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FE8 - Sea of Corruption


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@Kon: Siegmund wrote all of the character descriptions, so I'll forward this onto him tomorrow to see if he can give any explanations. We're still developing the plot, so nothing is exactly set in stone yet. I'm waiting for him to give me a more detailed plot summary so I can proof-read it, also.

Innes' son is being stated as being reckless, but he's not invading enemy territory, he's investigating what Carcino is doing by orders of L'Arachel, so it isn't anything to do with stupidity on his part.

The 30 year gap is intentional, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the kids will be in their mid 20s, as they could have been born anytime during that gap. I think that they're all in their early-mid 20s anyway, so it's a moot point.

Moulder could be alive. Again, I'll have to wait to tomorrow to go over anything with Siegmund.

I also mentioned that Sieg forgot about Franz and Amelia's daughter, and he's added her to the character list.

Mainly class diversity (though we've already got a female thief, so it seems redundant). Again, I need to wait for Siegmund.

Not sure on that either. It's obviously got something to do with the fact that Grado's royal bloodline was killed of in FE8 when Lyon died.

Lute is actually paired with Artur. Don't know why Sieg didn't add that to the character descriptions, as I stated that earlier in the thread.

I was going off of the Saleh and Myrrh A support ending, where Saleh convinces her to move to Caer Pelyn. I can change it easily, as it's a really minor plot point.

I just though that the idea of Dozla having a son was just too good to pass up.

I wasn't sure about Knoll fucking about with any stones again either. I probably should have raised that issue with Sieg earlier. Brain fart on my end.

I fairly certain that a rebuilding effort would take that long. It really depends on how bad the earthquake actually was. From what I remember from the epilogue, it was a really severe earthquake.

This all comes back to the fact that the plot is still a huge work-in-progress. I'll tell Sieg tomorrow to worry about portraits later, and to focus more on making the plot make sense.

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Thanks for the support and bringing all these issues to light. I think some of them are important to fix but others are misplaced.

As for monsters.... they're really a minor plot element and would only show up at the very end of the game, however, I'm not too attached to them. I do think they're a good way to mindlessly train on an interesting massive battle.

Good point about Elias not being rash. However, the beginning can be portrayed as a smart tactical, and careful strategic move rather than Elias rushing into trouble. And Rausten is ordering him to do it.

Amelia's daughter is in there. Class diversity is pretty much the reason Colm's daughter is a rogue--there could be a cool backstory such as she heard about her father's success as a Rogue in legend and gave up archery to be a good-hearted thief, etc. Like Hero said, considering the lack of leadership in Grado, Duessel becoming king actually makes sense, at least I think so. And Duessel by now would be really old/dead, same with Moulder. I want Dozla to have a son enough that I'm willing to ignore the point about his devotion to L'Arachel. By not mentioning Artur with Lute it allows the player to imagine Kyle if it likes.

Knoll-- he disappears--to the foreign country, to try and atone for his sins by dealing with his magic exclusively out of Magvel. I think this an interesting idea, but if it truly doesn't make sense, we can try to fix this plot issue.

This is the type of dialogue we'll need to make the story really good. Sorry for a lot of redundancy with the above post. Any ideas/help is welcome.

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Regarding Colm/Neimi's daughter, it is actually very easy to add theiving abilities to a character, so you could do that and change her class to a bow-using one if you want diversity in that aspect.

Duessel being king doesn't really sound consistent with his ending. In the Epilogue, Ephraim says "The people of Renais and Grado are under my protection," so I always assumed that he was in charge. It wouldn't be hard, though, to work things out so that he names Duessel's son heir to the throne of Grado.

Edited by Rewjeo
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With Neimi and Colm's daughter, I think maybe she could be a Ranger or an Awakening-like Assassin, with swords and bows. She'd have the sword skill of one, the bow skills of the other, and still be fast and accurate. (In my experiences, both classes are very fast and accurate)

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Well, I'm likely not going to include Mage Knight as a class until a much later version of the hack, so Ewan will be a Sage in the first release, and will probably stay as a Sage. I never really thought of Ross being a Hero... His A support ending with Garcia implies that he becomes a warrior, though.

