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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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The map is cleverly designed. Isamu's YF-19 has 9 base Move in Fighter mode, the highest of the three currently on the map. Adding the two-tile movement from the scripted event, this means he actually reaches the objective area exactly on turn 4 as long he moves without obstacles.

Well, even with the lowered Will, the Brans are so weak he can still two-shot them with the upgrades I've give him Valkyrie.

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occasionally jisoo is so beautiful im not even at the swoon stage or "fuckin fight me" stage any more im just at the "god what the fuck why cant I look like that" stage

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Okay, I have to stop playing for now. My mom wants to watch the news, considering how the situation has gotten over here.

Hey Acacia, I'm just curious because it flittered into my little ol' mind

Have you played the Kessen games?

No, I haven't.

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my favourite joshua speaking clip is the one that includes where he was fakeapologizing @ that mwave meet n greet but i cant listen to it more than twice in a row without dying because what the fuck

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