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Are There Any SF Members You're Looking Forward to Slaughtering, I mean, Fighting Against?


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Pretty much anyone with the 3DS version.

I'll only be getting the Wii U version if the content there blows me away.

...huh? But I thought you owned a Wii U. Nintendo still hasn't sent back your Wii U after you sent it to get repaired?

I have the feeling we are around the same skill level although you probably have an edge

I'm wondering how good my Smash Bros. skill is compared to yours and Athena's. Even if I'm worse, I still think I'd put up a good fight that'll keep you on your toes especially after meteor smashing you off the stage plenty.

I'm probably willing to face any person on SF in SSB4 actually, except PKL. Then again, I doubt she'd be as hard to fight against as the tournament level players I faced back in university (like that one guy who was all about picking the random select and beating you no matter who he got when I was picking my best, as well as having really awesome attack timing, move placement, and counterattack timing. At least he was fun to fight against since he kept the fight clean and didn't chain grab or grab release combo, despite me doing that to him at times).

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...huh? But I thought you owned a Wii U. Nintendo still hasn't sent back your Wii U after you sent it to get repaired?

I'm wondering how good my Smash Bros. skill is compared to yours and Athena's. Even if I'm worse, I still think I'd put up a good fight that'll keep you on your toes especially after meteor smashing you off the stage plenty.

I'm probably willing to face any person on SF in SSB4 actually, except PKL. Then again, I doubt she'd be as hard to fight against as the tournament level players I faced back in university (like that one guy who was all about picking the random select and beating you no matter who he got when I was picking my best, as well as having really awesome attack timing, move placement, and counterattack timing. At least he was fun to fight against since he kept the fight clean and didn't chain grab or grab release combo, despite me doing that to him at times).

He* also I know for a fact that PKL is one if the best smash players in his country. That just makes me want to face him more because of how much I'll learn.

Much like my best friend. She could dominate me with Kirby and her other characters of choice and taught me how to play one on ones properly

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I do own a Wii U and it is all fixed. But I'm really tight on cash now, and the 3DS one fits my lifestyle more so it is the higher priority. That being said, I'll still pick up the Wii U version if the content is really good (saying no to HD Palutena's Temple is hard enough).

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Well, I'm a bit of a slouch when it comes to the competitive Smash Bros. scene, but I'd definitely enjoy being able to play against some of you guys. I plan on getting both versions for the hell of it all, but while I'm at school, I'll mostly be playing the 3DS version. That ought to be fun, Smash Bros. matches on a 3DS...or in the very least, interesting.

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we should have a double-elim tournament the month it comes out

(I was going to say I hope the lag's serviceable, but the reverse being the case never stopped us before)

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Er, guys, who says that the 3DS version and Wii U version can't communicate with each other? xP I don't see why someone that is playing the 3DS version can't play with someone playing the Wii U version online. As long as they pick a stage that both versions have, I guess.

Edited by Anacybele
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We know that the two can communicate with each other.

However, it is confirmed that the connection between the two isn't cross-platform multiplayer.

Edited by Athena
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We know that the two can communicate with each other.

However, it is confirmed that the connection between the two isn't cross-platform multiplayer.

...Well that's stupid. :/

Some players might not want to get both versions or play both regularly. I myself will mostly be playing the Wii U version because I rarely have any reason to take my 3DS anywhere. And if I travel, sure I'll have my 3DS on the plane or something, but a lot of the time I can hook up one of my home consoles to a TV where I'm going too.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 2 weeks later...

...Well that's stupid. :/

Some players might not want to get both versions or play both regularly. I myself will mostly be playing the Wii U version because I rarely have any reason to take my 3DS anywhere. And if I travel, sure I'll have my 3DS on the plane or something, but a lot of the time I can hook up one of my home consoles to a TV where I'm going too.

I wouldn't call it "stupid". Disappointing, yes, but the Wii U and the 3DS are far too different from each other for cross-platform multiplayer to actually happen. I don't think anyone was legitimately expecting that feature to actually be included, even if Sakurai stated at first he would have like to see it happen.

On topic, I'd like to fight most people around these parts on either version since I'm getting both. Hopefully we can have a SF tourney at some point.

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