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Fire Emblem Randomizer Tool - IDEAS TOPIC


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So apparently there's a bug where the enemy-only classes like soldier and brigand can't promote. We'll fix that, probably by making all promotion items into earth seals.

Brigands can promote with Earth seals, for me i have brigands and i went into nightmare and made ocean seals brigand compatible. But we really need a soldier promotion because i have a lvl 20 sain soldier and i have no idea how to put halbieder class in the game xD

EDIT: Ive also noticed that Oswins pallette for almost every class is messed up. I got him promoted once to swormaster but he actually loooks REALLY good as a swordmaster :D. And for all of the people complaining about Guy Lucius and other custom animation people, just go to their character info in nightmare and change their animation from their custom one to default. :D

Edited by Kobazco
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So apparently there's a bug where the enemy-only classes like soldier and brigand can't promote. We'll fix that, probably by making all promotion items into earth seals.

I don't think everything should be Earth Seals, maybe just have Lord Classes be either Hero or Knight, and Soldier be Knight, and Brigand be Ocean.

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Soldiers will promote to either General or maybe Paladin. probably General though.

ps why are people mentioning palettes like seriously you guys

look only two pages back

just two goddamn pages

The palettes are finished! All classes are done (And 90% through I realized the palette labeled "Vaida" in the 2A slot was actually Teodor. More bugs caught by klok >.>) and now I have to graph the 5,600+ cells in the spreadsheet YAY!


This even has some bonus classes, namely the FE10 Fighter from the FEditor thread and some female classes I felt like doing.


Edited by Klok
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My bad wasnt really complaining about palettes just mentioning...Whatever Oswin is... One thing that you guys should try to prevent is people having the same class they usually get. I just had the 3rd run to chapter 12 in eliwood mode where someome had the same class that they normally have xD.

Edited by Kobazco
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The point of random isn't to say "Oh god they were X class in vanilla game so they should never be that class!" but to make the classes random. According to the results posted by kurth, it's working splendidly! The main issue is the Eliwood/Marcus having the same t1/t2 class, that's definitely not supposed to be happening unless Marcus was... Eliwood's... real father...

oh my god

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The point of random isn't to say "Oh god they were X class in vanilla game so they should never be that class!" but to make the classes random. According to the results posted by kurth, it's working splendidly! The main issue is the Eliwood/Marcus having the same t1/t2 class, that's definitely not supposed to be happening unless Marcus was... Eliwood's... real father...

oh my god

This should be canon.

Edit: I just did one more randomizer... and I'm freaked out and extremely excited at the same time.

Eliwood is main lord, and his class is normal, which means I don't have to worry about promotions or anything I don't think. And then...


13x is going to suck.

Also Serra is a cavalier...


Yet her animation is an assassin?


Edited by kurthnaga
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Female cavaliers have the assassin animation. No, I don't know why. Yes, this is fixable. Yes, it's a lot of work. We just have to remove femcav from the rotation lol because that's easier.

Considering making a patch to fix all wlvls, which you apply then run the randomizer and apply changes. That would fix a ton of issues IMO. And lol@healer army.

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Female cavaliers have the assassin animation. No, I don't know why. Yes, this is fixable. Yes, it's a lot of work. We just have to remove femcav from the rotation lol because that's easier.

u srs

it takes like 5 minutes to get some anims, link them together, and attach them to the cav class

oh wait i forgot you're a bad hacker and a loooooooooooooooser

Oh, by the way, sometimes the program generates txt files that have 0x instead of 0x[digit] so the EA isn't able to read them.

Edited by Agro
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Vaida glitched, coming as a Warrior with a Silver axe and a Steel bow but not adequate ranks


Ah, perhaps I forgot to autolevel her. Thanks for catching that.

For the whole Lord promotion problem it's simplest to simply not promote them with items. Later on I'll include an option for non-lords to not be able to become lords.

For Karla...I did not consider the game might check for one specific class when making her appear...there's probably no way to avoid that either, not that anyone liked Karla at all.

Also yes, Renault just happened to wind up as a Bishop with that inventory which I was too lazy to edit.

I'll have to make the program also disable custom animations due to the problems that occur regarding that.

