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I still have a ton of games I haven't beaten


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I have a ton of games I haven't beaten...and that's most of them. There are even many of them that I hardly even touch, but I find it hard to find time to play them all.../: And some of them I'm either too lazy or too bored to get around playing/finishing.

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I never beat Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies, because I got stuck on the mission where you have to shoot down the weather balloons.

I've never beaten an Armored Core game (though I got real close to beating Nexus, the final boss felt too hard).

I've gone almost nowhere in Star Ocean and Persona 2, I don't really like either very much.

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I hate not finishing what I start. I'm fucking playing SA2:B and am down to 33 A ranks remaining (all 100 ring/car race A ranks obtained) despite that I quit playing like 10 years ago. I still plan on picking up where I left off with my no vehicle challenge for Nuts and Bolts. I will probably get around to beating FF9 without cheating (only had a week to play it at my friend's house so we cheated so I could see the whole game before I had to leave - we finished at 2 am the day I went home from vacation). Half of the games I've beaten are not only beaten but completed - my FFX and FFX-2 files, for example, has every possible item available etc.

I know, it's mostly nerdy OCD, but still...at its core it's me not being done with stuff until I'm really done with it. It feels like I've given up or failed otherwise, I guess. Maybe it just feels like I haven't given something the time it deserves and don't truly appreciate it. I'm rather poor so I've learned not to take things for granted. I hate redoing things because I feel like any time spent redoing something is time better spent enjoying a new experience, but I also don't want to miss something a video game, movie or whatever has to offer. So I "ace" the games I play and then set them aside. Extremely OCD. Couldn't be nerdier.

You should be ashamed, Soul. You don't have to be as diligent or psychotic as I am, but don't be so god damn wasteful either.

Edited by Aleph
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Most of the time I'll finish a game even if I don't end up liking it very much.

Although, a lot of the times I will get to the last level and then just stop, like for no good reason! xD

Then I'll come back to it in like a month and actually beat it. ^_^;

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I also have heaps of games I have yet to finish, I own hundreds of games and out of all those there is more unfinished then I have finished.

its so frustrating, I start playing a game then get sidetracked with something else, then I find it so hard to pick up the game I was playing and try to finish it , generally it involves me restarting the game to try remember the story and sometimes again I still don't end up finishing it, It can take me years just to finish some games. Though some games I can finish in a few days If I am thoroughly enjoying it, but it always depends on the kind of game I am playing if I finish it quickly or not, or if ever.

Edited by Shelie
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