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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Hallo! No, I'm not actually from Switzerland, but I do follow their ideals in neutrality (most of the time).

It was a joke.

Due to my proximity to them, they represent the absolute model of Neutraity.

It's also due to all my diplomacy plays on middle school. That was annoyting at time.

I'm still the European French here.

And as such, I'd show you that :

Enjoy !

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Hi Dusk

Also found quotes on TV tropes

Thank gods they exist.

Curious about what you found(I really like Victor's design, though his obsession with Victoria creeps me out nearly as much as Victoria herself)

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Curious about what you found(I really like Victor's design, though his obsession with Victoria creeps me out nearly as much as Victoria herself)


Yeah his design and stuff is cool, but Victor himself is assigned to Victoria.

And him being to Victoria keeps him from going insane so.

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Who are you people

I was attracted by both gunpoint and candies.

How was I supposed to refuse.

Say, how would people would react here if someone posted the "Morgane de toi" clip here

Anyway, have that too :

J'aimerais bien aller à Genève...

Ouais, ca serait bien.

Je suis déja allé à Berne, mais seulement pour des expos d'art.

Mais le Parlememnt Européen est aussi très bien !

Strasbourg est une très belle ville.

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Yeah his design and stuff is cool, but Victor himself is assigned to Victoria.

And him being to Victoria keeps him from going insane so.

True dat

eyyy guys I'm gunna take ~therapyyyy~

For what? :<

Most appropriate! XD

I hesitated between the picture and the vid

'Tis fair enough

Good episode, that

that it was

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