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Is the a DLC worth the money?

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DLC exists since long. Previously it was called "expansion packs". Be glad IS isn't like EA which sells content already in the game and all you buy is a key to unlock it.

I'm not too fond of DLC either but at least the content in Awakening's DLC is worth it, for those who like the game.

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I can barely see how it was 'actively harmful' to the thread.

You literally said "dlc is bad." If it was a simple misunderstanding and you just meant "this game's dlc is bad" as opposed to "all dlc is bad" then I still disagree but I don't think you're a moron because that blanket statement is just awful.

Edited by Integrity
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There used to be terrible expansion packs too. There were exceptions. Blizzard's expansion packs are entire games by themselves pretty much.

I've never had the oppurtunity to streetpass anyone but if the person whom you pass has characters with DLC skills, don't they still function except that they aren't labelled? Or the DLC classes that just switch to Tactician with the other weapon, like a tactician using axes to represent Dread Fighters? Doesn't that mean that a lot of the data laready exists and you're only just paying for the final remaining 'key', as it were?

For the record, the Scramble DLC is good but it's just terrible that you have to pay for customized parent-child conversations because they seemingly rushed the game or didn't care enough to make unique conversations within the vanilla edition?

Take Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC. That's some quality DLC.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I agree my tone was less than optimal (one late-night post and one early-morning post, I should learn to just not) but the posts were just daft. One of them was a hyper-privileged "stop complaining about having to pay more for an arbitrary reason you have no control over" and the other one was an ignorant "all dlc is bad!!!" statement. Both were actively harmful to the thread.

EDIT: I'm not saying "saying the dlc is bad is bad" cause posts like yours are fine by me. Shit like what RJW posted is what gets my dander up.

EDIT2: I'll even be productive again as a sign of good faith: the Season 1 DLC (legacy characters) is definitely lacking in substance compared to the Season 2 (scrambles, future past) DLC. I'd recommend risking it a second time just to pick up one S2 DLC (probably just future past 1) and see if it tickles you any better.

Thank you for the advice. I will definitely give it another shot once I get a few points.

And sorry that I was so aggressive. I am really the last person to call out others for sarcasm.

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I like the legacy DLC, mostly because it makes me crazy nostalgic. Not to mention, Micaiah is actually useful for having an Armsthrift/Shadowgift Dark Flyer and not having to wait until you can get Aversa!Morgan, not to mention Morgan has other good parents and Avatar is unable to help out other kids like Nah.

Though I still want DLC Eliwood.

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It is questionable whether it really "exists" in the data or not. The skill and the class might exist, but I'm not sure the items exist in the game data without the DLC installed. For instance, if you have a paragon scroll or any other DLC item in your convoy without the DLC installed, it comes up as "Outrealm Item" and it is unable to be used in any fashion. So the item itself might not be in the data; that seems unclear, at least.

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Remember what happens in FE10?

Well if you don't, the failsafe is a T stance on animations... and you freeze the game.

The fail safe for any class not behaving like it should is using the tactician model to default weapon animations.

Which is why the Bride class has twirls that are not in the game and don't get used if the data isn't there. It defaults to the Merchant's backhop.

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Maybe it helps when I elaborate on my issues: Eirika behaved awfully out of character, Nanna forgot that she is better with the sword then with a staff ("I can't fight but my staff can protect my friends"), the scenario was effectively to team up with the other Lords in order to kill their girlfriends on the first FE1 map and the map design was immensely dull.

It's just all the girls charging at your position from their starting position with 3 or so staying behind until you get in range.

Of course others might disagree with my issues but either way I am curious if the rest of the DLC is better then this one.

Some of the characters are really out of character, some are really well done (particularly the ones that use quotes from their games. Narcian/Narshen goes from "I am strong...I am wise...I am handsome...and I am right. Always! More than anybody!" in the translation patch to "I am strong. I am wise. I am lovely. And most importantly, I am right! ...Me! No one else!"). And then there are some who are just interesting to listen to, like the allies in RaR2. But the second series really is better if you're looking for dialogue/story, the first series is about massive battles and rewards.

I wrote a huge post on Gfaqs a long time ago about the DLC in Awakening to people who thought it should have been included for free, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now but the gist of it was that Nintendo could just have easily not made any DLC at all and taken the free Spotpass stuff and sold that as DLC instead, or they could have waited an extra year or so until they finished the DLC and then released the game very late (and maybe made even more DLC after that). No matter your stance on DLC, what we got is the best outcome, and this DLC happens to be neither microtransactions nor a key to content already in the game's code (I agree that both of these are bad).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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In general I do NOT support any kind of DLC that makes the game easier because it must be possible to beat the main game without having to resort to paid DLC....

Other than that, the main reason I didnt buy any DLC yet...the cost. If you combine the DLC cost, you have to pay about 50€ for 25 maps...while the game only costs 40€ or less if used. (and has 26+23 maps)

So I didnt bought any of them since I am not impressed for some reason, maybe its just the price, maybe its my principle.

The sole exception, the only DLC I am interested in, given the first impression

-The Future Past (or rather Future of Despair)...I heard that if this DLC would expanded to a full game, it would be miles better than the main game (especially its story), it does not give you an noticeable advantage in the main game and uses a different map for each xenologue. (Some say that this DLC manages to have a better story in 3 chapters than the full game in 26+ chapters, and the main story is kinda bland)

Ok maybe its partially my fault (since I didnt preorder this game or wasnt a first adopter), but still...

