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FE11 has far better characters than most people give it credit for.

Opinions, how do they work? It's not a very sensible thing to say that FE11 has better characters than "people give it credit for" because that implies that your opinions is better than theirs. I bet you wouldn't like if someone said FE13 has far better characters than you give it credit for (I'm not saying that, BTW. The quality of the characters is subjective.)

Because some people get hypersensitive about stuff they like.

Which is why I'm going to strenously object to seeing yet again the implication that FE11 lacks great characters because it lacks the canned three-step dialogues that make for such excellent well-rounded believable characters in, say, Awakening.

I didn't make the implication that FE11's characters are bad. They are definitely minimalist characters if you don't take FE12 in account, but minimalist =/= bad. Still, FE6's characters are WAY deeper than FE11's and you can't even argue that, since they have way more dialogues. Quality, on the other hand is almost entirely subjective.

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It's not an opinion to say that most people tend to jump on the FE11 hate bandwagon without taking a closer look. It's fact.

What if, you know, they actually hate it for a reason? Not everyone (I'd actually say almost no one) hates FE11 to be "cool". I myself, got bored and couldn't get past chapter 11.

Many people might dislike things you like, for a totally justifiable reason. It's fact.

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FE11's characterisation is underrated, though. People automatically assume no support conversations makes the characters shallow. Even a few sentences can say a lot about a unit's personality.

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I already stated that the script is a duplicate, save for the new content added, which would include chapter openings.

Marth has a way different (and better) personality in FE11 than in FE1/3 so it's not a direct 1:1.

What if, you know, they actually hate it for a reason? Not everyone (I'd actually say almost no one) hates FE11 to be "cool". I myself, got bored and couldn't get past chapter 11.

Many people might dislike things you like, for a totally justifiable reason. It's fact.

I say 'most' because it's true. Some may have legitimate reasons but take a look at any non-FE focused forum and you'll see that I'm right. Reasons range from 'no personality' to 'nearly killed FE because of poor sales', both of which are SO wrong.

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I didn't make the implication that FE11's characters are bad. They are definitely minimalist characters if you don't take FE12 in account, but minimalist =/= bad. Still, FE6's characters are WAY deeper than FE11's and you can't even argue that, since they have way more dialogues. Quality, on the other hand is almost entirely subjective.

Sorry if I misunderstood you there.

I will simply have to disagree with you that extent of written dialogue is an indication of character depth, but I also don't consider character development and character revelation to be the same thing. Kris in FE12 has more dialogue than anyone else in the entire game and I still find him/her a flat, dull, and generally unappealing character. I'll definitely take FE11 any day over the Kris Show.

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Marth has a way different (and better) personality in FE11 than in FE1/3 so it's not a direct 1:1.

In which version of FE11? Unless you specify, you contradict yourself, if the Japanese version really is a 1:1 across most of its text. It may be possible that the E localization also differs substantially from the U localization as well, as it has become a bit more frequent for the two localizations to occur separate from one another (where previously, most E localization was built off the U localization).

The differing localizations have created distinct Marths, and you are not clearly referring to which you mean to :/ It would be best to remain coherent in your references, or else your statement falls into muck and potential confusion.

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In which version of FE11? Unless you specify, you contradict yourself, if the Japanese version really is a 1:1 across most of its text. It may be possible that the E localization also differs substantially from the U localization as well, as it has become a bit more frequent for the two localizations to occur separate from one another (where previously, most E localization was built off the U localization).

The differing localizations have created distinct Marths, and you are not clearly referring to which you mean to :/ It would be best to remain coherent in your references, or else your statement falls into muck and potential confusion.

I already said I'm not familiar with the Japanese script of FE11 in a previous post. And I already mentioned that I'm talking about localisation. You can read, yes?

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I'll give you a hint, Celice. We are on an ENGLISH-speaking forum where everyone speaks ENGLISH and everything is in ENGLISH.

He has explicitly dismissed the Japanese version as irrelevant; anyone still confused as to which version he is talking about is a moron.

Most people here have neither read nor understand it, so they do not care about the Japanese script. Stop being a smug pedant.

Cut but whatever.

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I'll give you a hint, Celice. We are on an ENGLISH-speaking forum where everyone speaks ENGLISH and everything is in ENGLISH.

He has explicitly dismissed the Japanese version as irrelevant; anyone still confused as to which version he is talking about is a moron.

Most people here have neither read nor understand it, so they do not care about the Japanese script. Stop being a smug pedant.

