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Homeless People Beaten *Disgusted*


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Recently, I've been watching Youtube videos of homeless people getting beaten for absolutely no reason, and it sickens me just to think about what I've watched. Now I figured out the reason why they're doing it. They're doing it because they wanted power, attention, and entertainment from pain, pleasure, and amusement from the weak. I'm totally disgusted the truth that young teens are going and will be doing these sadistic, maim, and vicious acts during a secluded area especially at night time when one homeless bum is alone and defenseless against a band of hoodlums lurking in the shadows where no one is around. Some folks like us suffered the wrath of bullies because we all know that they seek the same common craves as the bum hunters which is to torment everyone's misfortune just because they intentional want us to suffer the pain, humiliate us, and suck our joy and excitement away. Yeah, that's right. Keep sucking our nuts dry until winter arrives where our nuts will be frozen when spring comes around to thaw them. *Sarcastically* Hey for spring, we should do spring cleaning, and my friends and I are going to take the trash out since we're so lazy to do a simple task, so let's take the homeless bum out of our alleys where we dump out garbage out and send them all to the city dump. Heck, I might as well evict the homeless trash out to the city dump where he or she belongs. Better yet, how about the sewers where we dump the urinal fluids, poop, and other filth down the drain since these homeless bums happened to drain all of their hard earned cash down the drain. They could fish their money out of the sewers if inconsiderate a-holes decide to put their play money in the toilet and flush them down. It would be totally stupid for them to put their real money and flush them down to the sewers if ya catch my drift. Is that how TMNT get their money and order pizzas to go? Man, I hope I get to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut. For summer, it's a hot day, and we see homeless bums with their tents depends on where they're at. Hey, no ones home. Let's take down their tents and take them. I'll be paying them with play money. Oh yeah, I'll also dump their water on the plants and throw away their belongings in the dumpster just to PISSED them OFF. Speaking of PISSED them OFF, another is giving them human and/or animal piss and telling them its herbal tea. Further, there's a wake up call, or should I piss up call. Someone comes by and pisses him or her in the face just to wake them up and be pissed off. I would be pissed off if someone pissed me in my slumber land. Fall is the time of autumn where everything needs to fall on the ground. Aw nuts, man! Does that mean homeless bums are going to fall into despair? Most likely that they're going in some difficult times and changes as well. Even though a kindhearted person out there is willingly going to aid them out in need and give them some money to help themselves out in food, water, clothing, and more, some people aren't what they are seem to be. Imagine yourself seeing a homeless bum outside a public restaurant. You gave him or her some money, but you want more. No, you don't want more in return, but you want to know the person's state and/or condition. It's obvious if you could read his or her face that he or she is hungry, so you ask him or her to go in the restaurant with you. Next, you as the host that you want this homeless person to order and paid with the money you gave to him or her. As you talk to him or her, you will either say that I have to go somewhere urgent and take care of yourself, or I'll stay right here with you for some time to keep you company, or you'll stay with him or her until all of a sudden, you had to use the restroom. Either way, the host would either accept it, or he or she isn't going to accept a stinky filthy bum in a public restaurant knowingly that customers would be bothered by the stench of smell. This is why bums eat outside to keep the odor away from public restaurants. Normally, I would give him or her a fast food meal and have him or her eat it outside which is good for both ends. Thus, I hate to face reality, but some people are just plain rude, disgusting, ruthless, heartless, cruel, and etc. I've watched a video where a bartender just takes the bums money and asks him to leave his restaurant. I know the reason why he did that. It's because he's doing it for the business, but it's DAMN WRONG! Not only you're stealing his money, but you are also breaking your work policy. If your boss sees this, you are so FIRED! Literally FIRED! And you'll gonna get a BURNING SENSATION which is not a good way. Although, if the boss wants to kick the bum out, and he orders his employee to kick him out but refuses, this looks like it probably won't do so good for the restaurant business. For starters, they will go into an argument, and the boss terminates his employee's career. Then, he probably asks other staff to do the same, but they response the same way unless one of them does it for their career on the line which the person only did it for his or her reasons. Knowing all of this, the boss will do this for himself if they don't do as they were told to do. After that scene, it's likely the customers will be disgusted the way the scene is going and eventually loses his business. Goes to show ya that some heartless people are PRICKS when they do something so low and so shallow that they deserve to be called "Douchebags". This is such a cheap low blow just like Johnny Cage's low blows in MK9 especially women! XD Well isn't that a nutshell? Lastly, winter is the coldest season since some people tend to be so cold on misfortune folks especially homeless people. At least one fellow police officer saw a homeless bum in a desperate need of clothing, so what does he do? He goes to a shoe store and bought the homeless bum some new sneakers which makes him a very thoughtful person. So ask me this, why do teens beat the living SHIT out of a homeless bum? If you ask me, that's cold literally cold for a person to stoop something so low and so shallow that you want the person share the same pain just like the homeless person went through. *Sarcastically* Hey guys, that teenager beat up a 65 year old war veteran for what he did for our country. I know let's beat the living SHIT out of that a-hole for beating up a war veteran. Anyways for Christmas, we all desire our own needs, but this time, I just wanted world peace where everyone can get along together and not having a-holes roaming off the street and cause havoc on a poor soul. It's utterly meaningless to take an innocent's life away and that includes convicted ones. No matter how bad they did in the past. Some may have a change of heart during their sentences, but I believe there's good in someone's heart if they work hard, continue doing what's right, make a difference not for yourself, and pressing forward to a bright future for humanity. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and prosper well for their next generation. Hopefully our children, our grand-children, and so forth will follow the same foot steps as we have and learn from our mistakes. Prevent it from happening and think it through before you act. There are solutions that can be resolve without any violence involved. Always stay side by side with someone you've known and trust. Treat them kindly as if your parents had done in the past years when you've grown up or someone in your childhood who had always been there for you to outcome your fears against the harsh world. No one out there is perfect, and we have to keep trying and trying until one day the world will be a magnificent place to live and share one after another.

P.S. I think Nostalgic Critic should do a homeless bum video of teens beating up homeless bum is a NO-NO! JUST NO! Plain and simple just to set awareness to bullies. We don't need them! As of matter of fact, we don't like you A-HOLES! Go back to the stone age where your small puny brains belong at. Seriously!

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oh noez, anthony burgess' vision is coming true!

Yes, it sucks that people abuse the homeless. This type of topic doesn't belong here because no one, save real special types, is going to contest your insanely long winded and incoherent rant.

also, 0/10 if oc, 3/10 if copypasta

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Holy wall of text, Batman.

It's just natural when the strong pick on the weak. Maybe when the teens grow up a little and become more civilized (unlikely) they will make amends for what they've done.

Edited by Frosty Fire Sage
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Santoryou, I hate to ask, and please don't feel ashamed or hurt, but, are you well? I'm worried about you, because, while I agree with you, everything about the post, from the way you've arranged your words, to the lack of formatting, to all of that, is making me think you were having a breakdown or something when writing this, which is really worrying to me.

If my suspicions are right, please don't feel insulted, or like a worthless person or anything. It's clear you've got a kind heart, which is why it'd be a shame if this turned into a horrible time for you.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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