@AnonymousSpeed: It is a sequel, so there will be a lot of characters with either blood relations or loyalty ties to FE8 characters. I can add in some more original characters not related to anything in FE8, like maybe a couple more characters from the northern country, or do some re-working of some characters with Siegmund.

I myself like the idea of Amelia being a Great Knight and Ross being a warrior, since either of their tier 1 options can become those classes.

Now, my point with that is if this is a big conflict, then there are going to be new parties involved. For example, in Radiant Dawn we have the Dawn Brigade. Most of them have no direct ties to characters in FE9, but they fit there because they relate to the plot. Even in FE8 itself this is notable, the mercenary group Gerik leads (I do not remember the name, sorry) have no ties to anyone except that they're hired by Innes. And in Elibe, there are many characters in both FE6 and FE7 who aren't connected to characters from either game but still are a part of the story because the plot effects them.

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I myself like the idea of Amelia being a Great Knight and Ross being a warrior, since either of their tier 1 options can become those classes.

Now, my point with that is if this is a big conflict, then there are going to be new parties involved. For example, in Radiant Dawn we have the Dawn Brigade. Most of them have no direct ties to characters in FE9, but they fit there because they relate to the plot. Even in FE8 itself this is notable, the mercenary group Gerik leads (I do not remember the name, sorry) have no ties to anyone except that they're hired by Innes. And in Elibe, there are many characters in both FE6 and FE7 who aren't connected to characters from either game but still are a part of the story because the plot effects them.

They're called Gerik's Mercenaries.

I have to disagree about Amelia. She seems like a General to me.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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Paladin won't be a playable class in the hack, since Heromaster wants to have it set up like it is in FE4:

Sword Knight- Forrest Knight

Lance Knight- Duke Knight

Axe Knight- Great Knight

Arch Knight- Bow Knight

So, to best emulate a paladin and for it to work with Ameila, we're going to most likely make her a Duke Knight.

Edited by Siegmund
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Well, I've got a lot to see to.

@Sieg: If monsters are only going to be an endgame thing, then I don't really see the point of including them.

@Rewjeo: From Duessel's ending, I'm seeing him as more of the caretaker of Grado, not the ruler. It would make sense for him to be in that role, since he is the only one of Grado's generals that's still alive.

@Ninian: FE13 Assassin was exactly what I was thinking of. That way she can have the ability to steal stuff, and it would keep consistent with the fact that Neimi would have taught her how to use bows. Either that, or Arch Knight. Or plot reasons.

@AnonymousSpeed: I'm re-working some of the characters to have no relation to any FE8 parties. We've already got Svetlana, who's a female pirate from the north, a few other completely new characters and I'm wanting to add in a couple more characters from the north. It's definitely a valid point, and I need to think of something to do about it.

Amelia is going to be a Duke Knight. Makes the most sense because she used lances as a recruit.

Off topic to this discussion, but still related to the thread: I am working on more detailed chapter and character descriptions, and so is Sieg.

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Well, I've got a lot to see to.

@Sieg: If monsters are only going to be an endgame thing, then I don't really see the point of including them.

@Rewjeo: From Duessel's ending, I'm seeing him as more of the caretaker of Grado, not the ruler. It would make sense for him to be in that role, since he is the only one of Grado's generals that's still alive.

@Ninian: FE13 Assassin was exactly what I was thinking of. That way she can have the ability to steal stuff, and it would keep consistent with the fact that Neimi would have taught her how to use bows. Either that, or Arch Knight. Or plot reasons.

@AnonymousSpeed: I'm re-working some of the characters to have no relation to any FE8 parties. We've already got Svetlana, who's a female pirate from the north, a few other completely new characters and I'm wanting to add in a couple more characters from the north. It's definitely a valid point, and I need to think of something to do about it.

Amelia is going to be a Duke Knight. Makes the most sense because she used lances as a recruit.

Off topic to this discussion, but still related to the thread: I am working on more detailed chapter and character descriptions, and so is Sieg.

However, Amelia could be a General! After all, it does use lances.

But whatever, it is your choice.

Also, what would a Duke Lord look like?

Edited by PixelmanFE
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However, Amelia could be a General! After all, it does use lances.

But whatever, it is your choice.

