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Is there a way to get Ayra without someone dying?


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Nobody has to die.

It's been a long time, but if you can juke Sigurd down and snatch the castle she should de-aggro and run back towards Sigurd. I don't remember if she'll attack him or just park herself next to him (i remember both happening but then again hahaha fe4 ai).

EDIT: If he's fast/has the Speed Ring, giving Sigurd a Javelin and equipping it before he seizes isn't a bad idea, since it eliminates the potential for him to blick her in return.

Worst case scenario get her to aggro a guy near enough to Sigurd that he can grab her on the turn after he seizes and hope (read: jiggle that rng) until she doesn't activate Astra.

Edited by Integrity
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If you do it correctly, you can have Sigurd just run straight past her and kill the boss + seize with no more than one battle between them. If you can't manage that, have Alec lure her (he has Nihil, so he can survive a round with her) and then have him run away while she chases him. Either way, as soon as you seize, she'll de-aggro and start running back towards the castle. Talk to her with Sigurd to recruit.

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I usually lure her away from the castle with Quan since he outpaces her enough each turn (just make sure she doesn't actually catch him) and have Sigurd come around the other side of the castle to capture it. Then, when she comes back, just talk to her with Sigurd.

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Have your main team take the route above the forest (as you trigger her movement by entering a certain area) and just go towards the next castle/dew and aideen while sigurd goes around the right and takes the castle. Make sure nobody is in her range, but the main forces aren't too far away. It lures Ayra to your main group but unless RNG really fucking hates you Sigurd should be able kill the boss in a reasonable time before she reaches anyone thanks to her low movement. Her AI will then move her back towards the castle and sigurd can meet her halfway. No one enters combat with her, even.

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Alec is the safest option generally, thanks to Nihil negating Aira's Astra. All he needs is a single point in HP or DEF to survive a round of combat but that's not exactly difficult to get (with 70% HP and 30% DEF growths, and likely gaining around 3-6 levels by this point.. And one round should be all you need.

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I usually don't even use anyone to lure her, I put everyone but Sigurd near Marpha castle, but still far enough for the troops there to not attack me, then I put sigurd just out of Ayra's range and in the range of one of the bandits guarding the castla which I have forgotten the name now hehehe, then while she's aggro going after my group, I seize the castle, then recruit her

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