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Would Brady be the best healer for child units?

Dr Fetus

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I can't seem to think of any other use for Brady, and the only fathers left for him are Ricken, Freddy, Virion, and Kellam. Could you guys recommend some skills good for healers and the best father in terms of mostly magic mods? He's mostly gonna be near Chrom for convoy access to all 13 of my goddess staves.

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Ricken is probably best, since he's a magic-wielder. Renewal is a must have, and I'd recommend Galeforce DualSupport+ as the skill to pass down from Maribelle, since you want to focus on healing. Tomefaire is good to have, since it means a bit more heal power for Sage!Brady. If you have Ike's DLC, Limit Breaker, definately. If not, replace it with Slow Burn and add Rally Luck as skill 5. If you have Alm's DLC and not Ike's, go with Resistance +10.

So to put that more simply:


DualSupport + (MUST inherit this, unless Galeforce)


Rally Luck

Limit Breaker (best)/Resistance+10/Slow Burn (only if you are a cheapskate.)

Personally I like giving Brady some offence, he's better than you think. So GALEFORCE.

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Brady needs no daddy.

Really, Maribelle already gives him anything he could want.

Use either RIcken or Virion as the father, with the following skills:


Limit breaker



Dual guard + (or whatever you want)

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Tomefaire doesn't boost heals

It boosts Magic with a tome equipped. More Magic=more Healing. This isn't FE10. You don't equip staves.

Pretty much. If you have tomefaire and a tome equipped, which Brady will probably have, he will heal more.

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Thanks, since he's only going to heal, i'll probably go with the Ricken!Brady setup that Glaceon mentioned, except I might replace rally luck with something else, since I already have rally luck on one of my rallybots. So magic+2 instead perhaps?

With magic that high, I suppose he could be a backup combat sage with, I don't know, Celica's Gale or Valflame or something?

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He is the best offensive character barring Male Morgan.

Use Laurent and his enormous magic for healing. He even looks like medic


Brady really is the second best offensive character in the game. He gets Galeforce, great mag, Luna, Aggressor and access to Sage before even considering his dad.

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