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There's yet another Government on sale at the Bazaar. I buy it, so there's a Government for each of Tron, Birin, and Maria. And I sell the Dagger and Caprico they came with. And now, time for Stage 29, the last of the difficulty route split.

In Jop Point, Elche has apparently now joined the Innocent. Heh, the narrative isn't even hiding the fact she's been brainwashed in her sleep, a process overseen by Dr. Mane (previously seen in Zonder Epta, btw). The Dr., however, reports to Commander Bilam (who was also at Zonder Epta) it had been a difficult process. A result of the Civilian eugenics project, apparently. In any case, Elche has not been the only one to undergo the brainwashing. They recently received some Newtypes to experiment on. And they are none other than Rosamia and... Puru Two!? Hmm, interesting. Anyway, they plan to put Elche's brainwashing to the test, and knowing the heroes are coming this way, they plan to send her to meet them. A psychological discouragement, pretty much.

Elsewhere, Kashim is talking with Arthur. As expected, Kashim is detaining Arthur in Jop Point, under the excuse it's for his protection from the Moon Race and Civilians. Arthur isn't fooled, though. Biel had managed to inform him of Jiron and the Irregulars, and also wants to meet up with Queen Diana. Still, Kashim won't budge...

Back with the heroes, the journey to Jop Point goes without hitch... until the Iron Gear starts acting up again. But this time it's no enemy attack or something, it's Cotset going crazy. They manage to knock him out cold, and the Medic explains Cotset caught Third-Stage Rat Fever. It's a dangerous sickness that first gives you a fever, slowly makes you go insane, then the body swells and ends in death. He says they must aquire a vaccine from a Bazaar quickly, but then news come in there's an epidemic in all three ships!

Well, nice way to start Stage 29, huh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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There's yet another Government on sale at the Bazaar.

at first i forgot you were playing srw so i thought that was like happening irl

i was about ready to question what the hell is with where you live

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No, Mexico.

oh i should have guessed from the flag in your sig now i feel sorry

sorry my dude when i hear people talking about how bad their government is its usually

1) america

2) brazil

3) mexico

so i usually have to make a gamble

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Eh, it's okay.

So, the map begins with just Isamu, Guld, and Millia, coming back already with the vaccine. Miria was immune to Rat Fever, due to being a Meltraedi. Isamu thinks he and Guld lucked out due to their constitution, but Guld objects, finally revealing about him being half-Zentraedi.

And now comes what is basically a retcon for the sake of continuity. Isamu and Guld are characters from Macross Plus, which takes place decades after the original Macross. By that point, there has been enough Zentraedi/Meltraedi and Human hybrids for Guld to simply be one among the crowd. However, since the Alpha games put Macross Plus happening alonside the original Macross, they have to change Guld's father's backstory. In here, he was now a Zentraedi scout who arrived on Earth even long before the Balmar War began.

Because of this, Guld now has the honor of being the first Zentraed/Meltraedi and Human hybrid, at least just in the Alphaverse. Heh, and in return means Max and Millia are no longer the first Zentraedi/Meltraedi and Human couple. And neither their first-born daughter the first hybrid. Well, it happens, when you go timey wimey on this kind of stuff.

Anyway, a bunch of Brans show up to intercept the Valkyries. So just three starting units against the horde. The objective is to get any of the Valkyries to the opposite corner of the map from where they start. It's actually specific. There's a river crossing through the map. The only tiles that count are the map edge on the other side of the river.

Still, this should be easy...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Edited by - luna -
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As it so happens, just after one turn passes luck turns for the worse to Isamu, since it looks like he did catch the Rat Fever as well.

This carries a gameplay penalty, as he looses 20 Will. The upside is that his scripted erratic movement actually moved him two tiles closer to the objective zone. This is good, because to get the skill point, a unit has to reach the objective area within four turns. This won't get me the skill point yet, it's just the first step. Because of course this stage will have a second part...

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