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best kill in the game tbh

it really is

"Hi i'm new here and i really like Awakening"

"You like Awakening? Literally kill yourself"

sometimes theres bad first impressions

and then theres..


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not only is cindys quests him more oogling about how great she is but then after the whole Aranea thing happened he keeps asking questions about her

Prompto: "is she single?"

Noctis: "so who's it gonna be? Cindy or Aranea?"
Prompto: "Wow. um, gimme some time on that"

the writing in this game is great, i love it

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someone in a chat i'm in was talking shit about kotomine kirei so i put the game controller down in ffxv

i thought when you make a turn in game it'd just auto go for you, but halfway through the turn noctis just crashed

now my car is messed up

dame it

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