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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Glad to see you guys getting along so well..

Hey Mei, how are you?

Hiya Sol! I'm doing good today! hbu?

OH! I want to add you to my animation but I don't know how to draw you ;_; Got any suggestions?

D-don't forget the fanbase box!

The fanbase box is #1 in my life! I'd never give up that flat screen TV!

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They're rock, but not metal... and no lyrics at all.

Anger and Grudge

The Crest of Thirst

Chaotic Field

(regular lengths had low quality)

But yeah, these aren't Glace's themes, just a thought that crossed my mind about themes and I decided to ask you.

Also, should I play DS or SNES DQ6, or does it matter?

DS, for the higher graphical quality and most likely better writing as well (DQVI SNES was JP only).
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You're so sweet! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Heh...I'm going to see...

One Direction

*runs away*

mei pls omggghhh {{|└(>o< )┘|}}

well.......i kinda like one direction anyway so :'D

*hopes you heard that and come running back :c*

I just realized I survived yesterday entirely on snacks. @_@

have to consciously avoid this .w. i can eat like a handful of snacks and not get hungry anymore all day


Need to ensure they are not heavy metal or have English lyrics.

this is such a glac thing to say.

Edited by xXHoshiiHeartXx
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Hiya Sol! I'm doing good today! hbu?

OH! I want to add you to my animation but I don't know how to draw you ;_; Got any suggestions?

I'm doing okay, a little hungry though

Long black hair, and slight dark tone, I'll leave my clothing colors up to you.

DS, for the higher graphical quality and most likely better writing as well (DQVI SNES was JP only).

It got an English patch, but okay, if my laptop can't handle the DS version, snes it is

Is that third one common in dw games?

It seems familiar

Yep, came from DW6... in fact all three of them did

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have to consciously avoid this .w. i can eat like a handful of snacks and not get hungry anymore all day

Dear god, I'm surprised that you're not malnutritious.


Or are you?

Is that third one common in dw games?

It seems familiar

Third what? The Musou attack?

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Something told me Glace would like Crest of Thirst out of those three

I'm more of a Chaotic Field guy myself, and I do like chaos(battlefield wise), so yeah...

Edited by Soledai
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@Kitty: Oh, I see. You'll find soon, though. It'll probably randomly appear one day :L

I had the best idea though ;n;

draw the hhh thread as animals WITH MUSTACHES

it is when you're home alone and have enough of it

I know :/.Then again, that purely due to not going to this restaurant I was invited to

I guess you make a point there.

Though it's not like you'll be eating like this everyday, so I guess it's not that much to worry over..I hope.

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Something told me Glace would like Crest of Thirst out of those three

I'm more of a Chaotic Field guy myself, and I do like chaos(battlefield wise), so yeah...

That actually was my least favorite of the three.
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(it is the best idea)

indeed it is. what's your favorite animal freohr? o:

@Kitty: That is a wonderful idea and you should totally do that! What animal were you planning to draw me as?

idk which is why I am asking you right now. what's your favorite animal?

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mei pls omggghhh {{|└(>o< )┘|}}

well.......i kinda like one direction anyway so :'D

*hopes you heard that and come running back :c*

have to consciously avoid this .w. i can eat like a handful of snacks and not get hungry anymore all day

this is such a glac thing to say.

I'm back :>

Bubblegum boybands wouldn't be very popular on a forum like this.

I'm fine with that!

I'm doing okay, a little hungry though

Long black hair, and slight dark tone, I'll leave my clothing colors up to you.

*makes you a sandwich*

Got it.

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you're an artist whaaa

Artist is a strong word. :P

I'd say I'm more of practised sketcher

Do you want to be in it too? If so what do you want to look like?

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I had the best idea though ;n;

draw the hhh thread as animals WITH MUSTACHES

I guess you make a point there.

Though it's not like you'll be eating like this everyday, so I guess it's not that much to worry over..I hope.

If this is a thing, make me a dragon

Truth. I don't normally binge snacks. I aint got no worries [:

it's very possible



Get your Xylophone bodied self into that kitchen and EAT SOMETHING

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