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What's the point of Ferox having two rulers if one has all the power?


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This is question that has been on my mind for awhile. I know both the east and west Khans select champions to battle for them and receive power but why do this to being with? Why not just have one ruler instead of battling for the power every few years?

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With how important it is to them, I'm surprised it's only two. Unless both Khan positions are also chosen the way choosing the Ruling Khan is done.

Since both gregor and lon'qu (In his ending) challenge Basilio for his khanship, I would assume it is

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This is question that has been on my mind for awhile. I know both the east and west Khans select champions to battle for them and receive power but why do this to being with? Why not just have one ruler instead of battling for the power every few years?

Keeps the current ruler on their toes, makes sure that Ferox is always ruled by the strongest. Doesn't seem that strange to me.

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Why does the United States of America have two political parties instead of one?

Because American Football parallels.

Srsly, so many other countries have multiple political parties while we have two parties of very questionable quality.

But I digress. That's a whole different can of worms.

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Srsly, so many other countries have multiple political parties while we have two parties of very questionable quality.

Actually we do have more than two. It's just that the main two are funded by people with lots of money and the others don't have as much funding and therefore aren't able to make as much of an influence. Basically the system is F*cked and the people who actually have a say in things are the people with the cash to support their ideals. Money = power. Pretty f*cking lame huh?

Anyway the Feroxi way is pretty similar to ours. The only difference is that we've replaced brute strength with $. A bit strange when you consider that money is only useful because our society agrees to pretend it's actually worth something.

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Why does the United States of America have two political parties instead of one?

The reason that there are two major parties in the US there's a distrust of political factions that can be traced back the Federalist Papers and the Founding Fathers. More specifically, historically, the nation has seemed to have the inability to really support more than two national parties. When rose up (Whigs, National Republican), another fell down (Federalist, Whigs). The bicameral legislature is designed to function with limited political parties. The differences in legislature mean that more political parties wouldnt work in the same way as in Britain.

The Ferox system seems to be warrior based, so it makes sense to me. It seems like a nice balance of power, with each checking the other and hopefully making Ferox overall stronger.

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But he asked why there were two instead of one, not why there were only two.

Here's what I have to say. Partially because of big money and corporate donors, partially because of certain traits of the mass media, the Parties in America don't represent different viewpoints- they represent different degrees of extremism on the "issues" of the day. On this one-dimensional scale, there's no room for different angles of view- you can be very adamant that climate change is real, accept it but not do anything about it, not give a hoot, deny it and ignore it, or go on talk shows and yell about junk science, but all of those responses are just answers of different severity on the question, "Do you believe Climate Change is real?" They all congeal into two sides: one who says it's real, and one who says it isn't. There's a third group who doesn't care, but it's made up of the kind of people who don't vote and there isn't a non-voter party for obvious reasons.

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A bit strange when you consider that money is only useful because our society agrees to pretend it's actually worth something.

Except it is. Try to imagine a world currency that uses leaves as money. This is one of the reasons why The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy is so amazing, giving economic lessons since that time.

And why'd both Khans accompany Chrom to Valm instead of IDK actually governing Ferox during the war? What's the point of having two rulers if nobody bothers to rule?

Oh yeah, same answer.

Because they're also at war with Valm. Actually, they were the first to be attacked by Walhart, dragging Ylisse on their affairs. It's not like this is only Chrom's problem.

Since Ferox is a warrior nation, I wouldn't be surprised to see its leaders leading their troops into war.

Edited by Rapier
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It also gives them a backup in case their current leader falls. Lets Say Flavio gets hit by a stray arrow and falls dead. Bastillo can then step in, rally the troops, and take charge from there. Without that safety net, the troops may be in disarray, making them easy pickings.

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Well we haven't gotten into Feroxi politics. It's possible that, considering matters of the realm, Basilio and Flavia think differently about a lot of stuff. It's not much different from representative democracy and rotation of parties, except in the Feroxi case it's done via battle.

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