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Why does Serenes Forest dislike Owain and Tharja?


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Just that fans usually push aside her negative traits because she's highly attractive, and the company believed that she's the ideal women which shadowofchaos disagrees with, due to child abuse.

There's people that find her interesting without being a fan. Like me.

Anyway, since you guys seem to want to spam the topic, I'm going to put it in the appropriate place.

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I like Tharja, but I'm largely indifferent to Owain. Tharja's failed attempt at acting normal made me laugh out loud. That hasn't happened very often in Fire Emblem. As for her curing Noire... That really doesn't bug me because Noire isn't a real person.

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shadowofchaos never said that. :/

Just that fans usually push aside her negative traits because she's highly attractive, and the company believed that she's the ideal women which shadowofchaos disagrees with, due to child abuse.

I mean look at Noire at her character, she has two sides to her personality because of her Mother's abuse. It's clearly harmed her.

So its ok to lump Tharja's fans as drooling fetish fuelists? Plus this whole "Tharja is a terrible person" schtick reeks of trying to make people feel bad for liking her. Severa is a huge bully and a deeply insecure jerk, but im not going to imply her fans need to feel bad for enjoying her. THEY FIND HER FUNNY. Or they find her cute. Or they find whats buried underneath Severa's asshole exterior to be very charming. I like that my dark mages arent goodie-two-shoes and a nanosecond away from being outright villainous. Also pretty sure we are supposed to chuckle a bit at Noire but also feel extremely sorry for her. Not everything in the supports between her and Tharja is played for laughs. Its there to show us that her relationship with Noire isnt roses and provide some motivation for Tharja to change the future. Lucina and Noire's convos in the Scrambles also show Lucina completely unaffected by Noire's personality shifts. This shows us that Lucina doesnt view Noire as strange and she understands why Noire is like that. Nearly every one of the children have some sad, messed up way of coping with their bad future(s) and impact on their parents. Tharja is supposed to be dodgy. If people dont like it, cool. But stop trying to make those of us who find Tharja interesting, feel bad for doing so.

Summarizing this thread with one picture:



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So its ok to lump Tharja's fans as drooling fetish fuelists? Plus this whole "Tharja is a terrible person" schtick reeks of trying to make people feel bad for liking her. Severa is a huge bully and a deeply insecure jerk, but im not going to imply her fans need to feel bad for enjoying her. THEY FIND HER FUNNY. Or they find her cute. Or they find whats buried underneath Severa's asshole exterior to be very charming. I like that my dark mages arent goodie-two-shoes and a nanosecond away from being outright villainous. Also pretty sure we are supposed to chuckle a bit at Noire but also feel extremely sorry for her. Not everything in the supports between her and Tharja is played for laughs. Its there to show us that her relationship with Noire isnt roses and provide some motivation for Tharja to change the future. Lucina and Noire's convos in the Scrambles also show Lucina completely unaffected by Noire's personality shifts. This shows us that Lucina doesnt view Noire as strange and she understands why Noire is like that. Nearly every one of the children have some sad, messed up way of coping with their bad future(s) and impact on their parents. Tharja is supposed to be dodgy. If people dont like it, cool. But stop trying to make those of us who find Tharja interesting, feel bad for doing so.

You're my favorite Nordic god from now on

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I think people can be fans of terrible people if they like the way they're written and if they intrigues them. It does not mean they agree with the things said character does. You can enjoy a character without condoning a single they do. Most well-written characters have a backstory and they have motivations and the reason why they're the way they are could be interesting, and if they don't, that's okay if you still find them interesting. As long as you don't try to excuse their actions, I don't see the problem of liking fictional characters who may not the best of people. After all, the things they did didn't actually happen and it's all storytelling. And if people don't like the character because they're assholes? That's okay too.

Now, if you actually excuse the behaviour of these less-than-savoury characters, then we have a problem. Now, there are lots of people like that. But from my experiences, it's generally a vocal minority (could be a significant minority) of a character's fanbase that ruins the image of everyone in the fanbase. It sucks.


Edited by Thor Odinson
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I think people can be fans of terrible people if they like the way they're written and if they intrigues them. It does not mean they agree with the things said character does. You can enjoy a character without condoning a single they do. Most well-written characters have a backstory and they have motivations and the reason why they're the way they are could be interesting, and if they don't, that's okay if you still find them interesting. As long as you don't try to excuse their actions, I don't see the problem of liking fictional characters who may not the best of people. After all, the things they did didn't actually happen and it's all storytelling. And if people don't like the character because they're assholes? That's okay too.

Now, if you actually excuse the behaviour of these less-than-savoury characters, then we have a problem. Now, there are lots of people like that. But from my experiences, it's generally a vocal minority (could be a significant minority) of a character's fanbase that ruins the image of everyone in the fanbase. It sucks.


How eloquently put, brother. Thank you.

Yes. My hindquarters feels quite lonely without thine eyes plastered to it.

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What about those drama cds, mr. low tier?


Japanese is gay, weeaboo scum.

Drama CDs are gay but I have all of Hinagiku's character CDs.

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