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Unique Classes

Which classes would you like to see again?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Which classes would you like to see again?

    • Mage Knight
    • Rogue
    • Great Knight
    • Journeyman
    • Recruit
    • Pupil
    • Summoner
    • Wyvern Knight

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Sacred Stones, while it has a lot wrong with it, has some cool things too. I liked the branching promotions and some of the new unique classes that were introduced in this game. So which ones would you want to see back in future games? It's a multiple choice polls, so feel free to choose as many or as few as you like.

For me, I personally like the Great Knight and the Mage Knight. The Great Knight gives you a horse that can tank even better than usual and the Mage Knight is great for having a mobile spellcaster (Lute is perfect for it). The others I wasn't so impressed with, though I would vote for the recruit classes just because I liked the concept and it gave them extra levels to get awesome with (if you have the patience to build them up).

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I chose Rogue because they are promoted units, capable of the same abilities a thief are useful for.

I also chose the three trainee units because I thought they were a good idea.

I chose nothing else.

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Summoners seem the most interesting class. Too bad it's so easy to abuse summoning for EXP. Perhaps EXP gained should be linked to the Phantom, not the creation of it?

Also, Rogues are in RD.

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The only two classes I liked were Rouges and Great Knights, the others not so much. I didn't like how Rangers lacked that Native American vibe Nomadic Troopers gave off. Something about the Wyvern Knight really annoyed me. Summoners never got a good deal, either take a good fighter that makes lousy phantoms or take a lousy fighter that makes good phantoms. It also deprives the guy of Anima magic.

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Summoners seem the most interesting class. Too bad it's so easy to abuse summoning for EXP. Perhaps EXP gained should be linked to the Phantom, not the creation of it?

Also, Rogues are in RD.

They were unique to FE8 at the time, though. So I guess they would still count.

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Great Knights and Mage Knights

GK's because they offset the weaknesses of armoured classes somewhat and look amazing to boot.

MK's because having an offencively orientated mounted mage is a rater interesting idea, something I'd like to see return.

(Technically, the Great Knight class DID return, as it was the Japanese name of RD's Axe Paladin class)

And because Wyvern Knights are notorious because of a glitch, I don't see them returning any time soon.

Edited by Big Klingy
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i picked the recruit/journymen/pupil and summorners even though in rd the consept of the first three is kind of in it because of the 3 tiers insted of 2 and i don't really seo summorners coming back

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I liked the concept of the trainee units so I would like them to return, maybe in future games they could be even more expansive.

Summonners were a nice idea, their ability to summon phantoms made them unique. I found summonners to be a nifty little class, but they're not too high a priority on my list of classes in want to return in future games. If you want to be technical, you could say summonners (or summonner) returned in RD since Izuka was one.

Wyvern Knights I never particually liked, so I don't want them to return. In opinion having the use of swords (or axes in the case of the most recent games) is better than the pierce skill.

Mage Knights... I don't really know what to say about these since they're basically valkyries (FE6/7 valkyries). Maybe they could return as units who can use swords as well as magic, like they did in past games. To be honest I don't care whether these return or not, as long as they keep valkyries.

Great Knights, these were one of my favorite classes in Sacred Stones. They were like a cross between Paladins and Generals (two fantastic classes), which made them amazing tanks. They looked great also.

Rogues, this class was my favorite class introduced in Sacred Stones (from the previous two games) with the exception of the trainee classes. I know they returned in RD, but in future games I would like to see Rouges as the promoted class of thievss (yes they should promote) instead of the role going to assasins. Rogues are the 'true' promotion from theif, not assasins. A theif promoting to a rogue is the theif improving his skills as a theif, a theif promoting to an assasin is a theif changing their skills (becoming killers at the cost of them losing the ability to steal). I don't really care what happens to the assasin class.

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I voted Mage Knight because mounted magic user sounds unique. I also voted recruit because I love the idea of a spear-user without shitloads of armor on.

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I voted everything except Summoner and Mage Knight. Mage knights are the old Valkyries, just with stupid animatons. Summoners are ok, but not something I'd be rooting for coming back.

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