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Are There Any SF Members You're Looking Forward to Slaughtering, I mean, Fighting Against?


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I'm personally really wanting to face off against Jedi, Anacybele, Silver Lightning, and Athena in SSB4 (it'd have to be on the Wii U version, though).

After hearing stories about Jedi being banned from characters like Peach and Roy due to being too good with them, I'm interested in seeing how I fare against him. Also, I'm really wanting to do an Ice Climbers vs. Rosalina match against Athena since she seemed quite convinced that Ice Climbers have little chance against Rosalina due to her Luma mechanic shutting down most of Ice Climbers' strategies.

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Haha. I would like to face everyone here. I honestly don't consider myself particularly skillful but the stories of my Peach in Melee are amusing and infamous

Roy was more of a joke ban at the Rec room here at Job Corps in project M. I have an equal who uses Mewtwo when I use Roy haha, I tend to use Link and Sonic a lot in Project M too.

But I use a lot of people in Smash so who knows who I'll be maining in 4, I'll probably be getting both versions of the game. Wii U has more priority

PKL and Doofina in particular have wanted to face me for awhile.

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I dunno, people who use characters who are bad against Mega Man so that I'll look better when I inevitably defeat them.

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I dunno, people who use characters who are bad against Mega Man so that I'll look better when I inevitably defeat them.

We have a Blue Blur vs a Blue Bomber match to do too

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We have a Blue Blur vs a Blue Bomber match to do too

Sure thing, bro! It'll be the stuff of legends Then later on we can team up to take down a Mario/Zelda team..

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I'm no where near true competitive material, but I'll totally show my moves! XD

Been maining Pit and Marth, but I'm interested in seeing if I can successfully main one of the newcomers...

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There's no specific person I want to challenge, but it will be fun to have a place to organize some matches.

I hope my mains come back(Ike and Meta-knight, though I hope they'll tone him down so that I can use him without feeling like an ass. How many times did I make my brother rage by locking him in a tornado). At least Fox is confirmed and I've been using him since Melee.

I'm no where near true competitive material, but I'll totally show my moves! XD

Been maining Pit and Marth, but I'm interested in seeing if I can successfully main one of the newcomers...

Those were the exact same main as my brother. We had tons of Marth vs Ike and Meta-knight vs Pit battle, but he also played a lot of Falco, so we had also had a lot of Star Fox battle(especially in melee)

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I was a pretty damn good Ike and Luigi player back when I played serious online Brawl matches, but I'll need to practice again if I'm to regain that skill lol.

I'm looking forward to playing anyone that dares challenge me. :3

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I've played a couple of matches against a few people from here... (I can't remember who.)

I'm at least somewhat decent at it with some characters, and would gladly play against pretty well anyone who is interested. (Even in Brawl, or preferably Project M.)

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I was a pretty damn good Ike and Luigi player back when I played serious online Brawl matches, but I'll need to practice again if I'm to regain that skill lol.

I'm looking forward to playing anyone that dares challenge me. :3

Challenge....considered. Your confidence has me worried.

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I'm certainly not the BEST Smash player here at all (probably the like middle low I guess.)

I can Ivysaur and Toon Link with some decency I think. And Lucas. At least in Brawl XD

Probably gonna try some T.Link/MEGAMAN/Pikachu in smash 4 according to the roster now.

And I know I've played a few people and did decent against them, so that's good?

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Challenge....considered. Your confidence has me worried.

Heh, truth be told, I never did make it past round 1 of any tourneys, but that was probably because either 1, I was against much higher tiered characters or 2, my opponent was just a little better than me.

Still I always came very close. :P

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Well, I've done well in some non-professional tournaments, but:

1. Most of them were when I was in high school, and no one was at the "pro" level.

2. When I competed in one tournament at college, I got second place. However, there was only one guy who competed in actual tournaments there (although he admitted that he didn't do too well in the tourney scene), and he basically destroyed everyone, including me. I wouldn't have gotten second place if I wasn't fortunate enough to be on the opposite end of the bracket from that guy.

So, gauging how good I am compared to everyone else here would be difficult. But, it would be nice to get a Smash game where the online mode isn't garbage. I'd like to face anyone here willing to challenge me when the game comes out.

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Hm, about anyone here. Most notably PKL, Jedi, and Ana. PKL destroyed me before so I want to repay the favor. Jedi seems like a cool guy. i just want to rip Ana to shreds. okay that was mean, sorry ana.

Pretty sure I do Falco decently well in Brawl, all I need to do now is learn how to DACUS. Marth too but just not as good as Falco. And Pikaaaaaaaa is fun.

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Pretty much anyone with the 3DS version.

I'll only be getting the Wii U version if the content there blows me away.

Well I'll be getting both so I'll definitely face you. I have the feeling we are around the same skill level although you probably have an edge

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