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Any Bravely Default players?


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Amazing; I didn't expect so many responses.

I've added everybody, except for Rothene and anybody after.

Ouch, got wiped out by the Red Mage boss. Revenge is cheap on bosses >___<

What I should do? Just power-level some more? I ran out of friend summons and all four of my special attacks (Level 2 to 3) didn't fell him.

Just beaten the Red mage last night. What's your party's level though? My party was level 28 when I beat him.

Something I noticed about his pattern:

He tends to spam brave until he reaches -1 BP as soon as his BP is above 0. So, the trick is to pile on damage until his revenge triggers his BP to 1~3 for the next round and then Default so that you weather his assault. By then, you'd have 1 BP to spend a brave attack on to hopefully out damage his heal and heal back your Hp. Trick is to default everytime you feed him BP through revenge.

Oh, and having Sword mages with Magic armour and casting thundara/thunder helps a LOT due to Lightning resistance. You probably picked up a lightning resist accessory by now I hope.

And because he does so much healing, best off to use damage dealers less dependant on Mp since it's sort of a battle of attrition.

One thing I was wondering about in this game: are there major stats differences between the playable characters, and does it make a huge difference who I have in which job?

For example, are Agnes and Tiz equally good as White mage, or is one of them better?

So far the stat difference feel negligible. I find the points in job levels might be more impactful than the stats because I had Agnes with higher Matk than Ringabel at one point while both of them were black mages but Ringabel hit stuff harder with same tier magic when he had abilink with someone to boost his blackmage job levels higher than Agnes.

So, as long as the stats are equal and job levels are equal and they equip similar gear, they will operate equally from my observation.

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Thanks for the tips!

Almost midnight now, so might try again with some summon assistance.

My team's Level 28 too.

Oh yeah, totally forgot about thunder resistance--his Thundara was one of my biggest troubles (have Tiz as Spell Fencer too). Also, I'll try to do as few attacks as possible. However I worry he'll Cura, so it's going to be tough getting the right balance of damage...

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Anyone know why the character I send out wont update? It says I haven't updated since the 7th but I have updated heaps since then, and it says tiz is still lvl ten when my team is all in the 30's I dont know whats going on.. :/

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I realise this game isn't out yet in the country that most of our forum-goers hail from, but I just wondering are there any players here?

If there are, I would love to add you as friends. My FC is 4871-3909-8599.

Currently, I've put about 7-8 hours into the game and am having a blast. Most of my time is spend idlying to rebuild the village though, as I'm currently working on a long project.





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One thing I was wondering about in this game: are there major stats differences between the playable characters, and does it make a huge difference who I have in which job?

For example, are Agnes and Tiz equally good as White mage, or is one of them better?

Agnes is the mage, Edea is your physical, Ringabel the fragile speedster, and Tiz the jack-of-all-trades.

Have to wait until February D:

I'm curious about that rebuilding sidequest. Do you also get helpers by adding friends or just through StreetPass? I hardly ever get hits so I'm kind of hoping I can just add people when it comes out in North America.

Having Layton and Bravely Default earlier was worth aiting more than one year for EOIV.

You can update your data once every days and gain 3-4 people and occasionnaly Nemeses (boss units)

I got this game since.. more than one week already. The story is pretty classic with a little twist. The OST is absolutely amazing.

They really thought about a lot of things. For example, there are two items that refers the place you find them in their description.

And Edea and Ringabel really have the best lines.

I'm in chapter 7 and already finished the final chapter (not the true one...).

The difficulty change is pretty great because I'm pretty sure this game was made harder than the original. The Vampire Sidequest is impossible in normal mode (even in easy mode it needs carefull planning).

I'll add those I haven't already later.

Shy Tenda, FC : 0490-5280-8199

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Oh man, got totally floored by the 2nd crystal boss. Need to plan better next time.

Also got a Level 70 nemesis from updating data... that's more than double my level and the Level 10 nemesis easily wiped out my Level 10 party.

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Oh man, got totally floored by the 2nd crystal boss. Need to plan better next time.

Also got a Level 70 nemesis from updating data... that's more than double my level and the Level 10 nemesis easily wiped out my Level 10 party.

The level 70 one wiped out my level 76 party in easy mode...

Since it has twice the HP of every other boss bare the Final Boss, it's not gonna be easy.

It have a powerfull attack against your whole party (maybe Thunder based) , a skill that inflict Charm on everyone, and a skill that iflict every bad status on a single target.