Klok, you sniped my Golden Axe reference. Also, Brigands and Soldiers not promoting is not a bug; you never could promote them originally. I'll need to add in a few quick hex edits for them to promote.

Also kurthnaga, thanks for the testing! There does seem to be a pattern there, perhaps the method I'm using for generating a random number isn't so random after all. This is Visual Basic though. At any rate I'm glad people seem to be enjoying this at least.

Anyhow, I recently made a few changes to the program: You can now choose to not change Eliwood and Hector's classes. That way you can avoid the problem with Chapter 11H. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69192380/FE7Randomizer.zip <- Download Link.

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Actually IIRC the problem was that Matthew didn't have a key or someshit? I don't think Hector's class was the direct cause xD

it takes like 5 minutes to get some anims, link them together, and attach them to the cav class

yes but that's beyond the constraints of a program that creates a single EA file

Also making everyone a male cav literally solves the problem 10x faster.

Edited by Klok
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yes but that's beyond the constraints of a program that creates a single EA file

Also making everyone a male cav literally solves the problem 10x faster.

Why not make a patch specifically for the randomizer with more classes (like halberdiers) and animations; that fixes the main lord class thing; with balanced character and class bases.... You use the patch on the game and then you use the randomizer on it.

I think the problem is a lot of Hector reclasses are not able to damage Wire without the Wolf Biel or a similar item, which is why we recommended giving Matthew a Armorslayer.

I think only the axe users, wyvern knights and magic units can, and sometimes you need to gain str. in every level up

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Female cavaliers have the assassin animation. No, I don't know why. Yes, this is fixable. Yes, it's a lot of work. We just have to remove femcav from the rotation lol because that's easier.

Considering making a patch to fix all wlvls, which you apply then run the randomizer and apply changes. That would fix a ton of issues IMO. And lol@healer army.

I think it would be better to change all the non used female class to their male version. They all have no Promotion Bonus, and the change to the male Class is minimal.

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Also every once in a while after randomizing, ill get this error

1 errors encountered:
File Fire Emblem.txt, Line 230, Column 45: Didn't reach end, currently at Comma(,)
No data written to output.
This is the only error ive ever gotten and it seems to pop up every few times i randomize it.
FireEmblem_02_zps7d5cf77a.pngI had rebecca as a shaman and that male animation just wasnt gonna work for me xD
FireEmblem_04_zps46c008e3.pngAnd Dorcas as a Monk brakes the game when he fights....
Edited by Kobazco
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Everyone, make sure you get a mercenary Hector. He's OP and will get this sexy palette on promotion:



Anyways, this is very reliable. Thank you very much for the program Ephraim!

Also is it okay that I can promote this in my sig?

EDIT: Found a bug when you enter the arena with monk Oswin:


Edited by PixelmanFE
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That Hector Hero is amazing. Also, Sairento, I think part of the point of this randomizer is that it is supposed to be very simple - including a .ups or something would make it more than just a randomizer.

Look at how beautiful a Kent Swordsmaster is...please don't change his palette for swordmaster :D


Update: Cleric Number 5


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Also is it okay that I can promote this in my sig?

Haha sure why not?

Also when EA gives an error when assembling the file can you post the line that it seems to be complaining about? That way I can pinpoint where the error is better. Dunno what happened with Monk Dorcas though...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really enjoying this. I currently have four Lyns (one is actually Lyn) and they seem to keep getting progressively more amazing (Lyn!Fiora comes with capped speed).

Also, I get the same Monk Oswin bug in the arena but with:

-Monk Eliwood

-Pirate Raven

-Nomad Lucius

-Wyvern Rider Canas

-Lyn Serra

-Shaman Priscilla (i think i got her confused with another character because I checked again and this works)

Also none of the battles actually end properly, they just sort of stop abruptly and I get neither experience nor money from it

EDIT AGAIN: Nomad Lucius ends properly but I don't get money. It only seems to end abruptly if the fight doesn't finish in one round.

Edited by Jacoban
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I found a problem that happens everytime I randomize: Guy never has an animation. (He almost always is an axe-user). I just found out I can't post .png files, so I'll explain.

This is what happens with animation turned on: He is a pirate and just does the no animation attack.

He finally spawned as a mercenary and this is what he does: He does the myrmidon attack.

For some reason it doesn't change his battle animation from myrmidon.

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