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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I got reminded, I have this week to make the petition to just pay 50% since I got an average above 9.5... which could've been the whole 100% had it been the full 10, grr...

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I'm a huge Tales fan, but have never played Destiny or any of the Japan exclusive games.

Missing out on some of the best, in my humble onion

Except Rebirth

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how would you rank them then?

Hummmmmmmm, let's see here:

ToD Remake > Narikiri Dungeon X > ToD 2 > Tales of Twin Brave > Tales of VS > Radiant Mythology 3 > Rebirth

No comment on Innocence. I've played Narikiri Dungeon 3, but that was a thousand years ago, so I don't remember anything.

Edited by Soledai
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professors need to eat too...

Out of curiosity, is your crippling debt more or less than a quarter million dollars? Speaking from experience.

like you

Missing out on some of the best, in my humble onion

Except Rebirth

I would play, but since I play the games just as much for characters and story, if I can't understand what they're saying, I don't find it that enjoyable.

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Ah yes, the one thing that prevent me from fully enjoying playing SRW.

Thankfully I can mitigate that from repeated story guide readings and some wiki search.

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[8:51:39 PM] DavidSW: everyone needs to read this http://imgur.com/gallery/otPCG

I was so hooked, before dying at the end

okay not sick but i've been having incredibly severe cramps the latter part of the day

i'm starting to wonder if i have ovarian issues

Have you had it checked out at all?

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Have you had it checked out at all?

tbh i went to the doctor's a few weeks ago

they said it could be ovarian due to some... gross, private issues going on

i'm hoping thats not it but...

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tbh i went to the doctor's a few weeks ago

they said it could be ovarian due to some... gross, private issues going on

i'm hoping thats not it but...

Oh dear.... I sure hope its not for your sake

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