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A Feature I Just Now Noticed


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This was a completely accidental find and I just now stumbled across it, and I'm SURE others have found it beforehand. Or maybe, like, everyone. :\

However! If you select a random character's inventory (say... Chrom, for example), and hit the L button, a little menu pops up with three options: Optimize, Store All and Restock All.

Store All and Restock All are pretty easy to figure out - the former place all the character's current items back into the convoy, and Restock All replenishes your items, if it can be done.

Optimize is interesting though - it gives you the best weapons and items available based on your character's weapon rank and class.

For example, I've got my sister's Great Knight Chrom. He has an A rank in swords and lances and a D rank in Axes. If I hit the optimize button I get this at his optimal inventory:

  • Exalted Falchion
  • Silver Lance
  • Iron Axe
  • Gradivus
  • Mercurius

And for Dancer!Olivia, who's of course, only got an A-rank in swords...

  • Silver Sword
  • Levin Sword
  • Mercurius
  • Brave Sword
  • Elixir

Probably something that's been found already... but... um, yeah. I felt like sharing that!

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It seems to judge the most optimal weapons as being the ones with the most might... as it seems to favor Silver weapons over Brave and of course all the legendaries have massive amounts of might.

It also favors Thunder tomes over any other, with the possible order going Mjolnir > Thoron > Valflame > Forseti. Or at least, that's how it appears...

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Optimize gives my Olivia legendary weapons.

Legendary swords that get prioritized over her personal forged Brave Sword.


Wait a second. Balmung and the Silver Sword have a MT of 13, while a MT-maxed forged Brave has a MT of 14... I think... Oh!

It probably calculates for BASE MT, and still considers the sword a Brave Sword despite the added might (which for reference, Brave Swords have 9 MT), therefore putting Balmung and the Silver Sword ahead of it.

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I use Optimize for fighting Einherjar and Doing most Story Chapters.

...And Golden Gaffe.

I just parse it for things I want to keep and take them out. [Most Legendaries I don't give a damn about, so they can go ahead and use them]

...Restock is the best feature.

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Hopefully this doesn't sound conceited, but I never even considered that people didn't know this feature existed. I'm pretty confident I found it within my first hour of playing the game. It seems like a really basic feature. I mean the controls menu showing you the 'manage' option is sitting right there, every time you access the inventory. Restock All is pretty much the best thing ever, and is actually one of the reasons why the 3 team LB3 grinding strategy is faster than the often suggested 1 team strategy. Optimise is useful earlygame, but is kind of pointless later on, since it tends to just give you powerful weapons and not weaker - and cheaper - alternative options. But it can be a nice way to set things up quickly if you're changing teams a lot.

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I've seen the feature but never really thought about it or used it. It'll become really helpful though, once I've recruited all the children and all the Paralogue characters in my Lunatic run it'll take a LONG time to give them all items. Wouldn't be very helpful in my Normal run though, because I didn't know what the hell I was doing at the time and never thought about the most important things in the game (Marriages, Skills, Classes, etc;), and didn't give a crap about the Neutral units screaming for my help in chapters (lol).

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>.< you're not the only one first time I used/discovered this skill was when I beat the game 4. Times in normal classic mode and used ....discovered the little feature while playing hard classic mode but hey I don't like the game giving all the good stuff to Chrom I'm like hey...I'm his waifu can I at least have a bronze sword?! Haha no I'm kidding

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