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If Lucina Had her Own Story....

HK Motendra

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Adding to that, they could simply let the player choose every pairing at the start of the game(and maybe add some?) for all the other children.

Easy enough to do I'm sure. Mass Effects sequels did this if you jumped in after 1. For its major choices

Granted you'd need to describe all the people for people unfamiliar with Awakening so you don't scare off the newer players

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Or they could just add a random button.

Or an option that would piss alot of people off, give an option between picking your own, or an auto story mode type pairing (which would turn into canon pairing whining)

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The only flaw about this idea is we would have to go through some form of "canon pairings" and we know how messy that can get.

They could have all the kids with their default hair color from their mothers, skillsets derived from their mothers and leave everything dialogue-wise frustratingly ambiguous aside from maybe one or two pairings enshrined in canon.

Everyone'll still fight over it anyway, but I could see the developers just punting that issue.

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I feel like a FE4-style plot twist would have worked best in regards to giving Lucina greater focus in Awakening... though maybe that wouldn't be as likable. I'm not personally a fan of unnecessary time travel in media, and to me it didn't feel really contribute to the story as a whole (feel free to disagree). It would change the entire story significantly, but I would have rather seen Chrom's army disperse or die and then switch the spotlight over to Lucina and the other kids. Then Lucina would be the main lord of the game for the second half of the game after a significant timeskip. But of course, this didn't happen so it is what it is....

A Lucina side story could work into Awakening's general plot too, but Chrom would have to be out of the picture somehow. It would have made much more sense for King Chrom to remain in Ylisse while allowing Lucina to take charge of his army during the Valm expedition.

And as previously stated, there's plenty of room for an Awakening sequel, and hopefully that would star Present Lucina instead of Chrom or Future Lucina. I'd like to see this happen, as it could patch up some holes from Chrom's story.

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I wonder if they will address any Awakening plot points/holes in Smt x Fe seeing as Chrom and Lucina are going to appear in that, whenever we get more data on it that is.

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Well, Ana, your first post in this thread didn't really sound all that ... well, pleasant.

I know you're not a Lucina fan at all, and there's nothing wrong with that. But saying that you'd want to puke is a ... rather extreme reaction. There are people who like Lucina. Why would you want to take away the enjoyment of theorizing what a hypothetical game for Lucina would be like for her fans by saying that it makes you want to puke?

If you started a thread called "If FE10 was remade ..." and talked about some of the things you wished would be in it (such as an Ike/Elincia ending) and if someone said "if Ike/Elincia was a possible ending I'd puke (I hate Ike and I like Elincia/Geoffrey better), wouldn't that take away the enjoyment of the thread for you?

It's not a matter of being able to change your opinion on how much you like characters. It's a matter of expressing it in a manner that doesn't put off others.

I realize that what I said was a bit extreme. I was exaggerating to make a point (there's a term for this, but I forget what it is. xP), that point being that I would not like Lucina getting her own game. I didn't mean that I'd literally puke or anything.

I'd also assume the same of someone that acted as you describe in that kind of thread. That they're just intentionally exaggerating and mean no real harm.

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And we know how well *THAT* turned out with one of European Awakening's movies being renamed.


Yeah, I'd have considered Chrom/Sumia to be one of the few pairings IS might indeed enshrine as canon a la Lewyn/Fury.

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While IS could make the ChromxSumia pairing cannon in a potential sequel to reduce the programming needs and vagueness in supports(they could make some tailor-made scene between siblings Cynthia/Lucina), I'm pretty sure it would unleash a Sh*tstorm of Chrom fangirls.

I would still prefer them to give the player a choice, even if they are some default cannon pairings for newcomers(but even that could cause rage among the fanbase).

On another note, I've seen the interesting idea posted around this thread that the present children would be different from their future counterparts due to their very different life conditions while growing up. Anybody think it would be interesting to speculate possible gameplay change, like Severa starting as a Pegasus Knight instead of as a Mercenary due to better relationship with her mother.

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FE5 made Lewyn/Fury canon, even though Fury was able to marry any non-Sigurd 1st generation male in FE4. If a hypothetical game for present!Lucina decides to make her parents canon, or if any of the other children end up having a canon father, then the fans will probably rage but they'll just have to get over it. (Something being made canon shouldn't spoil your liking for what you DO like.)

It's possible to just never mention fathers or Lucina's mother, except very generally in a way that could apply to any father, and just give the children their mothers' hair colors.

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While IS could make the ChromxSumia pairing cannon in a potential sequel to reduce the programming needs and vagueness in supports(they could make some tailor-made scene between siblings Cynthia/Lucina), I'm pretty sure it would unleash a Sh*tstorm of Chrom fangirls.

I would still prefer them to give the player a choice, even if they are some default cannon pairings for newcomers(but even that could cause rage among the fanbase).

On another note, I've seen the interesting idea posted around this thread that the present children would be different from their future counterparts due to their very different life conditions while growing up. Anybody think it would be interesting to speculate possible gameplay change, like Severa starting as a Pegasus Knight instead of as a Mercenary due to better relationship with her mother.

