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Help Me Figure This Guy Out


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For those who haven't completed Final Fantasy IV and don't want to spoiled, do yourself a huge favour and do not open the spoilers or read any further in this thread.

Even for those who haven't played Final Fantasy IV or have no interest in the game or the series whatsoever, you're still free to read on and help me out here since you won't need to know about the game to help me out on this.

And my question is, just what is Zeromus supposed to be? (I know it's the result of Zemus' hate, though I have no idea what it's supposed to resemble animal wise and stuff like that) I don't even know for sure where its eyes or face is, or if it's suppsed to have arms or legs.





From my understanding (referring to the sprite versions), the two huge glowing blue orbs are its eyes, the bottom left and top right body parts are arms, the top left body parts are wings or wing stubs, and the bottom right most part is a foot. As for what it is animal wise, I always thought of it as an insect made of exposed bone and muscle (yeah, I know, insects aren't supposed to have bones since they have exoskeletons).

So anyways, I just wanted to see what you guys think Zeromus is supposed to be and where its eyes, face, arms, and stuff like that are supposed to be.

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Zeromus is Cthulhu, beyond the understanding of mere humans.

Which means of course, that I know all there is to know about it! Not that I could explain it or anything.

Edited by Refa
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He is the personification of evil in the hearts of those who dwell on that particular universe

I can't really explain any better then that on his bizarre cthullhu monster like apperence

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He is Zemus's ( the bald guy that Golbez and Fuyosa defeat ) hatred, his hate was so strong and powerful it was... that thing.

It's just pure and disgusting hate, that's all, it's not really anything just a metaphor for disturbing hate in somebody's heart/ soul.

Edited by mikan-tsumiki
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I want to assume Zeromus is a type of inner demon that has been personified. I think that due to Zemus's immense hatred, that emotion formed a personality of its own, and Zemus's defeat unleashed it to wreak havoc on the world around it. His hatred was so strong that it formed a powerful inner demon, and I think that's all it is.

But then again, this is Final Fantasy. Does ANYTHING make sense??

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