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Greetings, denizens of Serenesforest.

I'm new (no shit sherlock). You can call me Tequila, Teq, T- (my IRC nick), Nostraduckus, Swashduckler, or Late for Dinner. I started playing FE about a year ago. I started with 7, then played 8 and 6. I intend to try the rest, but I don't own any systems other than a GBA and DS (and would rather not buy a new system just for one game, even if it is a good game), and my computer runs Dolphin reaaaally slowly. Have not looked into SNES emulators yet.

I've played a few hacks and was impressed by most of them. I wanted to learn how to do it myself, so I've been lurking around here since October, and finally figured it was time to join the club. So far, I've fiddled around with Nightmare and some extremely minor event editing (minor meaning I just started this morning). Ultimately, I hope to learn how to do assembly hacking, but that seems way down the line.

About me: I'm a 3rd year college student, majoring in applied math. I've only taken 1 programming course (Intro to Python) but I really enjoyed it and am looking to learn more about programming in general. I really like turn-based strategy games; the first game I ever played was Advance Wars. I play AWBW, if any of you are into that; my username is Tequila there (and that's actually what got me into FE). I won't guarantee I'm any good, however.

Also, I have ducks:


Credit goes to a friend of mine for the santa hat photoshop.

As far as my FE style goes: I love archers and everything that can use bows (I know this runs contrary to efficiency), hate knights (too damn slow). I've been stuck in the "all-prepromotes-are-bad" mindset, so I never use them (except Marcus/Seth as meatshields when I'm forced to). I've never tried to S-rank any of my runs, although I will try at some point, and I've never tried LTC runs, because I don't enjoy them. I arena abused on my very first playthrough of FE7, made most of my chars 20/20, and then realized there was no end-game content (I was expecting something like AW's War Room), so I almost never do it now (unless I'm grinding Bartre to recruit Karla in a swords-only run, for instance). I really like FE8's Creature Campaign, and wish FE7 had something similar to that (or at least FE6's Trial Maps).

I think that's pretty much it about me; it's probably the longest intro I've ever written for a forum. I'll probably barely talk from here on out, but lurk plenty.

Did I mention I have ducks? I have ducks.

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As far as my FE style goes: I love archers and everything that can use bows

You have gained the Dusko seal of approval

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost and enjoy your stay!

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