It's the inherent flaw with the game's generic conversations with the fathers.

Future of Despair (Future Past) DLC illustrates that very well. It could have been a much better experience with them tailoring support conversations for each individual father no matter how much of a pain that is... but to write entire scenarios based on those differences would be... well... impractical. Just looking at the conversations from those DLC shows that each child had a different potential. From Wood/Owain looking up to Frederick's knightly stance... to Lon'qu's own unique "encouragement" to Azure/Inigo telling him to put a messenger from the afterlife come to collect him into the ground... to Azure/Inigo being the group's "tactician" and looking back if cutting the bridge was the best decision after all...

It's a lot of possibilities to consider, especially when it's a niche fanbase we're looking at for a sequel game... even if Awakening's popularity had it exposed to more people.

When you look at what they've done to "sequels"... they generally have "variations" depending on someone's preferences... but generally the dev team said "screw it".

Like in Radiant Dawn.

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It's the inherent flaw with the game's generic conversations with the fathers.

Future of Despair (Future Past) DLC illustrates that very well. It could have been a much better experience with them tailoring support conversations for each individual father no matter how much of a pain that is... but to write entire scenarios based on those differences would be... well... impractical. Just looking at the conversations from those DLC shows that each child had a different potential. From Wood/Owain looking up to Frederick's knightly stance... to Lon'qu's own unique "encouragement" to Azure/Inigo telling him to put a messenger from the afterlife come to collect him into the ground... to Azure/Inigo being the group's "tactician" and looking back if cutting the bridge was the best decision after all...

It's a lot of possibilities to consider, especially when it's a niche fanbase we're looking at for a sequel game... even if Awakening's popularity had it exposed to more people.

When you look at what they've done to "sequels"... they generally have "variations" depending on someone's preferences... but generally the dev team said "screw it".

Like in Radiant Dawn.

Yeah, the sheer number of potential support would make tailoring supports for the parents require way too much work. Path of Radiance had a smaller cast of playable characters(46PoR vs 50FEA, when counting spotpass and children characters) and has less support options between the characters(around 3-4 average with Ike having 7 supports) and it's sequel still made really generic supports and nearly completely disregarded previous supports.

So they probably would go with vague supports yet again except if they introduce cannon pairings.

And the cast would probably be enormous if they go the same way as RD(from 46 Playable Characters to 73). I guess they could either limit the number of new characters or just limit the number of returning characters in order to make supports more manageable.

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FE5 made Lewyn/Fury canon, even though Fury was able to marry any non-Sigurd 1st generation male in FE4. If a hypothetical game for present!Lucina decides to make her parents canon, or if any of the other children end up having a canon father, then the fans will probably rage but they'll just have to get over it. (Something being made canon shouldn't spoil your liking for what you DO like.)

It's possible to just never mention fathers or Lucina's mother, except very generally in a way that could apply to any father, and just give the children their mothers' hair colors.

Well... sometimes fans get over it and sometimes they don't. Lewyn/Fury went over well enough, but early versions of the FE5 official website made it damn clear that Beowulf/Raquesis was going to be enshrined in canon, and the fandom legend that Finn/Raquesis shippers produced a shitstorm of such righteous unholy fury that IS backed off, deleted Beowulf's name from the website, and adopted a "canon is whatever you want it to be" policy thereafter actually appears to be the honest-to-god truth.

Rather than deal with that level of crazy again the devs might well go for vague. From what I've read the drama CD featuring Lucina and co. did the ultimate dodge and went with Generic Village Maiden for Mrs. Chrom; dunno what they did as far as the other kids go.

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Well... sometimes fans get over it and sometimes they don't. Lewyn/Fury went over well enough, but early versions of the FE5 official website made it damn clear that Beowulf/Raquesis was going to be enshrined in canon, and the fandom legend that Finn/Raquesis shippers produced a shitstorm of such righteous unholy fury that IS backed off, deleted Beowulf's name from the website, and adopted a "canon is whatever you want it to be" policy thereafter actually appears to be the honest-to-god truth.

Rather than deal with that level of crazy again the devs might well go for vague. From what I've read the drama CD featuring Lucina and co. did the ultimate dodge and went with Generic Village Maiden for Mrs. Chrom; dunno what they did as far as the other kids go.

... I was aware that there was a conflict between Beowulf/Raquesis and Finn/Raquesis, but I didn't think it was to THAT extent. I suppose Chrom's pairing might cause an even bigger shitstorm. What can IS do about it? The avatar doesn't even have a predetermined gender, so making Chrom/feMU canon will isolate people who play as maMU. The only thing they COULD do is either keep Lucina's parentage vague, make it so that Cynthia, Inigo, Kjelle, and Brady are unplayable or never actually shown, make the mother the village girl, or just say "bring it on".