Cut but whatever.

You know, that's real harsh man. I'm just pointing out something worth considering.

I already said I'm not familiar with the Japanese script of FE11 in a previous post. And I already mentioned that I'm talking about localisation. You can read, yes?

Yeah, but I still don't know if you're referring to the U or E localization :<

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You did so in the first post. IMO pretty pointless unless somebody did assume he meant the Japanese version, but eh. The post I replied to was after the matter had been clarified beyond reasonable doubt, being wilfully ignorant and condescending about it.

I'm fairly sure the differences between the localisations is negligible.

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Sometime it matters, such as things like Ike x Elincia being non existent

I dunno, I think Ike/Elincia is pretty irrelevant in all three of the FE11 localizations. :P

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Sometime it matters, such as things like Ike x Elincia being non existent

Suddenly their relationship having no romantic undertones whatsoever in RD makes perfect sense- if the relationship didn't exist in PoR they wouldn't have thought to expand it into RD.

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Suddenly their relationship having no romantic undertones whatsoever in RD makes perfect sense- if the relationship didn't exist in PoR they wouldn't have thought to expand it into RD.

This is indeed what happened. It's not that IS was going Ike/Elincia and backtracked come FE10. It's that FE9's localizing team put an Ike/Elincia spin on scenes that weren't that way to start with and then had nothing to work with in FE10.

There are some blogs that have the original text for comparison.

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Yeah, but I still don't know if you're referring to the U or E localization :<

as someone who's played both, there are no notable script differences between the PAL and NTSC versions. all that's obviously different is a handful of names here and there. there may be minor script tweaks which i don't specifically recall (although they didn't even bother converting American spellings to British/Australian ones, unlike FE13), but either way it's a far cry from the PAL version somehow turning it into an entirely different game scriptways

which is good because frankly i'd be incredibly disappointed if either version declined to use that fantastic script

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This is indeed what happened. It's not that IS was going Ike/Elincia and backtracked come FE10. It's that FE9's localizing team put an Ike/Elincia spin on scenes that weren't that way to start with and then had nothing to work with in FE10.

There are some blogs that have the original text for comparison.

This is brand new information to me and it's basically the best piece of news I read this month so far :Kappa:

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Okay, so I'm not crazy? I didn't see anything hinting Ike liked Elincia, in RD, but I hadn't really played PoR, so I wasn't sure...

TBH, there aren't a lot of hints for Ike x Elincia in the localized version of PoR either, but you know how people are... Just a small hint and it's like their OTP is official

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Man, all this topic is doing is making me remember about that one FE1 VS FE6 comparison topic I had in which I was too lazy to update. But I'm sure I'll get around to that eventually!

Uh not really. Quite a few of the listed Archanean characters have more than established backstory and position that conflicts with FE6s. Miledy is a Royal Guard and so is her brother, Minerva is actually a Princess and her brother is the archetype for Narcian (who hates Miledy in FE6).

Well, FE6 was pretty economical, it split Minerva into two different characters (Guinevere and Miledy)!

Zephiel's entire backstory has nothing to do with him getting corrupted or anything unlike Hardin. Guinevere is his SISTER not his wife.

Zephiel kills his Dad, becomes insane.

Hardin figures out his wife has the hots for Camus (I wonder how he came to that revelation), takes a Dark Orb from shady guy and becomes insane.

Yeah, obviously not exactly the same, but PRETTY SIMILAR. And Guinevere being his sister is a minor plot difference, and noone said that FE6 has the exact same plot as FE1 after all. I agree with everything else you said, though.

And plus, some of the supposed "expies" don't even look like each other(most notably Ogma and Dieke, who only somewhat resemble each other and who have completely different backstories).


Ogma and Dieck's is actually pretty different

First the fact that Klein is saved by Dieck while Sheeda saved Ogma.

Second, there are some family and loyalty shenanigans with Dieck, while Ogma is basically Sheeda's personal bodyguard. Sometime It make me wish that we got to see Marth and Sheeda's life following the War of Heroes, but eh...

Dieck is saved by Pent, just like Ogma is saved by Sheeda. Ogma has family and shenanigans with Sheeda's family too, which is why he was helping Lorenz in Book 2 in the first place.

TBH, there aren't a lot of hints for Ike x Elincia in the localized version of PoR either, but you know how people are... Just a small hint and it's like their OTP is official

This is so true. Alternatively, if there are signs of characters hating each others' guts, they're also OTP material.

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