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The slippery slope being what you literally just ended up stating as fact. If everything is art, then what is not art? What use is a medium that encompasses everything? Valuation of such a form of expression becomes muddled when a word can be applied so generally.

Do you similarly think any form of sound made by a human is music?

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the problem with that question is that the line that separates what is and isn't music is always totally arbitrary and varies from person to person. answering it is an exercise in futility. if i say "yes," i doubt this conversation will carry on, but not for any clearly discernible reason-- it's just you'd think i'm wrong, and that's it. that's another problem in this type of discussion.

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I wouldn't necessarily say you're wrong. I agree that the definition of art is nebulous, and I don't have a personal line I can define where something stops being art. I think that anyone who does would almost certainly agree there are exceptions that lie beyond their lines if they weren't as narrow-minded. That said, I am certain that simply declaring that everything is art is, as opposed to close-mindedness, itself too general.

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I was writing one SD-sized post but then the power went out

W/e dont feel like typing all that bullshit out again.

Blah blah blah observing something, thereby attributing "meaning" to it and retrieving "emotions" from it, makes it art. But there is no right answer, probably.

edit: also hesitating to call some things "art" whilst there are things you would definitely classify as it shows that you in fact do have some preconceptions about what might or might not be art and that however blurry the line is, it's there

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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I was writing one SD-sized post but then the power went out

W/e dont feel like typing all that bullshit out again.

Blah blah blah observing something, thereby attributing "meaning" to it and retrieving "emotions" from it, makes it art. But there is no right answer, probably.

edit: also hesitating to call some things "art" whilst there are things you would definitely classify as it shows that you in fact do have some preconceptions about what might or might not be art and that however blurry the line is, it's there

My entire point is that there is no measurable line, but just a point when most people agree that something isn't art. Think of it in evolutionary terms; we know that an Archaeopteryx and a modern bird are very different, but it's only in extremes that we can positively define where both are. In between you have a mishmash where characteristics of both collide, and it's impossible to say where one died out and the other began.

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it's true that there are things that most people wouldn't consider art. it's a valid observation. it just... doesn't really have much value within this discussion, though, does it? in that statement it is implied that what art is is totally subjective. it's actually, i guess, what i'm trying to say. doesn't that invalidate the whole conversation prior? saying that classifying everything as potentially art is "too general" is ambiguous. we're left with "there's kind of a loose general consensus that some things aren't art." but why is that? i think the propensity to call some things 'not art' stems from the perceived weight behind the word. i understand why one might feel that using it so generously would devalue it, but that doesn't really matter.

i think i wasn't clear enough in saying that anything can be considered art. what this means is exactly what you think it might. if you observe something, and you consider it 'art,' there really is nothing that would prove it isn't.

the government made AIDS.

edit: sorry about editting shit after posting to make it more legible, im having trouble staying alive right now

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Because art is an invented concept, it is not the case that it is difficult or easy to decide what is art, it is simply the case that there is no concrete art that exists in this world.

Fuck you.

Edited by SeverIan
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