Spell Fencer are great against all ennemy with elemental weakness (except Wind and Earth), so training one may be a good idea.

Valkyrie's Crescent Moon may also come handy when it start multiplying

Edited by Edea the Brave
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So far the stat difference feel negligible. I find the points in job levels might be more impactful than the stats because I had Agnes with higher Matk than Ringabel at one point while both of them were black mages but Ringabel hit stuff harder with same tier magic when he had abilink with someone to boost his blackmage job levels higher than Agnes.

So, as long as the stats are equal and job levels are equal and they equip similar gear, they will operate equally from my observation.

Agnes is the mage, Edea is your physical, Ringabel the fragile speedster, and Tiz the jack-of-all-trades.

Thanks for the answers guys!

This far the fame is pretty fun! And the OST is awesome!

Added everyone from this thread :)

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Added everyone I hadn't yet.
Don't hesitate to abuse my help !

Actually, Asmodeus went down relatively easily with the right set up (Anti-Charm Equipment for everyone, and Anti-Thunder for those who had it). everyone gained a level in the process.

Thanks for the answers guys!

This far the fame is pretty fun! And the OST is awesome!

Added everyone from this thread :)

The biggest difference is Tiz's MP that are 10-15 less than the others, and he have 20-30 HP more, the difference between the other stats is 3 maximum.

Edited by Edea the Brave
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How much of the game's content is available w/o wifi? Cause I lack the option and 66 bucks for the game is kind of a lot of money.

You lose the ability to summon friends and get 3-4 random guests for your village and to summon. I *think* that's it.

If you don't get regular StreetPasses, you'll struggle to rebuild the village without the guests from the internet.

Also, just beat the 2nd crystal boss with a better setup. Sadly Abate Water is too bothersome to learn for everybody, but I got through with one person with it and another with the Water Charm.

BTW, are there any missables? If there are, is there a new game plus where you get them again? Would prefer answers in spoiler tags X D

Speaking of spoilers... End of Chapter 2.

Drat, should have known Victor and Victoria were strong. I'm curious if you could blast them to death with friend summons, but I don't have anybody that strong yet (gonna add Edea the Brave very soon).

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You lose the ability to summon friends and get 3-4 random guests for your village and to summon. I *think* that's it.

If you don't get regular StreetPasses, you'll struggle to rebuild the village without the guests from the internet.

Also, just beat the 2nd crystal boss with a better setup. Sadly Abate Water is too bothersome to learn for everybody, but I got through with one person with it and another with the Water Charm.

BTW, are there any missables? If there are, is there a new game plus where you get them again? Would prefer answers in spoiler tags X D

Speaking of spoilers... End of Chapter 2.

Drat, should have known Victor and Victoria were strong. I'm curious if you could blast them to death with friend summons, but I don't have anybody that strong yet (gonna add Edea the Brave very soon).

I think some sidequest will disappear over time, at least at the end of the chapter, so it's better to do them ASAP.

There is a quest in chapter 3 that isn't noticed on the map, for some specific reasons, you'll see.


After Chapter 4, all the ennemies are renewed. I'm not sure if it affects the Genome (Blue Magic equivalent, Vampire Class) you can learn.

So, it may be better to track the monsters before the end of the chapter. (Particullary the three worms, Red Slimes and Cantamount)

I don't know if there are any New Game + feature.

But generally, there aren't any true important missable.

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I just got to ch 4 my team is in the mid forties, I am having a blast, I havent enjoyed a game this much in ages. I'm currently linked to Vincent, Alfred, Ike-mike & shy tenda, its been quite helpful. I hope my data has been helpful too.

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I'll be hopping on the Bravely Default-wagon soon. Sadly enough, the game is hard to obtain over here. Of course, I could go for the eShop edition, but I prefer a hardcopy.

Will add everyone in this topic as soon as I got the game ;)

Edit: my friendcode can be found in my sig

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@Vincent: Beat the Red Mage Yesterday, at lv. 29. You were right, it was quite strong indeed, but I tried not to hit him too much and gain BP in the meantime, while healing the status ailments with Panaceas and Tuona damages with Energira.

The second Crystal boss was way stronger, yes. On my third attempt, I defeated it on turn 3 with a lv.32 team. I understood I had to go at him with my full strenght before he could multiply with that overpowered skill of his (that basically oneshotted my whole party even with Default -_-).

All of this in Hard mode.

I have to thank shyteddie/Edea The Brave because his Abilink is terribly helpful. I just love that Merchant's skill that doubles everyone's damage, for example.

