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Thraja!Morgan vs Lissa!Morgan

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In this case,

Tharja!Morgan's Stat modifiers would be 0 Str, 7 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, -5 Lck, 2 Def, and 3 Res. (Noire would have the same modifiers.)

Lissa!Morgan's Stat modifiers would be -2 Str, 6 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Lck, 0 Def, and 4 Res. (Owain would have the same modifiers.)

I would say Tharja, so you can get Galeforce for Noire and have a Morgan with a ton of Mag.

If that -5 Luck modifier is repulsing to you, then go with Lissa. MU!Owain is pretty badass.

Edited by Ƶerker
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If i marry Lissa i will most probably turn Owain sorcerer if i marry Thraja, i don't know what i would make of Noire.

Any advice on Owain and Noire's class options?

MU!Owain makes a mean Dread Fighter IMO. I usually respec Noire into Sorc or Dark flier. Her magic bonus from her mother makes a magic based class far more attractive then a physical class.

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Lissa!Morgan is the best because like people before me have stated Noire strength would be good with a Magic asset avatar. Dreadfighter Owain is nice, but if you don't have that DLC than he is still great.

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Lissa is best because of her incredible availability (prologue) and the fact that she's your only +Mag support for Avatar for the first two chapters means she's going to be building a lot of support anyway. She's also a healer which means you can keep her up with Avatar without hogging any of his exp, which means better bases for Morgan/Owain. If she gets strong enough, you might even be able to get her to pass down Galeforce (or Tomefaire at least), which will give the children a massive early boost. You also get the bonus of having a son and a daughter, which means you can get by with only two G1 marriages (one of which is automatic) and still get two G2 pairs (Chrom will need to marry Maribelle or Olivia, Olivia is best if you don't mind Dance spam and Maribelle is best otherwise).

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MaMU is the only father to give both Owain and Noire Armsthrift + useful skillsets.

So put him for the child whom you want to give Armsthrift to.

'Scuse me, but Donnel!Noire has AT, Galeforce, Luna, and all the self-healing skills in the game bar Aether. What more do you want?

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'Scuse me, but Donnel!Noire has AT, Galeforce, Luna, and all the self-healing skills in the game bar Aether. What more do you want?

Vantage. Since Vantage + Aversa's Night + Armsthrift (+Galeforce to KO Counters on player phase or cooperating Mire to move farther) rules all stages except Apo.

(Celica's Gale + Sol tanks aren't so safe as Nostanks in farming LB items on RaR3 due to the bad triggering pattern of Sol.)

The problem is just that both tanks can be mass produced from SpotPass characters so it may be not necessary to stick to the AT+Vantage+Gale+Sorc on in-game characters to make them compatible with non-Apo.

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You get 40HP back per fight, after the opponent attacks. If you take that and are still in Vantage range for the next fight, you did something wrong. The purpose of Vantage is to keep your HP low and kill everything on EP before it gets a chance to strike.

However, in the event that you still want AT + Vantage + GF + DM, of all the Galeforce children in the game, only Severa and Inigo can do that without Avatar's help (and Morgan but he/she doesn't count). Lucina, Owain, Brady, Kjelle, Cynthia, Noire and Nah all require him to get Galeforce+Vantage+AT+DM.

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