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Changing some simple data quickly


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I'd like to change some data for enemies in FE8 - in particular, their AI data to 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 for the four fields, for every enemy in the game (and I don't care if it changes all NPCs as well, it'd probably add to the hilarity). This would, in short, make all enemies aggressive with no interest in healing. The only issue is that doing this in Nightmare would require changing a huge wad of enemies for around 20 (30 if I do both routes) chapters.

So... is there a way I can change all of these more quickly? As best I can tell, changing the fields for player units and separators doesn't do anything, so that might help I suppose.

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The only thing I can think of would be if you're doing custom events, you can copy and paste the AI for as many units as you want. You theoretically can do that with a hex editor if you don't wanna do custom events but I wouldn't recommend it as you could easily mess something up

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I'm not doing custom events sadly (thankfully?). Just doing my standard thing of a quick and dirty but fun(ny) hack... except currently without the quick bit.

I mean who doesn't want to play chapter 15 when every single enemy charges you on turn 1?

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Yeah unless you wanna c/p in a hex editor, I'm afraid you'll have to go the long tedious route.

Although you could disassemble, change the AI and reassemble with the event assembler

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I've started data editing during a slow AGDQ run. But I realised in retrospect an 'easier' method to do this would just be to ASM hack the data the game looks at for AI from the units values to a single communal pointer. And by easier I mean, it might take about half as long for someone who knows how to ASM hack very well but would probably be quite intensive.

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