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Is Karel viable at all in HHM?


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Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked before somewhere. It's been a while since I've played FE7 HHM but I always go with Harken. However, I'm wondering out of curiosity if Karel is viable at all, assuming Harken just wasn't in the game and Karel was the only one you could recruit.

For those of you who are good at HHM, what do you think? His base ATK is decent but even with Lancereavers he has a hard time doing significant damage to Wyvern Knights/Lords and stuff you fight around that point in the game. He doesn't even get HHM bonuses, which is really unfortunate. Anyway I'm thinking about maybe trying him out but I just wanted to hear some of your guys' opinions first.

Edited by BatmanWannabe
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I guess what I meant was if Karel had any advantages over Harken that made him worth taking up a character slot (besides maybe the Wo Dao). If he has any redeeming characteristics, I suppose, to warrant deployment. Oh, also, how does Karel compare in terms of stats to a Guy at that point in the game?

Sorry I know what I'm asking is sort of ambiguous. I just sort of wanted to know what his deal is in terms of usefulness cause I kind of wanted to try him out to shake things up a bit.

Edited by BatmanWannabe
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Practical advantages over Harken? Not really. He's faster but HHM enemies are slow as balls. Swordlock hurts, and handaxes are really good.

I've never used Guy beyond the early chapters (he never impressed me statwise, personality-wise, or appearance-wise) and I've not played FE7 in about a year or more so I don't know what would be a reasonable level for Guy at 27 assuming we're not going low turns or anything, but I'll hazard a guess at 20/5 (someone with better numbers please replace this), which puts Guy around the same strength roughly, ~ 4 more speed or so and 10+ more hp, for ~2 less defense and a lot less res but >res. But like I said, I don't remember what's an actual good level estimate for Guy here. For all we know he could be newly promoted or something, or not even.

But I mean, if you want to shake things up a bit, Karel isn't unusable by all means. He's not great or even good but every unit in FE7 is usable on HHM.

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Viable, certainly. You can slap him in a line-up and he'll pull his weight at least. Optimal, far from it.

I can't honestly compare him to Guy, because I've always had bad luck with my Guy's growing strength and bench him before Dragon's Gate.

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Karel has 1 more Res, and IIRC also double everything that is not boss or Nomad at base(harken miss the rare. 15 speed, and doubled by 23 speed Valks IIRC)

Harken is Bulkier, have better item, not to mention he study manliness from Marcus

It depends on how much Guy is trained. At say... 15/1, Guy only big loss are Resistance

Edited by JSND
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Ok, as far as viability goes, Karel is, at the very least, usable if you really want to use him. However, this doesn't excuse the fact that compared to Harken, he's nothing.

While Karel is faster than Harken, he only has a 2 point lead in speed over his counterpart, and FE7 enemies aren't particularly fast outside of heroes, swordmasters, valkyries, and nomad troopas, which Karel can't double anyway. This isn't taking into account Harken's insurmountable 7 point lead in strength as well as his ability to use axes, so he ends up doing more damage anyway. In fact, in order to match Harken's base attack with a hand axe, Karel would need the Ch23x silver blade. Also, Karel's 2 range options are limited to up to two 25 use light brands (one of which may not even be obtained due to Kenneth's map being > Germ's) and a 15 use runesword (this one is gotten in Ch32x, far too late to be of any real use), whereas Harken can use hand axes, which are easily bought in shoppes for like 300G. Really, the only thing Karel has on Harken from an offensive standpoint is a +15 critical bonus, which gives him 56 crit with a killing edge (61 w/ wo dao) and 26 with any other weapon.

As far as durability is concerned, Harken wins here again. All Karel has over his counterpart is a measly one point in resistance. Harken? He has 11 more HP and 3 more defense then Karel. To give an idea on how significant this superiority in concrete physical durability is, 26 atk dracoknights in NoF 3HKO Karel after WTA (in fact, they are like 3 attack away from 2HKOing Karel.) Those same clowns 5HKO Harken after WTD. Even the 35 attack silver lance dracolord on the same map only 3HKO's Harken while Karel is dropped to single digit HP in one shot. And while Karel has 55 avoid to Harken's 48, most enemies in this game use lances, so Harken ends up dodging more attacks anyway.

Even if you look at attributes other than stats, Harken's brave sword can be equipped by any swordsman with a B rank or better in swords (and gives a useful 2x attack) whereas Karel's wo dao can only be equipped by him, Guy, Lyn, and Karla (and is basically a glorified killing edge), so Harken wins in starting equipment. And as for supports (not that they matter much in an efficient run, but still throwing them out), not only are most of Harken's supports faster than most of Karel's, the units he supports are more useful in an efficient run than the units that support Karel.

That is all I really need to say on this topic.

Edited by General James
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I find it interesting that people consider Harken better than Karel and yet don't like Jerme's chapter, given that Harken is easier to recruit in Jerme's chapter than in Kenneth's.

Or maybe I just find it easier to keep a few doors closed for a few turns than to leave a few strong enemies undefeated.

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