’m just saying…you…sudden gusts of wind…CGV…


Fireman: You called?

Zeph: Fireman! Just the man I want to see! I’ll pay you 10,000 Gold if you tell her I didn’t try to murder CGV.

Fireman: Got it. Fox, he obviously didn’t try to murder CGV.

Fox: Oh. Okay then.

Zeph: See, what did I tell you?

Metal Arc: But you can use staves, couldn’t you have just waved your magic wand and make him better?

Zeph: You obviously don’t know me very well.

Hika: And why would he name YOU leader of the group? Why not someone as awesome as me?

Zeph: Because I’m obviously more capable. Odds are if you became leader, you would go off on a killing spree.

Hika: You know me too well.

Zeph: Indeed. Now if there aren’t any further objections…--

Metal Arc: OBJECTION! *slams hands down on imaginary table* This is obviously a set-up!

Zeph: *holds out 10,000 Gold*

Fireman: This is not a set-up.

Judge: Overruled. It’s clearly not a set-up.

Metal Arc: Darn. I could have swore I had him…


CGV: That bastard Zeph… Who would have thought he would try to KILL me? Totally didn’t see that coming. But I’ll show him. As soon as these wounds are healed I’m going to kill him back!

Nurse: Hello CGV. I’m here to heal your wounds.

CGV: …On second thought maybe I’ll stay a bit longer.

-Back in the Forest-

Zeph: Work faster! These weapons won’t polish themselves!

Hika: Wow. I never knew you’d become an evil dictator in a matter of minutes. I’m so proud.

Zeph: Why thank you. NOW GET BACK TO WORK.

Hika: Bitch.

Zeph: What was that?

Hika: I called you a bitch.

Zeph: Oh. Okay then.

Fox: Maybe I should go see CGV… I could heal him.


Kiryn: What if we have to go to the bathroom?

Metal Arc: What if we have to go spy on someone?

Zeph: No. Not until I can see myself in my books.

Metal Arc: I don’t think that’s possible… Wouldn’t the books get all soggy?

Zeph: …OH SHI-- BE BACK IN A SECOND. If you leave you die.

Fox: …So I don’t know about anyone else, but I can live with death.

Kiryn: Me too.

Hika: Anything to piss him off.

Metal Arc: I like cereal.

-One Book De-Sogging Later-

Zeph: Okay guys! I’m back, now get back to-- WHAT THE HELL? WHERE’D EVERYONE GO!?

3-13 Archer: I’m still here boss!

Zeph: Go die in a fire.

3-13 Archer: ‘Kay.

Zeph: No one ditches the Great Overlord Zeph… Fireman!

Fireman: Yes?

Zeph: I know we’ve had our differences…but would you care to join me on my quest to find my slaves-- I mean teammates?

Fireman: What’s in it for me?

Zeph: Oh…uh… ONLY A TORNADO!!! *A large amount of water splashes all over Zeph* Dammit, I didn’t de-sog this enough.

Fireman: I’ll join you for 10,000 Gold. Plus 100,000 for emotional damages.

Zeph: What emotional damages!?

Fireman: I almost got splashed with water. That was a very traumatic experience.

Zeph: Fine… *hands over cash*

Fireman: Excellent…

Zeph: Let’s just go. They’re probably on their way to the hospital.


CGV: Oh yeah, this is the life… Nurse! I think I need more healing!

Nurse: But I’ve healed you fifteen times already…

CGV: But I just stubbed my toe…

Nurse: Oh, alright then.

CGV: Hehe… I never want to leave this place.


*Pending Viewer Approval.

At least I tried. XD

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Fireman: I’ll join you for 10,000 Gold. Plus 100,000 for emotional damages?

Zeph: What emotional damages!?

Fireman: I almost got splashed with water. That was a very traumatic experience.

I lol'd hard at that part.

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CGV: That bastard Zeph… Who would have thought he would try to KILL me? Totally didn’t see that coming. But I’ll show him. As soon as these wounds are healed I’m going to kill him back!

Nurse: Hello CGV. I’m here to heal your wounds.

CGV: …On second thought maybe I’ll stay a bit longer.


CGV: Oh yeah, this is the life… Nurse! I think I need more healing!

Nurse: But I’ve healed you fifteen times already…

CGV: But I just stubbed my toe…

Nurse: Oh, alright then.

CGV: Hehe… I never want to leave this place.

Zephrion = EPIC WIN!!!

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Part Deux.

Metal Arc: So, it seems as though we are upon a Quest for the Holy CGV.

Fox: Make that reference again and I turn you into a rabbit.

Metal Arc: Boing.

Hika: We’ve been walking for almost an entire day. What the hell has the writer been doing?

Kiryn: Now Hika, I’m sure the writer is very busy.

Hika: Who cares? The writer should get off his lazy ass and actually write!

Writer: *voice booms down from the sky* Well sure Hika. I’ll begin by writing your death scene.

Hika: Bitch.


Zeph: It’s been an entire day! Shouldn’t we have caught up with them by now!?

Fireman: We would have if you didn’t stop every five minutes.

Zeph: But I have to tie my shoes.

Fireman: You’re wearing sandals.

Zeph: …So I am.

-At the Hospital-

CGV: So…can I have your number?

Nurse: Phones don’t exist yet. Neither should hospitals, but I’m not the writer.


CGV: Oh. Well how about a date? Right now.

Nurse: But you’re still wounded.

CGV: Nah, I’m fine. I have been for a day now.

Nurse: …Then why are you still here?

CGV: Because you’re so hot I get 3rd Degree Burns.

Nurse: … SECURITY.

-Back in the Forest-

Kiryn: How much longer is it!? We’ve been walking for so long now!

Fox: The fact that we have no clue where the hospital is probably doesn’t help.

Kiryn: What!? I thought we had a map of the entire forest!

Fox: Metal Arc ate it.

Metal Arc: It tasted like cookie.


Hika: Oh damn, Hitler found us.

Zeph: I take offense to that statement! Fireman! Keel him! Nao!

Fireman: I don’t see any money.

Zeph: What am I, a bank!?

Fireman: You’d better hope that you are if you hired me.

Hika: I’ll pay you 10,000 Gold to NOT kill me.

Fireman: Fair enough. *takes*

Zeph: Whose side are you on!?

Fireman: The highest bidder.

Zeph: But I just paid you 110,000 Gold!

Fireman: I feel another 100,000 coming on for harassment…

Zeph: You’re a dastard.

Fireman: You swore. Put a Fireman penny in the swear jar.

Zeph: A Fireman penny?

Fireman: 10,000 Gold.

Zeph: Of course…

Fireman: Oh, by the way, while you were busy not paying me, they managed to escape.

Zeph: What!? *turns around to notice that everyone is gone besides Metal Arc, who is climbing a tree*

Metal Arc: I’m a squirrel!

Fireman: Nice going, thanks for wasting my time. You owe me an extra 25,000 Gold.

Zeph: You’re going to drive me bankrupt, you know that?

Fireman: That was the plan all along.


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I love these!I would help but...

a:I still havent developed a persona here yet

b:I'm a really bad writer

Dont worry about that! Just give it a shot man! Dont worry about the ppl who go like "Lawl Orignial Members FTW FOCUS ON THEM!!!" you guys are just as important (well some of you are) so just try it out!

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