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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Sounds like a respectable level

also i'd recommend upgrading stuff from cid now

upgrading? I can do that now? most of my time in game is literally doing either sidequests or hunts, which is why I'm going through the story rather slowly.

But upgrading what tho?

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upgrading? I can do that now? most of my time in game is literally doing either sidequests or hunts, which is why I'm going through the story rather slowly.

But upgrading what tho?

mostly because last i checked around the net the new update bugged the game so cid after chapter 2 or 3 doesn't offer upgrading quests

i think

Well first off that Engine Blade to Ultima Blade

but then i think you can give more than one stuff for cid

theres guides around saying were to find the stuff needed

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the exo blogs chanyeol tag is 18k pages

...and I want to go through them all

I'm not even done with any else's tag yet (I keep switching so I don't get bored), but only for chanyeol I'd do this many pages

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[1/5/17, 12:06:08 AM] PKLucas531: wow this group has donkey kong in it

[1/5/17, 12:06:10 AM] egg tart: lmao

[1/5/17, 12:06:11 AM] egg tart: hes

[1/5/17, 12:06:13 AM] egg tart: reindeer boy [from boom boom's santa practice]

[1/5/17, 12:06:21 AM] PKLucas531: wow what a talented ape

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The 2017 in south korean music says pledis girlz will debut on march 2017

I have my doubts but they were right abt seventeen's come back so

oh holy shit that's sooner than i thought

i hope it's true, im really looking forward to seungyeon

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oh holy shit that's sooner than i thought

i hope it's true, im really looking forward to seungyeon

YEAH since i thought the reality show or smth would last longer but idk

Crossing fingers it happens


Seungkwan slay

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