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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Hello Soledai. I was pretty tense but now I am good!!!!

How about you?

Why so tense? (Didn't read back)

Well, it's been a while, but I'm pretty. damn. good.(mostly riding the tide from yesterday) Also tired.

Edited by Soledai
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@Soledai: There's a lot of pressure on me this year to do well. I just got out of my first class and despite it being introductions I wanted to make sure I didn't miss/misunderstand any of the material.

There's no need to worry as long as I keep up with the readings and homework, but haha I'm Mei so I make everything a big deal.

Niceeee. Hope the feeling lasts as long as it can. Also, same @tired

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@Soledai: There's a lot of pressure on me this year to do well. I just got out of my first class and despite it being introductions I wanted to make sure I didn't miss/misunderstand any of the material.

There's no need to worry as long as I keep up with the readings and homework, but haha I'm Mei so I make everything a big deal.

Niceeee. Hope the feeling lasts as long as it can. Also, same @tired

Lots of pressure this year, huh? Last year of classes or something like that? If so, I would understand.

At the same time, you're you, so I am indeed not worried at all. I know you can do it, you got this far after all.

Thanks, It'll probably take a lot, but I'm not gonna jinx it, you know.

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we're totally twins the best of TWINS!

also that was just a WARM UP for a real fight

it was at an apple farm and there were tons of bugs everywhere

and they even sold honey, i was scared to get the honey since i thought that they woulda stung me

Whoa, this sounds GREAT!

Oh. It. Is. ON!

Did they sell honey straight from the beehive? If they didn't, I don't think you had anything to be afraid of.

Except if there were like, wasps trying to eat the honey.

Wasps are dicks.

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i got my theme ready

i wish i could switch it right now but i must have patience

as long as th-

Or you can be like Shirley by throwing patience to the wind and switch to the new theme now


Aaaaaaah first day of class! I feel like I'm gonna explode from all this anxiety.

/passes a paper bag

it wasnt so bad today was it?


trying to get a certain someones attention?



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