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Best pairings for epic children? Lunatic DLC Apotheosis run.


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I'm doing a Lunatic DLC run and I want the best children possible. I've got lots of advice from the community, and I've got these pairings this far:

Chrom/Sumia (Already been done, can't be changed)











-I'm fine with not using Gregor in these pairings. I don't have anything against him, it's just that because I'm using DLC I don't feel a huge need for Armsthrift.

-I'm skeptical about MaMU/Nowi. I know Nah will be so much better and have Galeforce, but what about Morgan? What does Nowi give Morgan besides the Manakete class, and is that class even good for Morgan? Also, MU has a Magic Asset and Strength Flaw. Not sure if that'll be bad for Nah.

So considering the notes above and that I want great children, do you think I need to make any changes to these pairings? I will be completing Apotheosis and this is a Lunatic run. Also keep in mind that I want the best children possible, I don't really care about other things like Support Convos and Hair Color. Thanks!

Side Note: I've got so much input and help from you guys about my team and just wanted to thank y'all! Couldn't have done it without you, lol.

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Gregor runs better for Gerome than Fred does, since he also offers Berserker, which is a class that Gerome wants.

Nowi offers some negative speed and a weakness for Morgan.

The class is actually pretty bad since it lacks Brave Weapons.

If you're sketchy on doing it, then don't. Nah really isn't worth it.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Gregor runs better for Gerome than Fred does, since he also offers Berserker, which is a class that Gerome wants.

Nowi offers some negative speed and a weakness for Morgan.

The class is actually pretty bad since it lacks Brave Weapons.

If you're sketchy on doing it, then don't. Nah really isn't worth it.

Gregor is better spent on Yarne since it compliments Panne's modifiers better.

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Plus regalia is a pain to farm even with dlc

Sure you can burn through all the name weapons and braves/silvers if you want, but also convoy logistics etc make that an annoyance.

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Chrom/Sumia (Already been done, can't be changed) I like maribell chrom for a dual support/guard/strike and other stuff pair up lucina and sumia with henry for darkflier but this will do

Donnel/Sully this is what i generally do though i've never really utilized the child

Gaius/Tharja niore turns out nice, i like her as a dark fleir or the nosferatanker, for the noseferatank have giaus pass down sol

Lon'qu/Miriel Gregor gives a far better skill set

Stahl/Cordelia great pairing

Henry/Maribelle i would use lonqu he gives brady the speed he needs

Ricken/Lissa I never know what to do with lissa

Libra/Olivia same with lissa

Fredrick/Cherche i like vaike for the str boost

Kellam/Panne vaike or frederick is better

MaMU/Nowi kellam

+str -mag, i would go with either olivia or panne

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Gregor is better spent on Yarne since it compliments Panne's modifiers better.

The idea here is that:

Frederick doesn't offer 'zerker to Gerome, Yarne already has it, and Gregor gives it. If you're prioritizing Yarne, then sure Gregor!Yarne, but since Gerome has Dual Support+ which has its uses and opens some options that Yarne can never do, 'zerker access Gerome > Yarne.

Since this is the case, for all points, Gregor would be better spent on Gerome than on Yarne, since Gerome benefits more from Gregor than Yarne does, because Yarne already has 'zerker.

There's other 'zerker fathers of course, namely Vaike and Henry. [Gerome certainly is not worth wasting MU on: like the Gale-lacking girls, Cherche is a bad wife for MU, but with this case, Gerome still doesn't get Gale. You've downed yourself from 6/3 (which is number of Galeforce pairs/number of double galeforce pairs) to 5/3 gale pairs just to give a support unit more classes when Vaike/Henry/Gregor do great for the job.]

(And derp, I didn't notice Vaike was unused. Yeah... Vaike!Gerome-- the +7 STR is nice, and edges out a better niche than Henry or Gregor do, but it's really about that 'zerker access.)

Edited by Airship Canon
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WHAT?! THE VAIKE ISN'T HERE?! LOL honestly forgot bout him.

How bout this instead?












I removed MaMU from this completely because I feel that Kellam is perfect for Nowi, and MaMU/Nowi kinda decreased Morgan's value... a lot. I guess he'll be third gen then, unless I marry him with someone else that's first gen?

But where to put THE VAIKE???

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For Gerome being a pure supporter:


50(Berserker) + 7/6/5(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 5(Axefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 111~115


48(Warrior) + 6/4/3(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 5(Bowfaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17(Brave Bow) = 107~110


48(Warrior) + 4~6(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 10(Aggressor) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17(Brave Bow) = 103~105

You can have 2 more MT for equipping Str+2.

You can have 4 more MT for a Barracks boost.

For Nah being a pure supporter:


50(General) + 5(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Axefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 101~103


48(Great Knight) + 4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Swordfaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 14~18(Brave Sword) = 95~99


50(General) + 3~4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 17~19(Brave Axe) = 94~97


46(Sage) + 0~4(Mods) + 10(LB) + 10(Rallies) + 5(Tomefaire) + 2(All+2) + 2(Tonic) + 11(Celica's Gale) = 86~90

You can have 2 more MT for equipping Str+2/Meg+2, 4 more MT for a Barracks boost too.

