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Tearring Saga Help Please!


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I have recently started Tearring Saga finally and it is an awesome game harder so far than many FE games I have played. But anyway down to the point as maybe a Tearring Saga expert here may know and I hope the game is not so cruel as to leave a player like that heh as not everyone knows that a split happens. Anyway yeah so Runan? Ryunan? whatever that main characters name is who looks a lot like Leaf from FE5 heh and Holmes split up at around chapter 11 so that is cool and aall but hereis the problem! since I did not know they split up I am stuck Homes group only has 5 characters in it! abd they are characters I had no intention on using long story short none will survive and I tried to do the menu thing where you can trade units between Holmes and Runans groups but the option is no longer there so I hope the worst has not happened i don`t want to start over as the chapters before the split were hard as heck I had to save state like crazy to make it through. So is there a way to still trade units? I thought it would be like FE2 where you could trade between groups anytime you wanted. and If I can`t do that then please tell me the few chapters coming up for Holmes is not too hard for 5 characters to handle...well make that 5 3 as 2 others don`t have weapons I left all the good stuff with the other guy...and the good units so is it possible for Homes,Shigen and Katri to survive alone? oh wait...Katri kinda does not have any healing staves on her.... Mel and Enteh has them all.... ok well katri still has the zombie staff maybe summoning zombies can help a bit... argh I don`t know but i need to know how to trade units again without starting over again I`ve come so far and it was not easy getting to chapter 11.

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You can trade units three times within the story. Holmes needs a character from Welt to be able to get another at Welt Castle, which now includes Lionel.

If you claim to have save states, you may just want to reroll an old save state. There's a few guides floating around that will tell you which units are best with which group.

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Welt castle? oh man I don`t remember all the previous areas I visited but I think I know what you are talking about and I may be in luck I have the bishop guy Lee in Holmes group and I got him from a castle like place so maybe there is still some hope. Or yeah other option load up another one of my save states sigh I think I have an old one saved on chapter 9 or so but man that was pretty tough journey but eh i think I can make it.

You can trade units three times within the story. Holmes needs a character from Welt to be able to get another at Welt Castle, which now includes Lionel.

If you claim to have save states, you may just want to reroll an old save state. There's a few guides floating around that will tell you which units are best with which group.

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two pieces of advice:

1. use fewer run-on sentences

2. use line breaks

i could almost not understand what you were saying in the OP. go back to an earlier savestate or start over, and use a walkthrough because the game isn't translated into english to any usable extent.

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By the way, who is the last unit besides Shigen, Holmes,Katri and Lee in Holme's team?

In general I would say that it's definitely doable. For starters: Katri can still transform into an unbeatable dragon.

But more to the point, Holmes route is generally rather easy and designed to level up weak team members.

And there are quite a few new potential recruits too. Samson, Alicia, Lionel, Attrom, Frau and Sun are all pretty useful.

My guess is that as long as you have a few juggernauts in the team to handle certain tough opponents (a job Holmes and Shigen can fulfill), most about everyone should be able to handle themselves. It's annoying that Yuni is gone but Holmes himself has thieving skills.

However, if you had to use save states in the last Welt map because of it's difficulty... well, from my perspective the map is rather easy.

It's not something I would use a charge of the Save Staff for. So in this case, an old save or save state might be the best option or else you might end up gong through hours of frustration just to end up restarting anyway.

Edited by BrightBow
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