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... I was aware that there was a conflict between Beowulf/Raquesis and Finn/Raquesis, but I didn't think it was to THAT extent. I suppose Chrom's pairing might cause an even bigger shitstorm. What can IS do about it? The avatar doesn't even have a predetermined gender, so making Chrom/feMU canon will isolate people who play as maMU. The only thing they COULD do is either keep Lucina's parentage vague, make it so that Cynthia, Inigo, Kjelle, and Brady are unplayable or never actually shown, make the mother the village girl, or just say "bring it on".

If they did gave Chrom a 'cannon wife' it would either be Sumia or the Maiden. And I don't think they would give a cannon wife/husband to the Avatat since it would defeat the purpose of a POV/self-insert character. But mentioning the gender of the avatar brings an important point:

What would happen with Morgan? By default Morgan's gender is linked to the gender of your avatar so they would either have to ask you to recreate the avatar, give a cannon gender to Morgan(which would also give a cannon gender to MU) or put both Morgan in.

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I personally don't mind if IS makes certain pairings canon for a particular game like Fe5. I ship Finn/Briggid (my extensive headcanon on this one does support Finn/Raquesis as well for a period though) and Arden/Fury for goodness sakes but you don't see me whine :p.

People need to chilax. Let's not become the next Twlight Team shippers or the infamous Zutara or Harry/Hermione ones either.

Having head canon is nice, but when a writer or companies canon comes around and you completely hate a company/writer or people who agree with it. You are going too far

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Morgan probably wouldn't/shouldn't exist, or they should both exist. Since you can have only one Morgan at a time, he or she will throw off the otherwise even balance of the children characters, by adding in one more male or female than would be without them. Marrying Chrom to a village girl sort of solves "canon wars" amongst people who refuse to accept any other named character as Chrom's wife. Why not make the avatar celibate?

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Morgan probably wouldn't/shouldn't exist, or they should both exist. Since you can have only one Morgan at a time, he or she will throw off the otherwise even balance of the children characters, by adding in one more male or female than would be without them. Marrying Chrom to a village girl sort of solves "canon wars" amongst people who refuse to accept any other named character as Chrom's wife. Why not make the avatar celibate?

I always gathered Morgan was from an alternate continuity from how I read his/her first chat with the avatar among others. That would be easy enough to hand wave as a what if.

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I always gathered Morgan was from an alternate continuity from how I read his/her first chat with the avatar among others. That would be easy enough to hand wave as a what if.

and also it says in the epilogues during the credits scholars speculate s/he is from a different timeline

This can totally be fuel that it was put in so in lucinas stand alone game avatar wont have to have a canon pairing


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and also it says in the epilogues during the credits scholars speculate s/he is from a different timeline

This can totally be fuel that it was put in so in lucinas stand alone game avatar wont have to have a canon pairing


Oh yeah! I completely forgot that. Thanks for the reminder

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I think the Avatar and Morgan are the reasons there likely won't be a sequel or prequel to Awakening, at least a direct one. Because the Avatar doesn't have a default gender, any pairing chosen to be canon would make it unfair to those who play of the gender that didn't get canonized. Awakening really looks to me like a whatever-you-decide-is-canon thing.

Plus, Morgan still does exist, whether he/she's from a different timeline or not. It's just up to us who his/her parents are and what his/her gender is.

And for all we know, there could've still been a Morgan from the same timeline as future Lucina, he/she might have just been killed or something or even somehow joined the Grimleal.

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I personally would love a spin-off / sequel to Awakening in the same light as Thracia 776 was to Genealogy of the Holy War.

I think the Avatar and Morgan are the reasons there likely won't be a sequel or prequel to Awakening, at least a direct one. Because the Avatar doesn't have a default gender, any pairing chosen to be canon would make it unfair to those who play of the gender that didn't get canonized. Awakening really looks to me like a whatever-you-decide-is-canon thing.

Plus, Morgan still does exist, whether he/she's from a different timeline or not. It's just up to us who his/her parents are and what his/her gender is.

And for all we know, there could've still been a Morgan from the same timeline as future Lucina, he/she might have just been killed or something or even somehow joined the Grimleal.

I don't think there would be much trouble considering you could either load data from FE:A via the SD card or you could just simply design Morgan's character.

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I think the Avatar and Morgan are the reasons there likely won't be a sequel or prequel to Awakening, at least a direct one. Because the Avatar doesn't have a default gender, any pairing chosen to be canon would make it unfair to those who play of the gender that didn't get canonized. Awakening really looks to me like a whatever-you-decide-is-canon thing.

Plus, Morgan still does exist, whether he/she's from a different timeline or not. It's just up to us who his/her parents are and what his/her gender is.

And for all we know, there could've still been a Morgan from the same timeline as future Lucina, he/she might have just been killed or something or even somehow joined the Grimleal.

Problem 1 fixable by having a customizable Avatar.

Problem 2 fixed by having the Avatar marry someone in game.

Problem 3 fixed by... well there being another game and allowing another ending for a Morgan.

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