For ORKO Secret Apo's pricipal enemy units with 4 hits of Dual Strike:

Sniper: 110(Physical) 86(Magical)

Sorcerer: 96(Physical) 104(Magical)

Berserker(throne): 117(Physical) 108(Magical)

Berserker(wave 5): 114(Physical) 105(Magical)

Anna: Both 108

Unfortunately Vaike!Gerome has only 116 MT with Str+2 against the Berserker because an Axe-Axe fight limits Brave Axe's MT to 18.

So there are absolutely no differences between Vaike!Gerome and Gregor!Gerome for all these purposes.

And Nah is always being a nah tier even having a maximized Str father because of no Aggressor.

Edited by MelonGx
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On a physical support unit who would like a ton of Str. He gives Berserker to boys and AT to girls, so try to put at least one of those to use.

Noobish question: What class do you mean by AT?

Also, what if I threw Vaike with Cherche instead of Gregor? What would be the pros and cons of doing this? Or maybe Vaike with Nowi for a Nah with higher attack, since Nah probably won't be at the front of the pair, as she'll lack Galeforce, so she won't need Defense as much. Or MaMU with Nowi? But would that be good considering MaMU's asset is Magic and flaw is Strength? And would Morgan be gaining anything good from Nowi? AGH. :/

Edited by ShadowSlayer
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Noobish question: What class do you mean by AT?

Also, what if I threw Vaike with Cherche instead of Gregor? What would be the pros and cons of doing this? Or maybe Vaike with Nowi for a Nah with higher attack, since Nah probably won't be at the front of the pair, as she'll lack Galeforce, so she won't need Defense as much. Or MaMU with Nowi? But would that be good considering MaMU's asset is Magic and flaw is Strength? And would Morgan be gaining anything good from Nowi? AGH. :/

AT = Armsthrift

Vaike!Gerome has more STR than Gregor!Gerome. Not a big difference [only 1], but it's still there. Both grant Berserker. [Really, that's what Gerome wants out of a father.]

You've already been given your answer on Nowi. If you're not big on that pairing, don't do it.

The reason people do that is Galeforce Nah, but you don't gain any practical Galeforce out of it over marrying MU to a Galeforce girl-- same yield on Galeforce Couples [6 total/3 double] either way (Actually MaMU/2nd Gen Galeforce girl can run 7 total/2 double if Nah is a real concern for you-- MaMU/Nowi can't do that ^_^).

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No love for poor Kellam? :(

Also someone told me to marry Libra and Olivia - why is this good? Don't see Inigo as a great Magic user.

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You can switch Libra to Kellam if you want a Luna access for Inigo.

Libra makes Inigo a perfect Nosferatu Tank and a Galeforced Mire user's combination for in-game usage, and Sage for Apo. But his output deeply relies on Vantage/Vengeance which is not so easy to handle as Luna in Apo. Though it's more reliable than Luna in-game.

For being a Galeforced support unit, both Kellam!Inigo and Libra!Inigo can do it well.

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D: Ok then.

I can tell you know your stuff so I won't do that, but could someone tell me why?

Mostly class overlap.

Lon'qu doesn't really have anything to offer to Owain.

Ricken doesn't mesh well with Laurent, and doesn't give him the Vantage that he wants.

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Lon'qu doesn't have any good offensive procs for Owain (Luna/Vengeance) which he wants to go along with his Galeforce. Ricken does; Luna. Laurent lacks Galeforce but has Vengeance, so will either be a VV user (for which he needs Vantage, which Lon'qu gives and Ricken doesn't- and Owain already has Vantage) or hardcore support, in which case he won't need Luna.

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So these pairings are perfect? Anyone think they could be better? (Please don't tell me to add MaMU to them, I already know he's the best parent for anyone and will add him in if I want)












MaMU/2nd gen character

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Probably Chrom/Olivia and Henry/Sumia, but I think you already did Chrom/Sumia.

It doesn't matter though, Libra/Olivia and Chrom/Sumia are fine

Yeah I did. So now that I FINALLY have my pairings, what skills should each parent pass down? Don't wanna pass down bad stuff :/

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Skills with:

Chrom/Sumia - [Aether- forced]/Doesn't matter. (I typically pass Tomefaire or Luna to Cynthia, because Dark Flier is her final)

Donnel/Sully - [Aptitude or Underdog]/Luna

Gaius/Tharja - [sol, HP+5, Zeal]/Luna

Lon'qu/Miriel -Vantage/Dual Support+

Stahl/Cordelia - Luna/[Galeforce?]

Henry/Maribelle - Vengeance/Galeforce

Ricken/Lissa - Luna/Galeforce

Libra/Olivia - Vengeance/Galeforce

Gregor/Cherche - Axefaire/Dual Support+

Frederick/Panne - Breakers

Vaike/Nowi - Axefaire*/Doesn't Matter

MaMU/2nd gen character - Axefaire*/[something]

Axefaire is passed in these scenarios for Just-in-case. Vaike!Nah has access to plenty of Axe classes, getting that faire from Vaike is kinda helpful. In Morgan's case, it leaves the door open for plenty of her options.

Note: You should marry MaMU to one of the Galeforce users, and not Nah. Lucina and Cynthia both will grant Morgan Aether (which is otherwise unattainable) in this arrangement.

Reasoning is Galeforce Pairs-- be it either the 6/3 arrangement or a 7/2 set, you're going to want MU paired with a Galeforce user.

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