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Well, after putting some Choban Armors on the Venus A, I restarted Stage 24. This had the side-effect of now the enemies gunning for Dancougar, but this time around I made it to Dante to take him down in the last turn.

Dante himself isn't the problem. He only has 15400 HP, and doesn't have high Armor either. The only problems are that he doesn't move, so I have to move towards him. Then, during the Player Phase he Defends against all attack, thus reducing their damage to half. ANd last, Dante has After-Image, so that means a 50% chance of dodging regardless of his Evasion. Well, all in all, this skill point is as good as mine.

A plus on this is that Dante won't run away at low HP. And was able to beat him and rout on the last turn. Hah, got the skill point!

Regardless, Dante will comment his job here is done, now that "he" is coming, and flees. The Argama detects something approaching at high speed.

And it's... oh...

He comes.

It's none other than ZENGAR ZOMBOLT, THE SWORD OF MAGUS! He mentions we're intruding on Magus's turf, and thus, NONE SHALL PASS.

Seems this was Dante's plan all along. He wanted to lure Tetsuya to this area so he would then have to deal with Zengar.

Well... Zengar... this is gonna suck...

So, Zengar's mecha, the Thurdgelmir... this thing is insane. Who knows what's his HP, but it has 290 EN. It comes with the standard HP Regen L and EN Regen L that pretty much any end-tier boss enemy has. It can deflect physical attacks, and Zengar has the Sword-Cut Skill to use it. It only has two weapons, but they're dangerous. Drill Boost Knuckle, which has infinite uses, and 1-9 range. Then, the dangerous Zankantou sword. Don't be fooled, despite being a sword, it has 1-5 range. It has a 60 EN cost, but it can't be used until Zengar has 120 Will. Speaking of, Zengar gain 2 Will when hit (if I'm not mistaken), so that shortens the time needed for him to use the Zankantou.

Zengar himself is no slouch. In addition to Sword-Cut, he has Support, Leadership, and... Guts. ZENGAR HAS FREAKING GUTS.


That's it. Enough. I'll continue... whenever! But not today...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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And I say rest in piece any threads not focused on Pokemon

As most people are gonna have their attention elsewhere for the next few weeks

I'm probably going to go get Moon today, but I won't be playing it much. Got loads of school work to do for next week.

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A random update on David's Slow Anime Quest:

So last time I said that the next series I watch would be Attack on Titan, back in August. That didn't last long. A few episodes in and I just wasn't invested at all. What started as a hiatus from AoT turned into re-watching all of Last Airbender and then watching all of LoK. So yeah AoT didn't do much for me.

I have, however, been watching Spice and Wolf recently, which I've been enjoying. This show mostly deals with business, economics, and finance, yet has held my investment for far longer than the show about fighting giant titans ever did. I'm a couple episodes into season 2 at the moment.

Additionally, the upcoming Ghost in the Shell movie in 2017 has gotten me to start looking into that franchise. I've just finished 1995 film as I write this. This is the first anime I've watched where I willingly chose subs, I tried watching the dub at first and before the opening scene was over I knew it was bad. Anyway, what really impressed me throughout the movie was the atmosphere and the quality of the animation. GitS is an easy recommendation to those who simply appreciate animation. Overall it's not the easiest movie for everyone to get into, it's a rather slow-paced and introspective film, which I wasn't expecting, with heavy focus on the philosophy and themes that are explored. Now I've seen other stories with heavy talk about philosophy and such, and often it can come off as pretentious and trying to add more depth than there actually is, *side-glances at The Matrix*. GitS gets it right though, I'd say. I'll be sticking with the Matrix comparison for this. The Matrix discusses interesting topics and ideas for sure, but it seems to get lost in doing that and forgets to explore and develop the characters. As a whole while there are interesting ideas, I find the story mediocre overall. I think what GitS does right, is that all the philosophy and themes of the movie are tied directly to the characters themselves, and help to actually tell the story. People don't just talk about deep subject matter between flashy action scenes, the things they talk about not only serve as things to really think about, but develop and explore the main character at the same time. When thinking about everything the film talks about, not only do I know themes of the movie, but the motivations, internal struggle, and arc of the Major, as well as the differences between her and Batou(which is purely shown and not just explained to the audience btw) which also serves to give characterization and reinforce that philosophy. When thinking about The Matrix, I only barely know the main character, let alone anyone else. The Major gets more development in this one movie than Neo does in three.

So yeah, I think Ghost in the Shell is pretty good, just not the best recommendation to a more casual movie-going audience, which happens to be everyone I know irl.

Edited by SecondWorld
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did you lose your nerves in your hands so now you can't even use them?

then go to katmandu and become a monk, learning magics to make them recover instantly!


What is occultict nine and why does one girl have giant breasts
It's unnatural


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Does the villain eat raviolis out of a shirt pocket?

well they were referring to Guzma so no

but idk the second villain might


But they made contact with the demons of selzar to get a tv remote that was too far away

i would believe this if it was the second villain

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listen the second villain is Cyrus crazy, not FF crazy


okay correction, since Cyrus isn't insane, in a way

the second villain is closer to Ghetsis and Lysandre crazy iirc

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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Haven't gotten Sun yet, but Cyrus is just the most jrpg villain in the series

Lysandre is a close second

Ghetsis is the third if we're going by that definition

The past three gens have villains that are crazy, stone cold stoics and are psychopaths with Kubrick stares

Cyrus isn't insane by definition, but he does have the complex of killing everything and recreating it in his own vision, which makes him a Neutral Evil force

Ghetsis is Chaotic Evil from the getgo, and unlike Cyrus, his mental and emotional states break down, and if you take the implications, his body is breaking down too. Dudes a mess

Lysandre is the worst of the three because if you read his dialogue he is genuinely insane. He truly believes what he does is for the good for the world and himself. You can see it in that one cutscene where he sheds a tear.

Guzma himself is the mostly Chaotic Neutral Villain in the series yet(because Maxie and Archie are Lawful Neutral) and does them generic villain stuffs. The second villain is borderline Chaotic Evil and is by general population, a crazy son of a bitch.

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