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FE8 Map insertion ;3; [SOLVED]


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Oh god, it's my worst nightmare.

Map Insertion.

I kid you not, I've tried this around SIX times and it's not worked.

Every time either the tiles go all spazzy, the normal chapter map shows with nothing on or the game just crashes and releases a loud


You get the idea.

Any ideas? I've tried a tutorial and that hasn't work. I also can't seem to get my map changes to work, probably as my main layer doesn't have any properties set (Lol)

Any help? :L

NOTE: I'm using FE8 using the swampy port tileset or whatever it's called. I have about 8 event changes:

6 chests

A gate opening

A bridge opening

I can post a picture of my map and other stuff if you need it.

Tutorial is: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26486

Edited by RedAbsol0
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Couple of things could've happened

1. You didn't set the pointer correctly

2. You didn't set the object type, config, palette etc in nightmare

3. You saved in nightmare after inserting the map

My guess is on the 3rd one. After you set the pointers and object type and all that *then* try inserting the map

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Couple of things could've happened

1. You didn't set the pointer correctly

2. You didn't set the object type, config, palette etc in nightmare

3. You saved in nightmare after inserting the map

My guess is on the 3rd one. After you set the pointers and object type and all that *then* try inserting the map

So the other way round from what I did?

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3. You saved in nightmare after inserting the map

My guess is on the 3rd one. After you set the pointers and object type and all that *then* try inserting the map

That shouldn't cause any trouble.

Simply put, when you open a ROM in Nightmare (or in FEeditor) the program takes in account the version of the ROM you've opened-- if you make changes with another program in the meantime, Nightmare won't update the ROM it has in its memory unless you re-Open it. Basically the common error is that people open the ROM, make changes with, for example, Tiled and then save the ROM in Nightmare without reopening it, which basically brings back the ROM to the state before the map insertion.

As long as you remember to open your ROM every time you use a program, you can do whatever you want in the order you want.

This said, you might have done said mistake, or you're using a crappy-mappy tileset, since those ones appear to be bugged for FE8.

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That shouldn't cause any trouble.

Simply put, when you open a ROM in Nightmare (or in FEeditor) the program takes in account the version of the ROM you've opened-- if you make changes with another program in the meantime, Nightmare won't update the ROM it has in its memory unless you re-Open it. Basically the common error is that people open the ROM, make changes with, for example, Tiled and then save the ROM in Nightmare without reopening it, which basically brings back the ROM to the state before the map insertion.

As long as you remember to open your ROM every time you use a program, you can do whatever you want in the order you want.

This said, you might have done said mistake, or you're using a crappy-mappy tileset, since those ones appear to be bugged for FE8.

I've tried FE7 too and that also crashes, I'll take what you said into account though and I'll try again.

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