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Is the a DLC worth the money?

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I think so. I've bought three packs, the Lost Bloodlines Pack, The Golden Pack, and the Rogues Pack. They're a lot of fun, and you can play them over and over again. They have fantastic rewards (I originally bought the Lost Bloodlines Pack because I wanted Paragon), and they're loads of fun. If you total it all up and buy all the packs and maps, its like $53 for 25 more chapters, which is really not bad. You get loads of cool stuff, information, and backstory, as well as new and different challenges.

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Can't see how someone would actually complain about losing $3.

Unless you're like me and happen to live outside of the U.S, and have to pay around x7 the price. Which I did- Before the price got higher, anyway.

So yes, I'd say they are. Can't be a cheap-ass and not use up around $10 a month for 2 packs.

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Some of them are, while others arent. Golden Pack can help for grinding, along with funds and legendary weaponry. LB2 give access to Dreadfigher, SB2 gives Bride, R&R 3 gives Limitbreaker skill. Unless you want all of the redesigned Lords, (which have generic battle models) I'd advise being selective with which ones you pick

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I think so. I've bought three packs, the Lost Bloodlines Pack, The Golden Pack, and the Rogues Pack. They're a lot of fun, and you can play them over and over again. They have fantastic rewards (I originally bought the Lost Bloodlines Pack because I wanted Paragon), and they're loads of fun. If you total it all up and buy all the packs and maps, its like $53 for 25 more chapters, which is really not bad. You get loads of cool stuff, information, and backstory, as well as new and different challenges.

So when you play them over and over, do you get the reward again (Dread Scroll) (Paragon Manual)?

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So when you play them over and over, do you get the reward again (Dread Scroll) (Paragon Manual)?

Yes. Each time you do it, you gain the reward again

Edited by Hero-King
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I'd say they were worth it, the ones with the new classes and new skills are definitely worth it, while the others with none of those aren't really worth it. I bought all the DLC anyway, since I enjoyed the game plenty and wanted more content, it also helps that the money spent supports a developer that makes the games. I think I played about 100 hours without any DLC, then once I got DLC I was able to add about 200 or so more hours.

I think I've got my money's worth out of all the content I've paid for.

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Some of them are, while others arent. Golden Pack can help for grinding, along with funds and legendary weaponry. LB2 give access to Dreadfigher, SB2 gives Bride, R&R 3 gives Limitbreaker skill. Unless you want all of the redesigned Lords, (which have generic battle models) I'd advise being selective with which ones you pick

.......this coming from the guy who actually bought all of them. Save for Apotheosis

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Dread Fighter is definitely worth it! I'm glad I decided to get a Dread Scroll. Frederick is so sexy in that outfit. :3

But yeah, among other things, the DLC maps can help with grinding, getting cool skills and two more classes, and get you more characters for your team. They can be challenging though, so make sure to be prepared before you try some of them out.

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Lost Bloodlines is probably the best one in my opinion because it gives you two EXTREMELY useful items. The Dread Fighter class is pretty killer, and you can grind it enough times to give all your units paragon.....

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Unless you're like me and happen to live outside of the U.S, and have to pay around x7 the price. Which I did- Before the price got higher, anyway.

Stop complaining. You had discounted packs.

Japanese copies didn't.

All of the DLC totaled twice the price of the game.

...and I have two Japanese 3DSs.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think it's worth it, but some are better than others. For example, if you're minmaxing, you can't do without the Golden Pack, since it's the fastest for grinding weak units and gives you essentially unlimited money. Many other DLCs give you very good items, like Lost Bloodlines 3 with Paragon skill. If you like the characters and some fanservice (I do!), then the Scramble Pack is well worth it. And for story reasons, Future Past is obviously the way to go.

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Worth it? They double the price of the game and triple the replay value. I got all of them and I don't regret a single one (except maybe Summer Scramble because fanservice). However, if you're on a budget, there are definitely some you should prioritize over others- namely, the ones that give rewards and Future Past.

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Stop complaining. You had discounted packs.

Japanese copies didn't.

All of the DLC totaled twice the price of the game.

...and I have two Japanese 3DSs.

Yeah, Soul, stop complaining about regional price differences at least you weren't forced to buy the DLC three times!


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Worth it? They double the price of the game and triple the replay value. I got all of them and I don't regret a single one (except maybe Summer Scramble because fanservice). However, if you're on a budget, there are definitely some you should prioritize over others- namely, the ones that give rewards and Future Past.

This is relative. Cordelia in a bikini is definitely a bigger reward than Limit Breaker for me.

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I do not support DLC. So no, in my opinion, they're not worth it. A new map + reskinned avatar is not worth anything.

Even worse is having to pay for character development because they're too lazy to put it into the game itself. I wouldn't buy DLC of any kind even if they payed be to get it.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Yes, because pay-for updates to games you love are intrinsically evil by design. How dare they produce more content and expect us to pay for it!

you realize how fucking inane that stance is, right? even assuming you were trying to be funny with the last line

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Yes, because pay-for updates to games you love are intrinsically evil by design. How dare they produce more content and expect us to pay for it!

you realize how fucking inane that stance is, right? even assuming you were trying to be funny with the last line

This is your second post in this thread and both times you were resorting to demeaning sarcasm just because you disagreed with someone over the subject of a mere game. What is the point of that? Do you want people in this thread to start shouting at each other?

Over something so banal no less?

Anyway, on topic.

if nothing else I would advice against CoY1. I only bought it because it was initially free and consequently didn't buy anything else because I figured that this DLC would be representative of the quality of the rest.

Maybe it helps when I elaborate on my issues: Eirika behaved awfully out of character, Nanna forgot that she is better with the sword then with a staff ("I can't fight but my staff can protect my friends"), the scenario was effectively to team up with the other Lords in order to kill their girlfriends on the first FE1 map and the map design was immensely dull.

It's just all the girls charging at your position from their starting position with 3 or so staying behind until you get in range.

Of course others might disagree with my issues but either way I am curious if the rest of the DLC is better then this one.

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This is your second post in this thread and both times you were resorting to demeaning sarcasm just because you disagreed with someone over the subject of a mere game. What is the point of that? Do you want people in this thread to start shouting at each other?

Over something so banal no less?

I agree my tone was less than optimal (one late-night post and one early-morning post, I should learn to just not) but the posts were just daft. One of them was a hyper-privileged "stop complaining about having to pay more for an arbitrary reason you have no control over" and the other one was an ignorant "all dlc is bad!!!" statement. Both were actively harmful to the thread.

EDIT: I'm not saying "saying the dlc is bad is bad" cause posts like yours are fine by me. Shit like what RJW posted is what gets my dander up.

EDIT2: I'll even be productive again as a sign of good faith: the Season 1 DLC (legacy characters) is definitely lacking in substance compared to the Season 2 (scrambles, future past) DLC. I'd recommend risking it a second time just to pick up one S2 DLC (probably just future past 1) and see if it tickles you any better.

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If you want to waste money, go ahead.

I won't. It's not a question of how much money.

It's terrible that you have to pay extra for character development. As are the reskinned avatars. I mean really, are you suggesting someone should pay for those legacy characters? When all but 2 of them are already available for free and you can always make avatars themed after past characters?

I pointed out the flaws with the DLC, which I also made clear that it was my own opinion in my previous post. I can barely see how it was 'actively harmful' to the thread.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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If it provides concrete item/monetary reward, I got it. I just waited until sf collected the videos/uploads off the future past dialogue and read it all there. No sense in paying for what others will pay online, imo

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