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How do you beat the first 4 chapters on Lunatic?


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I have tried Lunatic with all sorts of combinations of MUs, but I can only get as far as the 3rd stage (chapter 2) when I get repeatedly destroyed. Should I train MU and/or Chrom more or focus on Fred so I can grind MU to a decent level in the Outrealm after unlocking it? And please don't call me a noob...

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I try to train Avatar, as Frederick grows very slowly in these chapters, while Avatar can reach around Level 10 and have stats to rival Frederick.

In Prologue, you can use the water trick to move Chrom and Avatar (paired up with the other two) into the water, so Avatar can pick off the enemies without fearing attacks (although the enemy Mage can be a problem).

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Basically make sure MU kills everything on the first level minus the myrimidons on the bottom. Use +Def -Luck your first run or two.

On ch1, literally solo it with MU paired with freddy.

By ch2 the only hard part will be getting the faggot patrol out of the line of fire, because MU with fred can easily tank everything, this will take a few tries.

Edited by Tribute
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Assets and Flaws are also very important. You can take the "easier" way and go +Def -Skill/Luck, which will make it easier in the first chapters, but won't pay off as much in the end. Or you could go with something like +Mag or +Str, which would make it harder at first, but pay off more later. I went with +Mag -Str, for a purely Magic based MU/Morgan.

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Of course, MU can still potentially cap Strength by the time you start your war against Walhart anyways, so I would argue that the pay off isn't really worth it.

Don't your assets/flaws modify your caps as well?

I believe I used +Spd/-Lck in my first Lunatic run. Couldn't make it past Chapter 2 until I finally gave in and used Frederick. I'm starting Lunatic+ soon.

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Don't your assets/flaws modify your caps as well?

I believe I used +Spd/-Lck in my first Lunatic run. Couldn't make it past Chapter 2 until I finally gave in and used Frederick. I'm starting Lunatic+ soon.

Caps are pretty irrelevant in game. By the time you hit caps, you can pretty comfortably kill just about anything, including Grima.

Considering how early Lunatic is far harder than the rest of the game (I've heard Lunatic+ gets hard later on, though), +DEF/-STR to make the earlygame as easy as possible seems pretty sensible to me. -SKL and -LUK are also options, if you find the Bronze Sword useful to use, or don't want to sacrifice lategame mixed weapons.

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Caps are pretty irrelevant in game. By the time you hit caps, you can pretty comfortably kill just about anything, including Grima.

Considering how early Lunatic is far harder than the rest of the game (I've heard Lunatic+ gets hard later on, though), +DEF/-STR to make the earlygame as easy as possible seems pretty sensible to me. -SKL and -LUK are also options, if you find the Bronze Sword useful to use, or don't want to sacrifice lategame mixed weapons.

I found the early game of Lunatic+ to still be the hardest part, personally (low single-digit attempts per chapter in lategame, as opposed to double-digits in earlygame), though the lategame does scale better than Lunatic's does.

But yeah, I like +DEF/-SKL over +DEF/-STR, since pairing up with Frederick (or Vaike, which I found useful in Ch2) gives a solid STR boost that makes Bronze Sword damage very good. Seems to take enemies in Ch1 and 2 from 4/3HKO to 3/2HKO, which is pretty nice when you need to clear enemies quickly to get your squishies (i.e. pretty much everyone) out of the line of fire in Ch2.

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Actually +Def is not a necessary mod for DLC/Logbook enabled runs due to the Frederick Emblem.

If you want your Lunatic+ to be a final post-game data, +Def has the worst modding efficiency on Morgan for Apotheosis, unless you're making Kellam!Nah!Morgan.

For Frederick Emblem, I suggest Frederick to gain his Spd every level-up for making his Spd enough to double-hit all enemies by pairing Chrom/Avatar on Ch.3.

(Edit) Well, it's a problem that you can't go Frederick Emblem if you choose Water Trick.

For the Water Trick Emblem, +Def is do better.

Edited by MelonGx
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Actually +Def is not a necessary mod for DLC/Logbook enabled runs due to the Frederick Emblem.

If you want your Lunatic+ to be a final post-game data, +Def has the worst modding efficiency on Morgan for Apotheosis, unless you're making Kellam!Nah!Morgan.

For Frederick Emblem, I suggest Frederick to gain his Spd every level-up for making his Spd enough to double-hit all enemies by pairing Chrom/Avatar on Ch.3.

(Edit) Well, it's a problem that you can't go Frederick Emblem if you choose Water Trick.

For the Water Trick Emblem, +Def is do better.

DLC/Logbook invalidates pretty much all strategy though. Even Lunatic+ can be beaten through grind, it just takes a bit more luck than other difficulties.

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DLC/Logbook invalidates pretty much all strategy though. Even Lunatic+ can be beaten through grind, it just takes a bit more luck than other difficulties.

The topic owner had said that he wanted to go to the outrealm after Ch.4 so I posted this suggestion.
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The topic owner had said that he wanted to go to the outrealm after Ch.4 so I posted this suggestion.

Topic owner is also playing on Lunatic, not Lunatic+, so I assumed you were talking in general, not about his playthrough specifically. My bad.

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Uhm, this is at least how I did that, might not work for everyone. This assumes that no DLC is used, since I do not have any.

-Asset/Flaw: Speed/Luck. This wont get you doubled early on and the speed advantage is crucial in the endgame. Early bosses were beaten by breaking their weapon (not suitable in a low turn count game).

-Gender: Depends on whom your character will marry to. Other than that, gender is not that important.

-The first four characters you get

->Avatar/MU: S/he will be eventually the best unit, nuff said.

->Chrom: You want to train him anyway because hes forced in every chapter. And hes the only one who can properly damage the final boss, thanks to his exalted Falchion.

->Frederick: Extremly crucial in the early game, but will lag behind pretty quickly. Can be be benched after gangrel, but is still a good support even later on (DG+, nuff said)

->Lissa: Since she will do a lot healing (both healing staves broke by the end of the 3rd chapter), and healers are crucial in that difficulty....

-My lunatic run did not use galeforce nor nosfertanking, so it might be flawed..

-While soloing with your Avatar/MU will even work in Lunatic, this might you get some trouble in the paralogues that involve saving others. Also, given the haxskills in L+, this might be almost impossible to solo.

[especially their hawkeye skill that will always hit....]

Lunatic+ is not even legit thanks to their haxskills..basically, you better hope that the skill combinations won't break you....if they will, reset until you get favorable results..

Other than that, its the same. Yup, those haxskills do make the difference..

Edited by Marc71
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I just beat Lunatic my just grinding out MU to a sorcerer with Aversas night I've a feeling that won't work in Lunatic+...

It won't. Lunatic+ is a frustration-fueled migraine, gift-wrapped in a rude awakening. You'll have to abandon a lot of your old tactics, and embrace some fresh ones, if you want to avoid resetting every chapter until the L+R+START buttons on your DS break.

The safest start is +DEF/-something, and by "safest" I mean "I haven't figured out anything that's remotely as reliable as this". Once you decide to tackle Lunatic+, check out the SoC video that someone posted above, take a gander at the guide in my sig, and post about your trials and tribulations in The Lunatic Support Group Club thread if you need help.

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