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ATTN: People who want art of their waifus and MUs


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2 wouldn't be so damn awful if it were reversed in positioning. [You start up top; enemy starts on bottom]

Really, I'm not sure how I'm getting thru without casualties. The way I do that for vanilla is Divide/Conquer Fred/Sully Left; MU/Chrom Right. Which would work but...

I keep getting "no Luna+ on bottom" loads but Fred dies anyways [usually because right Barb won't go after MU]...

Which leads me wondering how the hell I'm going to pressure thru. I can probably sac Stahl, if I can make it to the point where I'm getting to mop up phase. Hell, I can probably let Vaike die too.

Have to keep Fred, Lissa, Virion and probably Miriel alive for Ch 3. Want at least one Cav up. And that's all just to beat Ch3. Past that I don't care.

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Chrom's wife with maxed or near-maxed stats in a speedy, mobile class (it's important to have 50 Spd after all buffs) as lead with a Brave weapon, with Chrom with ~38 Str and high hit wielding Exalted Falchion. Load them up with tonics and whatever rallies you have (should at least have Str from Basilio). Get within striking range and then go in on Grima on your phase. Heal with Physics if needed. Enemy phase, Grima should attack that pair again and will likely die if you have a high enough dual strike chance and if Chrom has enough hit not to whiff too much. I've one-turned the map pretty much every run using female Avatar with Galeforce to do it.

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Okay, um... well, if Lucina is trained and has a husband (or even A support with anyone sufficiently strong), you can theoretically do something similar. You'll just need a bit more Str to make up for her sword being weaker. If that's a no go, you could always try something like Vengeance with any kind of forged Brave-effect weapon.

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RIP Camus, Ike, Ursula, and Lyon.

Now to bring you back to die again....

I got inigo now I need severa...


Ike, Hardikvbgcvfgcwehgvhf(that general with pavgis), jaffar, lyon, Camus, and petrines blood flooded the field.

But Gregor!Severa is alright, so its a win.

This is tempting me to do a einhar playthrough next....

Also I wasted 2 hours because after like 40 mins I had to reset because I didn't know reinforcements came the turn after she talks to him, then again because boss rushing wont work, then 2 more to me being a retard,

Of course on the final attempt I found out that I would've had to reset (or worse) anyway because I had skills slotted wrong on greg and cordy

Edited by Tribute
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2 wouldn't be so damn awful if it were reversed in positioning. [You start up top; enemy starts on bottom]

Really, I'm not sure how I'm getting thru without casualties. The way I do that for vanilla is Divide/Conquer Fred/Sully Left; MU/Chrom Right. Which would work but...

I keep getting "no Luna+ on bottom" loads but Fred dies anyways [usually because right Barb won't go after MU]...

Which leads me wondering how the hell I'm going to pressure thru. I can probably sac Stahl, if I can make it to the point where I'm getting to mop up phase. Hell, I can probably let Vaike die too.

Have to keep Fred, Lissa, Virion and probably Miriel alive for Ch 3. Want at least one Cav up. And that's all just to beat Ch3. Past that I don't care.

Well, my strat was to manipulate the Barbarian on the mountain not to have Vantage+ and Hawkeye and then attack the Merc on the forest from the upper right with Avatar x Fred and manipulate a DS for a kill. Then I needed to kill enough stuff with DS/crits on EP to be able to reach the fort next turn. If I could do that, the bottom was in the bag. I had Sully run Lissa over to the bottom left corner and drop her, Chrom x Vaike stand on the forest with the rapier to attract the Barbarian, and Stahl x Virion to wait in the starting zone. It made the enemy movements work out reliably so that the team at the bottom only had to fight one Barbarian, who was defeated by Chrom's EP attack followed by a shot from Virion and another attack from Chrom (perfectly safe if there's no Vantage+, Vantage+ and Hawkeye together make it impossible), and then I could choose to attract an extra Mercenary or Soldier if I wanted. The hardest part of Cht.2 is protecting all the weak units, and this does it pretty well.

Also should we tag who we want in the sketch in the card or in the tumblr post thing (Not very familiar with tumblr)?

I'm not familiar at all with it either.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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It made the enemy movements work out reliably so that the team at the bottom only had to fight one Barbarian, who was defeated by Chrom's EP attack followed by a shot from Virion and another attack from Chrom (perfectly safe if there's no Vantage+, Vantage+ and Hawkeye together make it impossible)

Technically speaking, it's not impossible. There's a 3% dual guard chance that could totally happen against either of the Barbarian's attacks. >.>

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So I made a tumnblr and posted my avatar card and tagged it, but it doesn't show up when I search the lunatic challenge tags? Was there something extra I had to do? Help, please!

If you're searching from the main Tumblr page while logged in, that's expected behaviour. Tumblr filters out any of your own posts when doing general searches. Copy and paste the tag directly from your post into the Tumblr dash. If it turns up the rest of our results, then you're fine and Tumblr is just filtering it (alternatively, ask someone else to check for you).

EDIT: Changed for Tumblr not quite working how I thought it did.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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So I made a tumnblr and posted my avatar card and tagged it, but it doesn't show up when I search the lunatic challenge tags? Was there something extra I had to do? Help, please!

Make sure it's one of the first 4 tags.


like that.

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All right, so I was misinformed. I ran into the same issue before and the answer I gave is what I repeated here, as it seemed like it was correct. However, upon further examination, I can see my own post, it just took a while before it would actually show up with the tag search. So I guess it's just a matter of Tumblr being really slow in refreshing its indices. I still stand by copying and pasting your tag to search and if it comes up with the rest of our entries, then you got the tag right. The rest is up to Tumblr.

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All right, so I was misinformed. I ran into the same issue before and the answer I gave is what I repeated here, as it seemed like it was correct. However, upon further examination, I can see my own post, it just took a while before it would actually show up with the tag search. So I guess it's just a matter of Tumblr being really slow in refreshing its indices. I still stand by copying and pasting your tag to search and if it comes up with the rest of our entries, then you got the tag right. The rest is up to Tumblr.

That could be troublesome for late entries :<, considering how Vincent uploaded his on the 7th and it still didn't show up

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(Double Post :V)

Did some research, apparently Tumblr has a wait period for new blogs before their tagged images appear in search results. No one knows how long that wait is, but I'm going to assume it's a few days. Also you have to have a post icon beforehand (an avatar, not the default one) it seems.

EDIT: You also have to actually use your tumblr. Follow other people, reblog stuff, etc.

Edited by Drgnquester
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(Double Post :V)

Did some research, apparently Tumblr has a wait period for new blogs before their tagged images appear in search results. No one knows how long that wait is, but I'm going to assume it's a few days. Also you have to have a post icon beforehand (an avatar, not the default one) it seems.

EDIT: You also have to actually use your tumblr. Follow other people, reblog stuff, etc.

Um... Phooey. In that case, I might have to ask someone to post mine for me when it's done. Which won't be for a while, as I've been very busy watching AGDQ this week.

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