Also, what would a Duke Lord look like?

Duke Knight will the normal paladin, but with just lances and bows (which I need an animation for).

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Ranger is being used for the Bow Knight. I am tossing up ideas for both the Forrest Knight and the Duke Knight. I'm thinking of having a modified Ranger/Nomad Trooper for the Forrest Knight that uses axes instead of bows. I can always use a paladin with just axes and swords until I can think of something.

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Eh, monsters are kinda a 50/50 thing at this point. The plot won't really lose anything from removing them, but it's FE8, so Sieg wants them in. The current overview of the plot that Sieg's given me has monsters as an endgame thing, so I don't really see the point of including them.

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I must have missed Amelia's daughter, sorry about that. ^^;;

Even that doesn't make much sense, given that Rausten must have spies from their alliance with Frelia and even if they didn't it doesn't make sense for L'Arachel to send the crown price and her son on an investigation mission. That doesn't seem like something L'Arachel would do or Innes would allow.

They wouldn't be on their deathbeds. Moulder's around the same age as Gilliam and I don't see him keeling over either. Man, I really wish that FE8 had more than just 2 characters with confirmed ages. That would make this so much easier. -_-

Maybe adopted son would make more sense with Dozla? I'm not sure, but whatever floats your boast I guess~

And Knoll is definitely out of place in this role you have him in. Playing with the stones is what caused everything to go wrong in the first place. By the end of the war his emperor and prince were dead, as well as like half his countrymen, and he felt that it was all his fault. It was so bad that he legitimately wanted to be executed when he was found by Ephraim. He would not be doing anything with any sort of Sacred Stones. And besides, there's no reason to even mess with them, considering the Sacred Stones' entire reason for existing was to seal Formotis away.

He never thought that the magic was the problem, his own greed for knowledge and pride is what led him and the rest of the researchers astray. By the end of the war he promised to help as many people as he could, although I highly doubt he dove right back into research given his own guilt about it.

The earthquakes were pretty bad, but it wasn't so bad that any of those going/returning to Grado spent the rest of their lives rebuilding, which seems to be implied by Duessel dying at the ripe age of vaguely 80. There could still be some areas that aren't quite complete but other than that Grado shouldn't be too badly off.

I'm sorry if any of this has already been addressed or solved or anything.

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Me and Hero have worked a good deal of this out, and we've changed Knoll's role up:

According to the epilogue, at some point Knoll leaves, never to return. We're interpreting that as he goes to the North. While there, he has a son, and when the North learns of his magical prowess (creating the Dark Stone) they essentially enslave him, using his son as leverage. So we've changed it so that it's not really Knoll's choice to delve back into stone-making.

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I've already started sorting most of this out with Sieg. Having more confirmed ages would definitely make this a hell of a lot easier, but that's what we've got to work with, I guess.

We're dealing with Knoll and the earthquake situation. The earthquake thing isn't going to be a thing anymore, and I'm looking for a work around with Knoll.

EDIT: Ninja'd by my co-writer. Goddammit.

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I'd like to see showings of Tana, Ephraim, Eirika, and Cormag. NPCs, most likely, but I think it'd be cool if Tana and Cormag had a playable son that's a Wyvern Knight. (Promotion class shared between the two) I really liked pairing them up.

Edit: Agh, didn't see the complete bios of everyone till now. Well, there goes my dream pairing of Cormag and Tana. And a *slightly* incestuous one between Ephraim and Eirika.

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I'd like to see showings of Tana, Ephraim, Eirika, and Cormag. NPCs, most likely, but I think it'd be cool if Tana and Cormag had a playable son that's a Wyvern Knight. (Promotion class shared between the two) I really liked pairing them up.

Most of them will probably show up as NPCs. As far as the story goes now, Tana is paired with Ephraim, however and I'm probably not going to include the Wyvern Knight class (though it's something to consider).

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This is going to be like my second home. Everybody's nice, and I like the idea, and I might contribute, too, if you guys would let me. I know my writing in-character is a little iffy, but since there're lots of NEW characters, I figure that that might work better. Up to you guys.

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How exactly were you hoping to contribute?

I don't get it, if your in-character writing is "iffy" than how would it be different with new characters? They still have their own personalities

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