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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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Rapier: Rapier's earlier play was scummy and tbh I don't really feel like it improved much, just because a person puts in effort doesn't mean they can't be mafia.

Paperblade: Paper got bad cases on him but he's pretty much null.

SB.: Obvscum

Refa: Still feels scummy from earlier on to me, I guess he's improved a bit but it's more he's moved towards null than towards town and I'd still be good with lynching him.

Polydeuces: Paper case was bad and his switch to Xinnidy looked like he was just trying to shake suspicion off of himself imo? Not happy with him.

scorri: Kind of null, the only thing I really remember her doing was blatantly sheeping a Shinori vote which is sort of scummy? Feels kind of like she's coasting but it's not a strong read.

Bluedoom (Marth): I remember there was something earlier that struck me as scummy, and don't remember much else. Weak scumread.

Shinori: Shinori seems fine to me, nothing really to say here.

Eurykins: Eury improved in my eyes when she put forward her Vhaltz case.

Xinnidy: Xinny is town because of stubborness to drop her case on me when she continued to get attacked for it imo.

bearclaw13: Tunnelling Paperblade badly and he's kind of lurking hard. Don't like him.

Vhaltz: Eury's case on Vhaltz seemed good to me, and I didn't like how he dismisses Poly as scummy just because he was scummy last game too.

Kaoz: Kaoz doesn't have much right now but nothing really leaps out to me as scummy.

Professional PantsWrestler (Prims): I think Prims is demotivated from mafia in general atm so I don't really think his different playstyle is a scumtell.


Would lynch: Polydeuces, Refa, bearclaw, Rapier

Would not lynch: Xinnidy, Eurykins, maybe Shinori

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What my role does: I'm essentially an oracle that can choose to suicide at any time. Leaning on targetting Poly and then people can wagon Rapier or Refa if he doesn't flip scum since they already have votes on them. Other main person I'm thinking on is Bear but idk if there are enough people around to lynch him.

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The walls of text people kept on throwing back and forth at each other soon became too much for SB. to take and he exploded -- but not before stabbing Polydeuces in the face.

SB. has died! He was:

Dear SB., you are Rutger, the Myrmidon.

You are a young Sacaean swordsman who harbors a grudge against Bern for destroying Bulgar, his hometown in Sacae. You rescue Clarine when she was captured by Erik, and joined the Lycian Alliance with full intent to get revenge for your fallen family.

You're swift with your blade, and always accurate with your strikes. Because of your honor and incredibly keen skills in the art of the sword, you can make an all-or-nothing strike against a user during broad daylight by posting in thread: Duel [uSER] to the death. If this happens, you will die, and [uSER]'s RolePM will be force-flipped in thread for everyone to see. Nothing can stop you from dying during this all-or-nothing strike.

Alternatively, if you prefer to keep your skills at bay, you can simply run a powerful counter strike instead. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: With my dying breath, and my Killing Edge, cut down [uSER]. If you are to die, your dying breath will result in a powerful last second strike towards your opponent. It won't be enough to kill them; however, you will make sure that their RolePM is revealed for all to see.

In short, you are the Day Desperado / Night Oracle.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Dear Polydeuces, you are Merlinus, the Transporter.

You are the personal adviser of Roy. Instead of fighting, you support the army by carrying their weapons and items in a carriage. You are very outspoken in your opinions, distrust many people and behave a bit harshly, fearing that people might be trying to use Roy's plea for their own purposes. In battle, the player's forces can use the "Merch" command when standing next to you to withdraw and deposit their belongings.

You collect and maintain the goods and equipment for your army, and have done so for a very long time. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Distribute Emergency Rations. You may only perform this ability once during the game. Any users with nightly X-shot abilities will have one use out of their total restored to them.

In short, you are the 1-shot Mass X-Shot Restorer.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

The "Screw you SB" Votals

Paperblade (1): bearclaw13
Rapier (2): Paperblade, Refa
Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces
Refa (2): Prims, Rapier
Polydeuces (4): Shinori, scorri, Bluedoom, Kaoz {L-3}
Shinori (1): Vhaltz
Vhaltz (1): Eurykins

Voteless Dorks: Xinnidy

With 13 voters, 7 votes equals a phase ending Hammer (although it's not necessary).

You have about 4 and a half hours until Day 1 ends.

Also, I'm going to bed and will NOT be online for phase end.

Edited by Sangyul
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I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time online left... head's hurting a bit, throat's killing me, and I'd like to get a few hours of sleep before I gotta deal with church stuffies in a bit. I'm not exactly sure now what to think of the votes atm... but I don't like the idea of unvoting Vhaltz either. So, unless I see further reason to swap my vote before I'm gonna log for the night, it'll stick for end phase.

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