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Which characters do you use the most/least


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I don't really use the archer Virion. I try not to use more than 2 (indirect) mages per game. The pegasus characters are mobile, but also very vulnerable so I rarely use them. For some reason Lon'qu seems to not perform well, so I stopped using him. Poor Miriel - I probably haven't even used her once.

As for who I use, Chrom and Frederick are obviously mainstays. I use Olivia and Lissa for support. Sully is a powerhouse, so I def use her.

Of course, these decisions reflect my playthrough. Maybe for you, you've leveled up the Pegasus characters quite high and they're deadly, for example.

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Frederick and my Avatar are most definitely my most used units. They've gotten the most stats and levels. :P I just can't stay away from Freddy either, I love him so much! I try so hard to focus on getting everyone else caught up to him and Kelli, but yeah. lol

Behind them, though, probably Morgan and Chrom seeing as the former is Frederick and Kelli's son and the latter is obviously forced. I've also used Cordelia, Stahl, Gaius, Lon'qu, Cherche, Olivia, Donnel, and Lissa quite a bit. Virion, Sumia, Sully, and Henry are promoted too, but I haven't used them as much as the others. Still working on the kids too, but I'll be using Inigo, Gerome, and Severa a lot. :3

My least used units are the mages, Lucina, and Kellam. I rarely ever use mages. I don't care for Lucina at all and I haven't had any use for her besides pairing up with Gerome. As for Kellam, I like him, but the knight design in this game is so god awful that I can't stand to use him. I'm pairing him up with someone anyway though, because like I said, I kinda like him.

Edited by Anacybele
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The character I'd probably never play without is Gerome. I also like Yarne. Oh and Panne. I always use her. Inigo get's some spotlight along with Owain. Nowi too.

Honestly there are a lot of characters I like to use so it would take a bit to list them.

LEAST used characters are Fredrick, Virion, Kellam, Ricken, and Maribelle. I just can't like them.

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I always use Cherche and Gregor. Always. I like using Maribelle and Virion as well, because I find them hilarious.

The characters I use the least are Sully, Ricken and Nowi. I REALLY don't like them at all.

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I've mostly been playing Normal/Classic to grind for supports or building Avatars for the Logbook. I typically use Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, and Cordelia, with Olivia and Libra occasionally.

Chrom because he's forced.

Avatar because (s)he's usually the reason I'm even doing another playthrough.

Frederick for support with Avatar, then Chrom once I get Cordelia. Also husbando favoritism.

Cordelia because she helps me to clear chapters faster by ferrying Avatar straight into combat. Also waifu favoritism.

Olivia and/or Libra are used when I need a dance and/or Rescue staff to 1-turn a chapter.

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I don't really use the archer Virion.

<_< VIRION IS BEST EVER! No seriously though, he can be a pain to use but hes gr9.

I do use Libra a lot- she's powerful.

libera2.jpg "I am a man!"

Anyway, my Most Used:









Frederick (early game)

Chrom (hurr)







Least Used:

Everyone else except Sully, Nowi, Panne, and Donnel who go in the Somewhere Between Being On A-Team And Not.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Cordelia obviously, Lon'qu, Stahl, Cherche, and myself. Also Chrom.

Least used... Hmmm... Kellam and Donnel. Kellam is a useful support unit but I hate knight's mobility. Donnel isn't worth it.

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My most used are Inigo and Severa for ACTUAL Awakening units, but it's actually more likely to be DLC Micaiah, maybe DLC Elincia or DLC Roy.

Least used Awakening unit is probably Fredreick or Say'ri. Least used DLC unit is probably Eirika.

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Besides the two lords and avatar:

Laurent -- I usually try to use Meriel but when I unlock her son he somehow manages to gain my favor every time. I think I have an issue in being biased towards male characters.

Lon'qu: I think I didn't use him ONCE, and that was when my male MU was a swordmaster.

Lissa: Honestly, I have never been able to get Maribelle to fair well. Both she and Lissa get terrible stat increases but Lissa usually winds up on top somehow.

