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lol, there are so similar


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Seems accurate to me!

Dude. Have you even read Dieck's supports with Klein and Clarine? The situations are barely alike.

Sheeda saves Ogma's life after he helped Samto escape Knorda(both were gladiators), which causes him to become loyal to King Mostyn.

Dieck saves Klein's life when he was attacked by a lion in an arena. Pent hires him as Klein's guardian in thanks. However, he later purchases his freedom and leaves due to not wanting to bring shame on the Reglay family. He now works as an Illian mercenary.

The only similarity is that they are former gladiators/pit fighters who share a connection to some noble family.

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you mean the one where you just posted a CG of Shiida saving Ogma? Not sure how that's supposed to prove anything.

"Ogma and Dieck's is actually pretty different

First the fact that Klein is saved by Dieck while Sheeda saved Ogma."

Post, set, and match

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"Ogma and Dieck's is actually pretty different

First the fact that Klein is saved by Dieck while Sheeda saved Ogma."

Is that all you got out of my post?

Also, lol at defining characters by a single event in their lives. I guess Rutger and Raven are similar because they both have a revenge thing going on.

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Dude. Have you even read Dieck's supports with Klein and Clarine? The situations are barely alike.

Sheeda saves Ogma's life after he helped Samto escape Knorda(both were gladiators), which causes him to become loyal to King Mostyn.

Dieck saves Klein's life when he was attacked by a lion in an arena. Pent hires him as Klein's guardian in thanks. However, he later purchases his freedom and leaves due to not wanting to bring shame on the Reglay family. He now works as an Illian mercenary.

The only similarity is that they are former gladiators/pit fighters who share a connection to some noble family.

Aaaaand FE4's Holyn is a former gladiator/pit fighter with noble connections (as in, he is from a ruined noble family). Pretty standard territory for the bulked-out sword guy.

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To a degree, all FE games reuse character archetypes but FE6 does it the most blatant way possible.

FE6 is just ridiculous with it, they were really running low on creativity. The rest gladly managed to be more subtle, at least.

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Aaaaand FE4's Holyn is a former gladiator/pit fighter with noble connections (as in, he is from a ruined noble family). Pretty standard territory for the bulked-out sword guy.

Dieck and Ogma's similarities are a bit closer than Holyn, but I think it's safe to say that yes, they are all cut from the same cloth.

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Aaaaand FE4's Holyn is a former gladiator/pit fighter with noble connections (as in, he is from a ruined noble family). Pretty standard territory for the bulked-out sword guy.

Exactly. The similarity is hardly unique.

Edit: Raven is also a Mercenary that has royal connections.

Edited by shinpichu
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I'm not sure how else to interpret your post.

My post: "Ogma and Dieck's is actually pretty different

First the fact that Klein is saved by Dieck while Sheeda saved Ogma.

Second, there are some family and loyalty shenanigans with Dieck, while Ogma is basically Sheeda's personal bodyguard. Sometime It make me wish that we got to see Marth and Sheeda's life following the War of Heroes, but eh..."

Your post:

Also, lol at defining characters by a single event in their lives. I guess Rutger and Raven are similar because they both have a revenge thing going on.

I don't need to be some kind of a literature expert to notice how inaccurate this response is

EDIT: Must be that FE6 accuracy

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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My post: "Ogma and Dieck's is actually pretty different

First the fact that Klein is saved by Dieck while Sheeda saved Ogma.

Second, there are some family and loyalty shenanigans with Dieck, while Ogma is basically Sheeda's personal bodyguard. Sometime It make me wish that we got to see Marth and Sheeda's life following the War of Heroes, but eh..."

*facepalm* Can't believe I missed this. Sorry, dude. I thought you were arguing that they were similar.

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Zephiel kills his Dad, becomes insane.

Zephiel wasn't really ever "insane" in my book. I mean you can argue that anyone who loathes humanity that much has a few screws loose, but look at his scenario. His dad hates him and tried to have him killed multiple times, his mother detests his half sister (who is funnily the only person in his family who actually seems to care about him) and is only concnered about him rising to the throne out of spite to her forced husband. Hellene doesn't really give a shit about Zephiel. That's already pretty bad, but then later, he thinks his father finally accepted them and then nearly fucking dies again because he was actually trying to poison him. It's not killing his dad made him insane, it's the childhood full of abuse that makes him just come to abhor people.

Zephiel released the dragons because he hates humanity, and even when he dies he doesn't change (see death quote). He is pretty much the catalyst for why FE6 happens (technically it's his dad I guess). Hardin became jealous and upset and was exploited by the Darksphere, but he's all like IM SORRY MARTH and goes back to his old self before he dies. Gharnef is the catalyst for FE3. They're obviously similar but if you want "insane" look at Ashnard or something, he is off his rocker and is a borderline saturday morning cartoon character I ONLY CARE ABOUT POWER.

Edited by Irysa
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