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I was able to clear all the enemies except the 2 rod users and the paladins, but the 4 paired up paladin, paired with missing a silence on the hexing rod meant Felicia, Elise and Xander all died in one turn. Endgame isn't fun. Mainly because of the no-saving nonsense.

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"shit's easy"


it gets a little less easy in the lategame. That said, Birthright's way of trying to make things harder is by throwing 3457893475893475934875983247593428 billion reinforcements at you, in route chapters.

Weirdly enough, despite having more enemies than in Conquest, my units ended up lower leveled. In Conquest, all my team ended up on level 20/20. On Birthright, only Corrin and Ryoma did, and only by endgame.

I was able to clear all the enemies except the 2 rod users and the paladins, but the 4 paired up paladin, paired with missing a silence on the hexing rod meant Felicia, Elise and Xander all died in one turn. Endgame isn't fun. Mainly because of the no-saving nonsense.

yeah, it's really annoying. Birthright's Endgame is better than Conquest's, since you can just 1 turn it.

Well, you can also 2 turn Conquest's endgame, but you need a lot of stuff for that.

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Honestly when I got to birthright endgame chapters I pretty much said "yeah okay i'm fine" and solo'd most maps with ryoma and corn

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Birthrights endgame for me had

Corrin miss both hits at 77%

especially since the 2nd hit activated dragon fang

then Ryoma, Kaden and Shiro weakened him enough for Takumi to come in and show his dominance over the final boss


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I just Warpskip Shadow Dragon's Endgame without any shame, because I hate endgames in general.

I like it when they make the map just before Endgame hard, but endgame itself easy. I don't really know why, but I have no patience with endgame maps.

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yeah, it's really annoying. Birthright's Endgame is better than Conquest's, since you can just 1 turn it.

Well, you can also 2 turn Conquest's endgame, but you need a lot of stuff for that.

I cleared Birthright's Engame on my first try, with only Ryoma and Corring + pair-up fodders.

I honestly would like the challenge of the map if I didn't have to go through Chapter 27 every single time I fail.

I'm nearly pushed to the point of saying 'Screw it' and grinding everyone to monstrous levels with the DLCs.

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it gets a little less easy in the lategame. That said, Birthright's way of trying to make things harder is by throwing 3457893475893475934875983247593428 billion reinforcements at you, in route chapters.

Weirdly enough, despite having more enemies than in Conquest, my units ended up lower leveled. In Conquest, all my team ended up on level 20/20. On Birthright, only Corrin and Ryoma did, and only by endgame.

The stupid reinforcements do get annoying in Hoshido route. And I was the reverse as you, as I got more units to max levels in Hoshido and I'm worried about Nohr. ;w;
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I cleared Birthright's Engame on my first try, with only Ryoma and Corring + pair-up fodders.

I honestly would like the challenge of the map if I didn't have to go through Chapter 27 every single time I fail.

I'm nearly pushed to the point of saying 'Screw it' and grinding everyone to monstrous levels with the DLCs.

Yeah, I don't know who thought it was a good idea to not put saves between them. After much struggle I managed to beat Endgame on hard without cheesing it, but after seeing that the maids with enfeeble and master ninjas ALL had inevitable end (skill that stacks debuffs. yeah, they can get your stats to 0), I decided to LTC it no matter what needed.

The stupid reinforcements do get annoying in Hoshido route. And I was the reverse as you, as I got more units to max levels in Hoshido and I'm worried about Nohr. ;w;

Yeah, I wish they hadn't decided to throw so many of them at the same time. Conquest manages to be more challenging without doing it.

so nobody just tell me now how to 2 turn conquest's endgame cause i don't want to deal with it when i get there on lunatic

Okay, first and very importantly: Have 3 uses of the rescue staff.

Second: Have a 10 move and a 9 move unit, both with pass. Niles and Shura (reclassed to bow knight), one of them with a boots, would do.

I reclassed my MU to a class that gave +MOVE (The units with pass actually need 10 and 11 move, with the pair up bonuses) and made sure her STR was really high (Great Knight is great for this because it has high str and gives +1 move). Then, I recruited Midori, promoted her to mechanist for the Shuriken weapon EXP, then immediately reclassed her to Merchant and got her to level 20 on her paralogue, so she could get the skill that turns money into damage . Then I reclassed her to master ninja, gave her 2 arms scrolls and she was able to use the brave kunai.

Okay, now to the chapter. I paired Corrin to the 10 move mount and Midori to the 9 move one, deployed 3 staff users, and 2 shelter users (base Silas and Pieri will do) ended the turn with everyone just outside the enemies range (watch out for the freeze staff maid). Then I moved the 11 move mount (with Corrin's pair up) as south as I could, moved a healer to the south, rescued Azura. She danced the 11 move mount. He reached the final boss, shifted to Corrin, who attacked him with the Yato. Then, I rescued the Shelter user, he sheltered Azura, from above her (this is important). Next, I got the 3rd staff user, traded the Rescue staff with one of the other 2 and rescued the filler unit. Then I moved the 10 move mount holding midori to as south as possible (which should be 2 tiles below the shelter user), moved the filler unit to just above the mount holding Midori, transferred azura to him, shifted to her, danced the mount holding midori and finished the boss with Midori using the brave shuriken + the ability that turns money into 10 damage. BTW, Midori HAS to be holding one of those gold bars into her inventory for it to proc.

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it's fine

it's something

i can just see you planning out this being "god i hate endgames so much how can i 2 turn this" lol

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