Sumia or Cordelia: Depends on who gets the best stat growths early-game. I've had playthroughs where Sumia sucked but Cordelia rocked, and vice-versa.

Stahl or Sully: Same as the pegasus knights.

Morgan: Of course I'm going to use my unit's son/daughter. Why wouldn't I?

Everyone else tends to fluctuate. I do try to mix things up each time I play.

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Forgot about Least Used. I never touch Tharja and Stahl, they stay in the realm of Parents Only. Tharja because I don't like her and Stahl because he has no offensive presence whatsoever and is so slow/fragile he can't even be used as a lure.

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Most used -

Chrom [cause forced]



Morgan- Anna mother












Least used-



Olivia [personal preference against dancers]




everyone else after awhile

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I must be the only person on the planet that uses Frederick much at all and doesn't use Lucina (for the most part, though I forgot to mention her anyway). ._.

Edited by Anacybele
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well i mean you can break the game by simply power leveling Fredrick to the extreme with DLC, and he is very useful on lunatic mode especially in the begging, but otherwise on most of the lower difficulties he can pretty much be ignored as a potential unit. heck i would ignore Chrom if he didn't have to be there for plot reasons and also Falchion.

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Most used: MU, Chrom (cause you kinda have to) Say'ri, Pegasi, Lucina, Mages, Tharja, sometimes Henry if he turns out better than Tharja in my playthroughs (and that has been like once LOL)

Never used: Every other pre-promote, Donnel, Fred, Sully, Kellam, all knights

I guess everyone else is in between-ey, my teams are always really magic and speed based though ^^

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I must be the only person on the planet that uses Frederick much at all and doesn't use Lucina (for the most part, though I forgot to mention her anyway). ._.

I don't use Lucina either but it's very hard to use Frederick in lower difficulties because he drains exp and isn't really necessary save for a few situations. Frederick is useful as a support unit and for that surgical kill that can win you the game, but if you don't level him much, I've found that as early as Chapter 9 he falls flat on his face and becomes a liability rather than an asset. He can be grinded to awesomeness though.

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Still havent used stahl.

This is just...

Dude, go use Stahl. You wont regret it. Tanky Swordmasters rule.

I must be the only person on the planet that uses Frederick much at all and doesn't use Lucina (for the most part, though I forgot to mention her anyway). ._.

Frederick gets a lot of room to wiggle around in during my runs, early game. Unless i plan to pair him, he does wind up getting the bench until i go post-game and try playing with him more. I do use Lucina a lot cuz i put in effort when it comes to her. Especially if Chrom marries Olivia or Maribelle. Whether she gets paired or not is...a different bag of peanuts. Sometimes i just have Lucina hanging out with her dad or her sibling.

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I dont use chrom after I get lucina usually bench him in a forested area or in a corner there's nothing I particularly dislike about him just his OMG CHROMXAVATAR fans piss me off and make me bench him out of spite. Never really used frederick either (even though ive used the jagen archetype in all other FE games i've played) Never used tharja that much either

Then I usually bench the parents when I recruit the kids mainly so I mainly use MU(and waifu) Lucina Severa, Owain, Inigo Gerome, Cynthia, Brady and Morgan then Yarne and Nah interchangeably

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I don't use Lucina either but it's very hard to use Frederick in lower difficulties because he drains exp and isn't really necessary save for a few situations. Frederick is useful as a support unit and for that surgical kill that can win you the game, but if you don't level him much, I've found that as early as Chapter 9 he falls flat on his face and becomes a liability rather than an asset. He can be grinded to awesomeness though.

True, Frederick is a bit harder to level in lower difficulties, but it's not as hard as it looks. I have him nearly maxed out and it didn't take me a real long time at all. And once I made him go Dread Fighter, he started earning exp like crazy and the only thing he had to sacrifice was a couple points of strength and defense. Was so worth it, because he can STILL take hits from anything, including magic with the boost in resistance, and he's also fast because of the speed boost. And he gained back those lost points quickly anyway. :P

New headcanon: armorless Frederick is WAY faster than armored Frederick. lol

Oh, also, there's Paragon, which he can surely make use of.

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