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Hi there, I'm Moolah!


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Hello! The name's Dan but feel free to call me Moolah... It's a username I randomly plucked out of thin air a couple of years ago and have been using ever since! Funny how that happens sometimes!

I'm 24 and at university studying computer games development in the UK. Basically I hope to work in a team designing games although as I reach the end of my course I'm finding a liking towards animation and modelling so perhaps working in film would also be an option!

Naturally I'm interested in games and particularly RPGs. I've played all manner of RPGs over the years.. Western.. Japanese.. Turn-based or real-time, you name it! Fire Emblem is a series I've always planned to get into but for one reason or another I have never had the pleasure of experiencing it until I recently bought Awakening for my 3DS. To tell you the truth, the game is one of the reasons I bought a 3DS in the first place!

Despite being my first FE game I've played similar games in the past so I started up my first play-through on Hard/Classic mode and have been thoroughly enjoying it. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and like to look further into game mechanics and strategy so I've been scouring the internet with my questions and more often than not I've been ending up here. So that's why I figured I'd do the right thing and join what seems like a very nice and helpful community.

So hi! Nice to meet you! Will try my best to find the answers I'm looking for before in a previous thread before I make one of my own, and I'm sure I'll be speaking to some of you soon! Enjoy your new year also, since it's the 31st December today!

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You joined forums way sooner after browsing the internet for tips/information than I did at least. I know it was ages before I joined FESS that I hit up Vincent's site for desert treasure GIFs and such. For some reason, actually conversing with other fans never even occurred to me for some reason (outside of my like, core of 5 friends in college when we all picked up Blazing Sword at around the same time).

Just look at me now, hah!

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I picked my favorite word 'levity' when I was in the 7th grade and it was my username until like the end of march this year lol. and it was mostly out of random. funny how that works

welcome!! please play the other FEs if/when you can, awakening actually isn't my favorite (I'm not a competitive player for anything though so my opinions might differ a lot from yours)

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Funny how usernames simply come to be. My first online alias, Duskman307, was actually picked out from my favourite 4th gen pokemon at the time, Dusknoir!

The other FE titles are definitely worth looking into. If you're a fan of the world map feature in Awakening, then FE2*/8 are definitely options. If you're a fan of the marriage feature in Awakening, then FE4 could interest you

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost and enjoy your stay!

*FE1-6 are Japanese only, so you're going to have to import/emulate them if they interest you (as well as patching them, if you've chosen the latter and can't read the text). FE7-13 (13 is Awakening) are all in English. The only exception is FE12, which is also Japanese only)

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