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Best unit for lethally skill

Giffca is kool

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In my opinion, the best unit for the assassin mastery skill, lethality, is lucina with sully as her mother.

My reasoning is: as an assassin ( the class she gets from sully) her skill cap is 52. The lethality skill activation rate is skill/4. 52/4 = 13% that is average for an assassin but that's where the lucina part comes in. She can become a greatlord, which will get her the rightful king skill which raises skill activation by 10% so the lethality activation rate will be a grand total of 23%. That's pretty high.

But I guess you could also get the avatar to marry chrom to give Morgan the rightful king skill, and not waste the lord class but idc

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Dont forget:

Rally Skill +4

Rally Spectrum +4

Skill Tonic +2

Proper Pairups for more skill (+7 max? I cant think), and Mystelltain for +3 skill

For an additional 5 or so percent activation

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Personally, I see Lethality as a wasted skill slot given that it requires too much setup to make its activation rate not suck. Skill/4 activation rate is just a deal breaker.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Lethality's only use in-game is fighting the early promoted Risen in Lunatic(+) and by the time you can get RK, your offense is high enough that it likely won't matter.

Streetpass is another story, if you want Lethality Chrom!Inigo!Morgan is best at it and gives you 3 RK+Lethality units who also get Galeforce for the main game (your Sully set gives 1 RK+Lethality unit and deprives two children with native Luna of Galeforce).

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Personally, I see Lethality as a wasted skill slot given that it requires too much setup to make its activation rate not suck. Skill/4 activation rate is just a deal breaker.

I'm gonna have to agree here. Lethality has some value - in game, when you don't have much skills choice, if you go Assassin then Lethality is more valuable than many of the low level skills. But then again I'd rather go Swordmaster or Trickster over Assassin... I guess it's still a viable option though.

Postgame though, or lategame, Lethality is simply so rarely worth it. Now, if you've set up your skill 'rig' and have a spare slot, Lethality isn't bad for it, to give a bit of chance in killing the enemy more quickly. But generally you'll have better options - Luna, Astra, Aether, Ignis would all probably increase your odds more than Lethality of getting those kills. Slightly counter-intuitively, I think Lethality is more of a 'good-stuff' support skill to boost your odds of success, than a means to an end to maximise the odds of. Of course, the fact that it's neutered by Dragonskin enemies gives it a massive blow to postgame use, considering it can't be used in Apotheosis therefore. The rest of postgame isn't much to write home about either, so it's kind of questionable in value in that way.

It's real main use, and time to shine, is on Streetpass troll teams. Lethality + skill boosting + boots + RfK + etc. means you have a pretty good chance of getting a kill, and if your opponent is on classic, one kill = win.

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Exactly. It's good for Streetpass, but very little else.

Even still.

Its not like limit breaker + PavGis/Vantage + Aether on everything is called for. The tuning is enough you have some room to not 100% min max

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It doesn't have a whole lot of use. It's essentially a crit on a separate roll from crits.

And Sully!Lucina would not be the way to exploit it for Streetpass teams [where it is really at its best], instead there's a very specific set for that, and it's very rigid.


Lucina [RFK+Lethal]

Inigo [RFK+Lethal]

Chrom!Inigo!Morgan [RFK+Lethal]

Any other approach has 2 or less RFK+Lethal combos.

Highest theoretical activation it, BTW:


LB, Lethal, RFK, All+2, [Filler (Hard activation Rate; SKL+2 "soft activation")]


65 SKL as an assassin with Limit Breaker

+10 Full Rallies

+4 Barracks Surge

+8 [3 SKL Pair up: Hero, Sniper, Etc.]

+2 Tonic

+2 All+2
+5 Mystletainn

96 SKL

24% SKL Activation Rate

34% with RFK


65 SKL as an assassin with Limit Breaker

+10 Full Rallies

+4 Barracks Surge

+8 [3 SKL Pair up: Hero, Sniper, Etc.]

+2 Tonic

+2 All+2
+2 SKL+2

93 SKL

23% SKL Activation Rate

33% with RFK

40.71% with a Brave Weapon.

Is this practical? Oh hell no.

It's like the build to crit the Invinicisorc. It's flashy, but doesn't do anything.

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Even still.

Its not like limit breaker + PavGis/Vantage + Aether on everything is called for. The tuning is enough you have some room to not 100% min max

I guess. But Lethality's even more impractical than Pokemon's OHKO moves (in fairness, however, those are often claused out of use), given that the chance of it activating is tiny (wouldn't expect it to get out of single digits unless you're grinding, and even then, before pair ups, it'd only get 12-15% AT MOST - not really encouraging seeing as by the time you get that high, you're probably strong enough that little outside of Apo poses anything resembling a threat to you, unless you're on Lunatic. Not helping is the fact that Assassins have worse skills than the alternate promotion paths the classes that can access them can promote to).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I guess. But Lethality's even more impractical than Pokemon's OHKO moves (in fairness, however, those are often claused out of use), given that the chance of it activating is tiny (wouldn't expect it to get out of single digits unless you're grinding, and even then, before pair ups, it'd only get 12-15% AT MOST - not really encouraging seeing as by the time you get that high, you're probably strong enough that little outside of Apo poses anything resembling a threat to you, unless you're on Lunatic. Not helping is the fact that Assassins have worse skills than the alternate promotion paths the classes that can access them can promote to).

For a unit or two its worth losing a slot just for the sin city scene.

And also fwiw since, as you said, its only going to be 10-15%, theres no reason to stay assassin for the extra 1% or w/e

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For a unit or two its worth losing a slot just for the sin city scene.

And also fwiw since, as you said, its only going to be 10-15%, theres no reason to stay assassin for the extra 1% or w/e

Never mind that assassins' skills are, well, ass, to put it mildly (Pass is learned too late and isn't useful enough to justify an extended stay in Assassin). And when I said 12-15% that's assuming you were in a class with the best skill cap (which leaves you as either Sniper (lol) or Assassin). It doesn't help that I see Lethality as awesome, but impractical to a large degree, and that most characters that have Assassin access would get more out of a lot of other skills.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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My Great Knight has 9% Lethality with a Skl neutral pairup. My Assassin has 12% Lethality with a Skl neutral pairup. Behold, a whopping 3% difference.

Exactly. I wouldn't want to rely on numbers like that just for a kill. Limit Breaker only slightly improves the chances.

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No one is saying to rely on it.

My point is a unit or two can sac 1 skill slot just for the cool factor when it procs.

The problem with that is "Cool factor", in my book, is hardly a good reason to waste a skill slot on trash like Lethality.

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