Also, I am against day 1 DLC, out of principle...I am not sure if there was any day 1 DLC or something..(I am also not sure if these DLC classes and skills are already in the code, in some way or another)

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The classes and skills are in the code the same way Giratina-O is in Diamond/Pearl- the game won't crash if you try to use them/fight them, but they're not part of the game.

There are actually more than 25 DLC battles because Apo has 12 different battles in one map. And I'd say that you shouldn't judge the DLC by how many maps there are anyway, it's more important how much replay value is added to the game. DOuble the price, triple the replay value- I'm happy.

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Stop complaining. You had discounted packs.

Japanese copies didn't.

All of the DLC totaled twice the price of the game.

...and I have two Japanese 3DSs.

God, you're quite a pimp Rey XD

DLC exists since long. Previously it was called "expansion packs". Be glad IS isn't like EA which sells content already in the game and all you buy is a key to unlock it.

I'm not too fond of DLC either but at least the content in Awakening's DLC is worth it, for those who like the game.

Reminds me of Street Fighter vs Tekken, selling things that's already inside the disc

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I wrote a huge post on Gfaqs a long time ago about the DLC in Awakening to people who thought it should have been included for free, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now but the gist of it was that Nintendo could just have easily not made any DLC at all and taken the free Spotpass stuff and sold that as DLC instead, or they could have waited an extra year or so until they finished the DLC and then released the game very late (and maybe made even more DLC after that). No matter your stance on DLC, what we got is the best outcome, and this DLC happens to be neither microtransactions nor a key to content already in the game's code (I agree that both of these are bad).

This. I support DLC when it's actually executed right and in FE:A's case, it definitely is. Developers are adding extra content, it's only natural people have to pay to get it, by making it free they'd willingly throw money out of the window.

Marc71: I have a friend who actually once said that Day 1 DLC is a good thing with no hint of sarcasm...I can't remember what his arguments were but he worked for EA at the time so maybe all of their employees are under a contract to tell this to anyone when questioned about DLC.

Pianime94: Goddamnit, words can't describe how much I was mad at Capcom for making me wait months before getting to play my two favorite SF characters (Dudley and Sakura) and making me pay 20$ when they were on disc all along.

Edited by LeDom
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The season 2 DLC is pretty good (well, scramble one didn't feel worth it).

Future Past is excellent and well worth the investment, though it requires a fair bit of grinding postgame to reasonably clear. Golden Pack is probably worth it too.

I played the free CoY1, and got R&R3 for Limit Break. I'm not hugely impressed by the season 1 DLC, but if you like extra classes I guess they aren't bad.

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What I really wished for in the DLC is for every FE character that got added in as paid DLC recruitment is to have their own VO at least. Even if the VO they had was generic, it would still be better than having only silence all the time. ><

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The issue is; day 1 DLC and especially DLC that unlocks content that was already on the disc..basically, if you buy the game at full price without buying DLC...well its not nice when you only can play 70% of that disc and the 30% is DLC-locked. Day 1 DLC can be done well I think (this could be also a case of preorder bonuses), but I want to be able to play the full game when I pay the full price..(like in the old days, when everything was indeed playable). I think he was indeed on a payroll.

After doing some research, one video from Rey (dunno where it is) showed what would happen if you remove the SD card that has the DLC. Result: Graphics were missing and I dunno if anything else happens, the Bride class is still functionally intact and Limit Breaker was still working even with DLC "uninstalled".

Given that you can meet streetpass teams with DLC....but then I also thought "If you dont have the DLC, StreetPass Teams w/ DLC shouldnt appear at all!". I am not sure how to interprete it...was it already in the base code or is that a failsafe? (or that case when you somehow lose your SD card)

Also checking, the artwork for these two DLC classes were made after release...

Moving on to Series 2, this seems to be a lot more appealing...at least each map is different.
-Golden Gaffle: Why? The fact that the DLC was available at all gave me the impression that the base game (think Lunatic(+)) was impossible without DLC (which eventually wasnt the case, but it still gave me that impression).
-Scramble: Fanservice Pack, nuff said. At least its optional. Not something I really need..
-Challenge Pack: Well, more difficult challenges. Kinda interesting.
-Future Past: Again, see above, if I had to buy one DLC pack, it would be this one.
-Apotheosis: Lack the skill and time to complete this map, I still think im a noob. (since this is paid DLC, having to pay DLC (limit breaker) to beat DLC maps, not an issue..)

Maybe it helps that series 2 is certainly planned long after the release, unlike possibly series 2.

Now practical reasons...while DLC items and classes are certainly useful to some degree, DLC characters arent, due their inability to support

Grinding isnt really an issue because by the time I reach post game, I already got a decent group of units..

Edited by Marc71
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Just gonna add my two cents; probably going to repeat what some people have wrote.

In general, the series 1 DLC isn't really worth the money, except the ones that grant gameplay bonuses, like the new classes and skills. I felt IS were pretty lazy with the way the DLC was handled, with the generic Avatar models and repeated maps. It would have been cool if, for example, the Champions of Lore maps were based on the first maps from FE1, FE7 and FE9 or something.

The Golden Pack is nice if you want to reduce grinding to a minimal level, but not essential (unless you want to cheese Lunatic mode).

Series 2 DLC is worth the money definitely, although the attractiveness of the Challenge Pack (and Apotheosis) varies depending on your playstyle. This is what the Series 1 DLC should have been (sans the still generic battle models), but I guess IS had to practice first : P

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