How come you are already that far in the game? I suppose you're Asian, aren't you?

Edit: Oh noez. I read in the last page that you got the game last week. You adorable nerd.

@Shelie: Yup, your Abilink is nice too! Actually my Agnes is linked to you, and abusing some White/Black Mage skills. ^^

Am I the only one who's playing it in Hard mode, btw? Me feels forever alone

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I'm playing on hard mode

In the demo Utsusemi plus some support abilities was really good, is it still has good in the full game, or is it even stronger thanks to some other abilities?

I'm still in the merchant boss, brave+takeover is very annoying since 2 party members have less than 600 HP, any advice or should I just train? My team is all level 15

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Yikes, stuck on Chapter 3 side boss.

Anyway to stop Qada's Regen? I could have sworn there was something to debuff enemies, but I wasn't paying attention. I have everybody fitted with Posion immunity in preparation of another try.


In the demo Utsusemi plus some support abilities was really good, is it still has good in the full game, or is it even stronger thanks to some other abilities?

I'm still in the merchant boss, brave+takeover is very annoying since 2 party members have less than 600 HP, any advice or should I just train? My team is all level 15

I just trained.

Also have a Monk for the extra HP.

What I did was make sure I could survive Khint and "kill" him first, then cross my fingers so the merchant wouldn't use Takeover on the same character twice.

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@Vincent: Beat the Red Mage Yesterday, at lv. 29. You were right, it was quite strong indeed, but I tried not to hit him too much and gain BP in the meantime, while healing the status ailments with Panaceas and Tuona damages with Energira.

The second Crystal boss was way stronger, yes. On my third attempt, I defeated it on turn 3 with a lv.32 team. I understood I had to go at him with my full strenght before he could multiply with that overpowered skill of his (that basically oneshotted my whole party even with Default -_-).

All of this in Hard mode.

I have to thank shyteddie/Edea The Brave because his Abilink is terribly helpful. I just love that Merchant's skill that doubles everyone's damage, for example.

How come you are already that far in the game? I suppose you're Asian, aren't you?

Edit: Oh noez. I read in the last page that you got the game last week. You adorable nerd.

@Shelie: Yup, your Abilink is nice too! Actually my Agnes is linked to you, and abusing some White/Black Mage skills. ^^

Am I the only one who's playing it in Hard mode, btw? Me feels forever alone

I'm French, but my game store got the game early, so I've the game since the (bravely) 2nd.

Hunter and Spell Fencer are pretty good against most boss, even the Evil One

Good Luck if you want to do the last Class Sidequest in Hard Mode on Chapter 4. Even in Easy mode it required lot of luck and careful planning.

For everyone trying these quest : Do not attack the Cerberus with physical attacks. They have really high defence and retaliate with powerfull physical attacks.

They wiped my party more than once. That also mean you can't rush through Random Encounters too.

I switched to Easy for the hardest battle, but for a while I'm only playing in Easy Mode.

EDIT : @ Vincent :

Try the White Magic Dispel. It should work, but I never really tried

Or hit him harder he can heal, Monk, or Thief/Hunter with a Bow are Pretty good. Or someone with the knight's level 2 ability.

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How does this compare to 4 Heroes if anyone's played that? More engaging gameplay wise?

It's more classic, as far as gameplay is concerned. You have HP and MP.

The Brave and Default system are somewhat close to the heroes of light's system. Default allows you to defend and gain an action, Brave allows you to do up to 4 action at once.

You gain Money and Job by defeating ennemy. No more Jewel and Crown thing.

And no more Animal changing spell either.

Also, that's partially subjective, but every job is useable and add something special, And you can easily max a few classes in one run.

It's more a successor in spirit than anything. actually.

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Hmm... Vincent, did you defeat Khint in the first two encounters (with the Thief and Profiteur)? What happens?

Because I just hit the Thief and the Merchant and when they reached about half of their HP, Khint automatically dismissed himself. I was wondering how the dialogue changed if you hit him.

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Hmm... Vincent, did you defeat Khint in the first two encounters (with the Thief and Profiteur)? What happens?

Because I just hit the Thief and the Merchant and when they reached about half of their HP, Khint automatically dismissed himself. I was wondering how the dialogue changed if you hit him.

Sorry, I didn't actually kill him; what I meant was deal enough damage to make him retreat.

Would be interesting to know what happens though; maybe he just retreats with 1 HP remaining?


Also Abilinked with Edea the Brave. I don't know what abilities to pick X D

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