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Change that to:


>if lose, go to 2, otherwise repeat

2. salty(not really) runback

>go to 1

And you have me.

Edited by Soledai
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Probably that as well, and mine has a picture instead of the black background.

My condolences, was that red eye from the contact yesterday? :(

I'm okay too, I'm considering playing those dag-blasted pokemon mystery games.

oh, well, I dunno, I kept it as natural. I just went basic stuff

nah probably napping too long in the hottest time of the day

hey hey I liked those pokemon mystery games... at least until it hit the 3DS >_>

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I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit:--
Arogogorobraô: Sothou:
Modoriô: Phalarthaô: Döö: Apé, The Bornless One:
Hear Me: etc

Hear me:--
Roubriaô: Mariôdam: Balbnabaoth: Assalonai: Aphniaô: I: Thoteth: Abrasar: Aëöôü: Ischure, Mighty and Bornless One!
Hear me: etc

I invoke thee:--
Ma: Barraiô: Jôêl: Kotha:
Athorêbalô: Abraoth:
Hear Me: etc.

Hear me!
Aôth: Abaôth: Basum: Isak:
Sabaoth: Iao:

This is the Lord of the Gods:
This is the Lord of the Universe:
This is He Whom the Winds fear

p. 7

This is He, Who having made Voice by His Commandment, is Lord of All Things; King, Ruler and Helper.
Hear Me, etc

Hear Me:--
Ieou: Pûr: Iou: Pûr: Iaôt: Iaeô: Ioou: Abrasar: Sabriam: Do: Uu: Adonaie: Ede: Edu: Angelos ton Theon: Aniaia Lai: Gaia: Ape: Diathanna Thorun

I am He! the Bornless Spirit! having sight in the feet: Strong, and the Immortal Fire!
I am He! the Truth!
I am He! Who hate that evil should be wrought in the, World!
I am He, that lighteneth and thundereth.
I am He, from Whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth:
I am He, Whose mouth ever flameth:
I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light:
I am He; the Grace of the World:

"The Heart Girt with a Serpent" is My Name!

Come Thou forth, and follow Me: and make all Spirits subject unto Me so that every Spirit of the Firmament, and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land, or in the Water: of whirling Air or of rushing Fire: and every Spell and Scourge of God, may be obedient unto Me!

Iao: Sabao:

Such are the Words!

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oh, well, I dunno, I kept it as natural. I just went basic stuff

nah probably napping too long in the hottest time of the day

hey hey I liked those pokemon mystery games... at least until it hit the 3DS >_>

It looks nice though, I never actually used it with the default settings. Probably because I started changing stuff as soon as I got it

Oh, in that case, I had that happen to me in my youth one time, it wasn't fun. :(

I played a bit of... one of them on DS but I lost my data, then couldn't be bothered to start it over. All I remember was being a Bulbasaur

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It looks nice though, I never actually used it with the default settings. Probably because I started changing stuff as soon as I got it

Oh, in that case, I had that happen to me in my youth one time, it wasn't fun. :(

I played a bit of... one of them on DS but I lost my data, then couldn't be bothered to start it over. All I remember was being a Bulbasaur

lmao that's okay. I get lazy sometimes and I like black anyway

nope it's not. I had pink eye before. But at least it wasn't anything of concern anyway.

oh I know how that is... in general <_< and what I always made sure I got Eevee lmao.

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Hm, tomorrow shall be interesting. Forecast says a max of 49C, but I would not be surprised if it actually reaches 50C or something...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It had about 2 or 3 humorous moments, but I personally thought it wasn't impressive at all, but hey, you know how it is, different strokes for different folks.

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Didn't get to see Deadpool back in theaters which is unfortunate, but hey, I've finally watched it now and it's good.


deadpool is amazing and funny

Ein and I watched it in the theatre

good thoughts here on the movie

It had about 2 or 3 humorous moments, but I personally thought it wasn't impressive at all, but hey, you know how it is, different strokes for different folks.

True stuff indeed, man
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