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FE7/8 Str->Mag, Con->Str?


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Hello, FE hacking community. I humbly beseech you: is it possible to alter the game to allow Constitution to stand in for Strength and the old Strength stat to be reserved solely for Magic? That is to say, is it possible to give Constitution a growth rate, and have damage be keyed to it, on top of its role in determining AS? I understand that this may be a difficult task, but it is something I would like to pursue if there is any possibility, and I will admit that my current knowledge of ROM hacking is limited by inexperience.

I am currently invested simply in redirecting the numbers; battle menu hacking is a bridge I will cross when I come to it, once the back-end work is completed. Thank you in advance for considering my question, and I hope I am not being too presumptuous by asking it before introducing myself to the community at large.

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I'm probably talking out of my arse here, but it's probably very possible, but would just take a lot of skill, knowledge and time with assembly hacking (the magic words). There's definitely a patch which allows Str to function as Con so I don't see why the reverse would be impossible--I believe the biggest issue would probably be with giving Con a growth rate. I'm not familiar with this area of hacking, though, so I'll leave it to someone else to answer the specifics :P:

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Nintenlord tried that once. He jumbled the stats around to make luck a static stat (like CON in the games, easier than adding an entire growth rate), but using strength to buffer attack speed resulted in all kinds of imbalance (it was for FE4A; Noish could double, but Alec couldn't).

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I was under the impression that FE6 included Con growth, but that it was altered to be 0% for all characters in the final version; I had assumed this carried over to FE7, as it seems to be rather heavily based on the former. This may all be misinformation, and it would be most unfortunate to learn that this was not the case, but I would be grateful just to learn that it is possible to provide it growth through other means.

My primary reason for wanting to do this is to create units which can utilize both physical and magical attacks, and have separate stats for them (in the style of FE9 and forward).

I suppose one might also remove weapon weight entirely to level the playing field, as NME and Awakening did. But as I said before, I believe it best that I take things one step at a time.

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I was under the impression that FE6 included Con growth, but that it was altered to be 0% for all characters in the final version\

i have literally never heard of this before

also i'm taking shot for another str/magic split hope

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i have literally never heard of this before

also i'm taking shot for another str/magic split hope

As I said, it might have simply been misinformation. I can't seem to find it anymore, which is depressing.

But if no such stat exists, then perhaps Luk->Mag, Con->Luk is my only recourse. If calculating Weight AS loss via Strength is known to cause such problems, I might just follow my own suggestion and remove it entirely. That, fortunately, is easy (if tedious) to achieve in Nightmare. The hardest part about it would be rebalancing things to account for the change, but that was going to be an issue no matter what I did.

Thanks for the help everyone. I might not have gotten exactly what I wanted, but having a course of action allows me to plan ahead and work towards it.

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Or just Luck -> Mag, change the formulae involving Luck and leave Con alone. Unless you plan on getting rid of Rescue, Con still serves an important purpose while Luck can be replaced by other stats.

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