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Mangs plays Fire Emblem 4, Shin Patch (LP)


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From what I've heard that patch is pretty good! I've seen it on youtube, I look forward to you continuing!

I heard that the guy who made the patch is a pretty handsome fella, too. Wouldn't you agree?

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From what I've heard that patch is pretty good! I've seen it on youtube, I look forward to you continuing!

That patch has a lot of enemies with Killer Weapons, thus fake difficulty. 0/10 wouldn't play.

I ship LevinxTiltyu and LexXAyra in this patch. Curbstomping everything with Holsetank!Tinny is awesome. Have Ishtar cower in fear as her hit rate on Tinny becomes 8%, or just troll Julius. The sword twins actually benefit from Lex, since Skasaha can use axes now (thanks, Shin!).

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I heard that the guy who made the patch is a pretty handsome fella, too. Wouldn't you agree?

I heard that too! Apparently people laugh at his jokes without being forced to either!

I'm rather interested as to which pairings you'll go for. One of the goals of the patch was to make everything unique and usable to some degree. I've had a lot of fun in testing with Alec!Arthur and Claude!Delmud... I might give Azel!Lester a miss, although his sister turned out rather impressive!

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I heard that too! Apparently people laugh at his jokes without being forced to either!

I'm rather interested as to which pairings you'll go for. One of the goals of the patch was to make everything unique and usable to some degree. I've had a lot of fun in testing with Alec!Arthur and Claude!Delmud... I might give Azel!Lester a miss, although his sister turned out rather impressive!

I let the comments decide on the pairings, and if I don't get any, I'll just take whichever I feel like at the time. I'm playing ironman-mode, which means I never save or load (so character death is permanent), so I may end up losing someone valuable to the story.

Here's part 2!

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