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Donnel Worth Keeping a Villager?


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Is Donnel worth keeping as a villager until level 30? Currently on my save-file, he's level 19 at Chapter 12. He has pretty good stats, but looking at his caps, he's going to cap most of the important ones before getting to level 30. He's already capped speed at a mere 19. That's really low if I have to train him for 11 more levels...

Anyway, what do you guys normally do with Donnel? Keep him as a villager until level 30 and Reclass him into a promoted unit? Reclass him the moment he levels up to 15 and learns his second skill? What class do you usually make him?

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This is my third play of Awakening but the first time I decided to use Donnel. I guess the last two times I just wasn't committed to making use of his epic gains.... But yeah, I think I was leaning towards reclassing but just wanted a few more inputs to the situation. Mercenary seems like a good choice for him.

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It's best to reclass at either 10 (to get to Merc as quickly as possible) or 15 (to get Underdog and then Merc without wasting time in Villager). Villager growths are pretty bad (seriously, they're 55% total growths lower than Merc), Donnel can't use lances outside of Villager, the caps are low and Donnel will likely start capping stuff at 15/10 anyway and want to take an earlyish Master Seal. Since mercenary gives Armsthrift, which is awesome on Donnel, and Patience + Underdog gives him considerable avoid, it's not worth going through to level 30 and then straight to Hero. It'd likely take longer, too, anyway.

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I'd reccomend getting him to Level 15, then making him a Mercenary. It's what I did. Give him armsthrift and a forged Leif's Blade once he's a hero and he'd be able to benefit from both with his high LCK.

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As previously stated, you want Donnel out of villager as soon as possible. Since you've learned underdog, you should reclass him, he needs to become a mercenary. There's nothing Donnel can do in villager that he can't do better in mercenary.

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Do note that Donnel tends to cap his stats quickly when turned to Merc. (Which you should do because he makes one of the best Armsthrift users.) So you might see some green numbers at around level 13 Merc. (my last Donnel promoted at level 13 Merc because caps) Donnel wants to be a Hero. Make him one.

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Only after I've reclassed him and maxed him in all other stats. Then yes, because it's funny, and I prefer him as a villager.

Although, no, not really. Reclass him asap.

Shame he doesn't have a lance reclass, though.

Edited by Dai
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He gave Donnel Limit Break, capped his Skl with Secret Books and gave him enough Seraph Robes to take a hit from the boss, and manipulated a crit to kill him, but didn't level up so he's not recruited. Even though he killed the boss.

I wonder what happens if Donnel kills a bunch of stuff with Paragon and reaches Lv.30 (he'd probably need some pokes as well), but right before clearing the map he Second Seals back to Villager Lv.1. Will he still be recruited?

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I wonder what happens if Donnel kills a bunch of stuff with Paragon and reaches Lv.30 (he'd probably need some pokes as well), but right before clearing the map he Second Seals back to Villager Lv.1. Will he still be recruited?

There's not enough exp for that.

If it was normal mode and there was a health restoring tile on the map, it might have been possible.

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What if he Second Seals to Mercenary at Lv.10 and then Second Seals back to Villager at Lv.10 again?

I have a Normal file on Par.1 right now, actually. I believe I'll try this anyway. First I'll need a lot of Logs/Branches for poking, and a Pass unit to break all the weapons...

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Donnel's caps as villager suck anyway, he's useless as a combat unit until reclassed.

I have a hunch that the game will still recognize Donnel's level ups despite being thrown back to Lv1.

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