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Sore Throat Cures That Work Well


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In my own experience, I've generally found that as a last ditch resort swallowing a small spoonful of sugar (I'm not trying to make a joke) helps relieve the pain and scratchiness of a sore threat better than tea or tablets for half an hour or so. Obviously that's not the healthiest remedy

If you're having coughing fits, Fisherman's Friend lozenges will certainly fix you right up for a bit, if you can stomach the worst taste known to civilization.

I don't know about curing your ailment, though. As eclipse said, a doctor would ideally be the most help, but even that can depend on the cause. I'm not knowledgeable enough to offer anything beyond what I've posted. I hope you recover soon.

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As far as temporary relief goes, I find tiger balm to be an effective external remedy, especially while sleeping. If you're using Strepsils, there aren't really many cough drops that work better than that since the active ingredient in there is meant to numb your throat and suppress the urge to cough. I always have long persisting coughs after a cold and usually the best I can do to heal up faster is to keep my neck warm with a scarf or something, and drink a lot of warm (more like lukewarm) fluids, use some balm at night, and cough drops throughout the day. And yeah, if you're still coughing up chunks after 2 weeks, you might consider seeing a doctor just in case.

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My mother used to make me a big cup of hot water with sliced organic lemons, lots of grated fresh ginger, and honey. It doesn't taste good at all, but it helps :)

Edit: I just remembered that she also puts garlic in, which could explain why it tastes so bad.

Edited by Azura
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Ginger, ginger, ginger. If you can get your hands on some dried ginger knock that shit back and it should help.

OTOH, yeah, a sore throat that lasts two weeks should be looked at by a doctor.

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Cal the tactician is right on the money. I do this as well and it helps somewhat. Also, drinking a lot of water should help. Try not to eat anything that won't benefit your body (coke, any pop, sugary stuff, bread, milk). Eat fruit and veggies and a nice hot meal and you should get better soon. Sore throats should not last that long. That's a sign of bad health or a worse infection.

Edited by Rah
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First of if its been 2 weeks I would advise seeing a doctor. Second have you been sniffling? if you have that would explain somethings, and even if it isn't the main issue it will help. I would also suggest gargling with salt water its gross but it helps, other than that be sure to drink lots of water and stay warm.

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Gargle Salt Water,it relieves it but it does not exactly cure it...

Well, do that while taking cough drops intermittently, and you should be fine. The real cure during this process, however, is time. Just give it a couple of days.

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I guess I should've mentioned that I have been gargling and using mouthwash along with the other things I listed in the opening post. Ginger sounds like a good idea, though. I don't think I should resort to seeing a doctor just yet, seeing how I'm coughing less often and a lot of phlegm is loosening up and coming out (sorry if that was too much information). I just want the coughing to stop already. >_<

Fisherman's friend... even the memory of it is bitter. >_<

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